(1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

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Water Pokémon Master said:
Get off your high horse. Absolute standards like that do not translate into the real world. Plenty of reliable news sources have posted things they didn't know to be 100% true, which is why they are often labeled, as in this case, "unconfirmed" or "rumor."

Didn't mean to poke your buttons, WPM, because you've misunderstood what I've said.

I said do not post things that you don't know as true...AS TRUE.

Yes, speculation and rumors are great, but if they're not confirmed then he should definitely not say they're confirmed.

Which is called lying. IIRC, that's bad.
Martijngamer said:
First of, Mucrush, I need to say, kuddo's to your work.

I completely understand the feelings of dissappointment and maybe anger you have, and be as angry as you want, as long as my protect still works :p

I must say thank you for to WPM and the others who 'recognize' the work I've done before. I'm not new to breaking world exclusive news and it would be completely crazy if I would risk my reputation with purposely pulling something like this.

Coming from running a large game community (1.5 million visitors a day) myself, I knew how detailed information such as this would be much more appreciated in a game community, which is why I decided to contact Pokebeach. While I simply have not got the time anymore to run a community myself, contributing like this is something I still very much enjoy, which is also why I've worked with fan-site nightsintodreams.com, three years ago, on the new NiGHTS-game for the Wii.

In the more then 5 years I've work as a video game specialist now, this is the first time I have been involved in a slip-up like this; in that regards I am just as shocked as you are, maybe even more.

Zelda screenshot hoax
I knew it was going to come up, so it's only fair to comment on this. The situation with the Zelda community at that point was completely different from what's happened here. You are all still very excited, and there's tons of news coming in every week or so. Back then, it had been months since there had been any news on the game, and the general concensus was literally that all interest had been lost in the game. That is why we created one single screenshot -no news or anything with it- and created a lot of mystery around it, just to spark that fire in the fans again.

And it was super effective! (sorry, couldn't resist); after the 'angry mob'-feelings had subsided, their passion for Zelda had returned.

The differences with this situation are massive. First of, I'm not part of the Pokémon community, so there'd be no reason for me to suddenly get involved with something like this. Second, you are all very much looking forward to the game, and very passionate about it. And third, there is no 'drought' on community news or activity going on, so there would be no need for a repeat.

So... what's up with this news then?
Well, obviously the Zelda screenshot was a fake then. I am trying to figure out what is up with all this then, because this has come to just as big a shock to you as to me. I know this source, and he has been true on former ocassions, so I do not expect bad-willing intent.

Next, and probably most important question is then, what is true of the news? I will have to do some calling around to get the picture right, but I know from Nintendo themselves (not 'a source', but the actual company) that there will be "new battle mechanics", and that "the theme of black and white is more than just color-related".

I will get back about my findings as soon as I know more.

I do not expect you to believe me, or even like me (just please don't wish me dead), I am just opening up about the situation and will do what I can to make up for this, and get things cleared up.

Honestly I believe you. These things happen and I appreciate you trying to give us some info. I do hope these are really though as this would make the game amazing. Once again thanks for sharing.
Redneck said:
Didn't mean to poke your buttons, WPM, because you've misunderstood what I've said.

I said do not post things that you don't know as true...AS TRUE.

Yes, speculation and rumors are great, but if they're not confirmed then he should definitely not say they're confirmed.

Which is called lying. IIRC, that's bad.

No one stated them as true as it was posted as rumors.
Venator said:
Wow, people are really gullible here. Venator from Bulbapedia and Mackinz from dA here. His source was proven wrong when he used PD's Fakemon as the artwork of his news. If it were legit, why would they use fan-art? Not saying that PD isn't an awesome artist but his style isn't exactly Sugimori-ish.
If you read this thread, you would see that he was trying to post the art as an example of what the Pokemon would look like.

The Pain said:
I believe a real deal sealer for this being fake is the fact that this is the only site to be given this information (GameFAQ have cover but there referencing here)
I have never heard GameFAQs once having any exclusive piece of Pokemon info. Early information always leaks on the major Pokemon fansites, not on a general gaming website like that. So your point is moot.

Weyard said:
Serebii is talking to him too. Its not just this site...
Yeah, he originally sent an e-mail to me and Serebii. I talked to him first, then he talked to Serebii later. Serebii also said he was pretty convinced.
yeah. if it turns out fake everyone will be mad, then get over it. Same thing happened on IGN a few months ago. Puffteam, a "renowned" user from Smashboards and IGN's Super Smash Bros board leaked information about Downloadable content which was going to be made available for Brawl. It went through about 3 full topics of discussion until he finally admitted that it was fake. Got my hopes up for nothing. Im not likely to trust people like that again, but he seems to have a sense of humor, something that someone pretending to be legit wouldnt have.
Yes, WPM did.

Martijn, however, did not.

WPM has nothing to do with it XD

Edit: why didnt my quote work =/
Water Pokémon Master said:
If you read this thread, you would see that he was trying to post the art as an example of what the Pokemon would look like.

What I saw was that he said it was a beta art of it...
from what i saw he never even responded in regard to it at all. he just mixed it in with his excuse and elaboration about the fake zelda stuff. Did he even say whether he was just doing it for the lulz, or his informant played a prank on him, or his informant was wrong, or if it was only meant to LOOK like that one? No, i dont believe he did....
Wow, this guy has caused quite a stir within the community, hasn't he? Well, in my opinion I still feel that there is a chance that there is some truth to all of this. I mean, he's still holding on to what he's said. Most people would have given in by now. Plus from what I know so far, I don't think he would just randomly pop up in the Pokemon community to stir trouble.
Martijngamer said:
Anyways, here is Minotauross!
Remember, this is a work in progress, so while it's quite certain it is the final design, there can always be small changes made during the rest of the development.


THIS was what he said... for me, it sounds like he was showing us the beta artwork...
well mucrush, stop pretending your not a beta artwork designer lol we all know what going on now *sarcasm*
Yes, but afterwards--too lazy to find the post--he said it was his informant that gave him the image, thinking Martijn just needed to give us an /idea/ of the design. Not the official art.
Shiny Hunter Haku said:
Yes, but afterwards--too lazy to find the post--he said it was his informant that gave him the image, thinking Martijn just needed to give us an /idea/ of the design. Not the official art.

Yeah, but why tell us, at first, that it was a beta artwork if it wasn't at all? I mean... thats just wrong of him.. its like lying in my ears...
Shiny Hunter Haku said:
Yes, but afterwards--too lazy to find the post--he said it was his informant that gave him the image, thinking Martijn just needed to give us an /idea/ of the design. Not the official art.

Exactly. Afterwards.

If no one had revealed it was Mucrush's, I wonder if he'd had still gone on with it.
Shiny Hunter Haku said:
Yes, but afterwards--too lazy to find the post--he said it was his informant that gave him the image, thinking Martijn just needed to give us an /idea/ of the design. Not the official art.

hmm I guess he could have been mistaken from his source..
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