(1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

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Im calling BS on this dudes info. green would not make sense for the 3rd pokemon. black,white,green....yep does not flow well at all. and while im at it any one else thing platinum should of came after gold and silver and crystal come after diamond and pearl? that would of made much more sense.
Metalizard said:
@FireGrey - I don't give a **** about you, I just don't want 157 new Pokémon if they all suck like these new 7 ones...

I think a lot of these new Pokemon have the personality that many older generations of players have been craving since the first generation. I don't understand all the hatred. Even if you don't like the design of Hihidaruma, just look at it! It's full of personality.
No, I am not certain how many (pre-)evolutions of previous Pokémon will be introduced. Anything I'd say about that at his point would just be a guess.

I don't know about the Pokémon-show. Looking back at how previous Pokémon were shown on game events, there is a good chance that we will see some new Pokémon, but it could also be that the magazine pictures are of the new Pokémon that will be shown at E3. This has happened with the Zelda-series a number of times, that just before an event, footage of what would be seen at that event was revealed in the media.
Also, if Munma is the pokemon that the girl from the first Gen mentioned then It could've easily been part of the first gen so people talking about the new pokemon saying that it sucks are just cry babies. you're going to get used to it. Deal with it.

Oh ok thanks. I'm guessing we'll see some second stages evo of starters. That would be really nice.
Yea, Metalizard...you haven't even seen the other 100s of pokemon, and you already hate their guts, man.

BTW: Pokemon Sunday should be over now...anyone know what happened on it?
Metalizard said:
@FireGrey - I don't give a **** about you, I just don't want 157 new Pokémon if they all suck like these new 7 ones...

How could anyone not like Chiramii? :p
So what do you think Pokemon Sunday will show? some of the Pokemon corocoro showed and explain their ability's/moves or show the isshu region?
Another thing guys while I am taking this info as fake right now, another reason Martijn could be right is because of E3. I mean yeah nothing could been shown or they could reveal something new that we haven't even seen in Japan yet. I mean stuff at E3 is usually things that haven't been shown yet. Even in Japan. Once again I'm still counting them as fake but not a complete loss just yet.
I'm watching pokemon sunday still got 25 minutes left. and the game arena part is like the last 15 minutes or so. the robert trio (the guys in the silver suits) are chasing after zoroark.... the costume for zoroark is amazing..
blasphemy1 said:
I think a lot of these new Pokemon have the personality that many older generations of players have been craving since the first generation. I don't understand all the hatred. Even if you don't like the design of Hihidaruma, just look at it! It's full of personality.

Well, I'm actually an older generation player and I don't like these designs at all... I prefer the gen 4's more complex designs...

One of the things I don't like in these new pokémon are the eyes... look at hihidaruma, mamepato and shimama's eyes... it's just so ugly... shimama should have Ponyta-like eyes IMO...
Water Pokémon Master said:
The reason for that was to liven up the Zelda community apparently, as it was in a slump. The Pokemon community has news all the time, so we wouldn't need something like that, ever. Plus he's STILL telling me over IM the news is real, so I'm sure he would have come out now if this was just all an elaborate prank. He also said he'll address our posts later in the day.

It's still ムンナ not ムンマ though. :p
Krow said:
How could anyone not like Chiramii? :p

I know... ^_^

And Ponyta's eyes are essentially coal. I'm not sure why Shimama should have those, I think his current one's give him more personality as an electric-type.
hiall im new but i go to bulbagarden!! i love goinda can it become like him very
it from http://shadixart.deviantart.com/art/Goinda-Legendary-Nr-148-126812555
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