(1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

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Showoff said:
You've made the most sense in this thread and i've been lurking the whole time.

Why, thank you. I hope that it got across to everyone else as well. :)

Now, just to get things straight: Martijn, you are claiming that there will be a demo at E3, correct? I don't want to hold you for anything that you didn't say.

And also, I agree that we should hold off the questions. We are all mature enough to wait 2 days for E3, right?
More question with answers ONLY Martijn, Game Freak and people like who Marty claims to be will know.

1. If Taurus DOES evolve into Minotaurus, does Miltank evolve into a Cow-like being based on a myth? like the Skull Cow it LKS

2. If you know about the Cobra thing, what's its name?
Fire_Master said:
Now, just to get things straight: Martijn, you are claiming that there will be a demo at E3, correct?

I don't know the details of the demo (how long, of what etc.) but they will be showcasing the game.
squrtle said:
More question with answers ONLY Martijn, Game Freak and people like who Marty claims to be will know.

1. If Taurus DOES evolve into Minotaurus, does Miltank evolve into a Cow-like being based on a myth? like the Skull Cow it LKS

2. If you know about the Cobra thing, what's its name?

martijn said:
I don't know the details of the demo (how long, of what etc.) but they will be showcasing the game.
You're Online, answer me please
I already said that about Miltank. It's a legendairy!
Also I told you guys to leave Martin alone. Garsh, the guy is both frustrated with your questions and unreliable, as we already know from Minotauros. Doctor, doctor, what happened to the labyrinth?!
Assuming everything he said is released tomorrow (man that's hard to spell), how are we going to apologize for our doubt?
yeah, he should atleast have a nickname that they referred to it as. im sure they didnt just say call it a cobra...

Rockoto said:
Assuming everything he said is released tomorrow (man that's hard to spell), how are we going to apologize for our doubt?

this is the internet, no apologies required. xD
Ok. That is something I most certainly can believe in. Thank you, Martijn, and please know that a lot of people here just get on-edge when new info is revealed. It's like a shark to blood -- we get one wiff of new stuff, and we'd go to any lengths to get more, even if it means shooting blows at you, of whom to me still seems perfectly credible.
I think there's some truth in everything he's saying, but getting us hyped up with extreme versions of the truth.
Fire_Master said:
Why, thank you. I hope that it got across to everyone else as well. :)

Now, just to get things straight: Martijn, you are claiming that there will be a demo at E3, correct? I don't want to hold you for anything that you didn't say.

And also, I agree that we should hold off the questions. We are all mature enough to wait 2 days for E3, right?

im not mature enough to wait that long
Aside from your hostile way of wording, I have already said I am not commenting on the Pokémon specifically anymore.

Rockoto said:
Assuming everything he said is released tomorrow (man that's hard to spell), how are we going to apologize for our doubt?

As I've stated in the beginning, I do not know what they will reveal at E3. It would make sense some of it will become clearer at E3, but worst case scenario I'll be the 'crazy troll' until september.
@JJ151730: Well at least you admitted to it. I remember when I first saw Zekrom and Reshiram, I nearly fell off my chair. A few minutes later, I realized what I was doing and had a little moment of shame for my childishness. XD
Weyard said:
this is the internet, no apologies required. xD

Ok, that REALLY bothers me.
We denied everything this man said, and you're just gonna go on without any "sorry for the trouble."
Cuz that's what's hip.
Do any of you remember the term "Grain of salt"? Don't hope too much for his semi-accuracy. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. The final evidence will be at E3. Until then, we have to wait.
I dont know what to believe anymore ...

its typical that we will get the rest of the info from coro coro on tuesday morning around the time that i am in the middle of my regents
@Martijn Hostile? mate, do you blame me? If you don't prove anything I'll define hostile better than the Internet ever could
Actually, theres not a whole lot to apologize for. He should expect people not to believe him. Theres not all that much to believe in the first place. Since the Mintauros and Cobra legendary werent real in the first place apparently, and he wont discuss them any more. The only real information he did leak was the few things he told first before making an account on here, and the fact that the amusement park is based on the pokepark. Thats all. E3 will probably tell more than he even knows.
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