(1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

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No, i love speculation. Theres a difference between speculation and facts. I only said it was unconfirmed since that person said it as fact. Then, since you or someone said it was electric, so it had to be his lair, to try and prove that it was, i wrote out the list of each legendary and their lair to prove that it wasnt possible before, and that it isnt possible now. If you knew about a place called Mt. Silver, and that Lugia was on the game called Silver, and that he is grey/silver colored, and nothing else, would you assume that he lives there? What if they showed a picture of an island with whirlpools around it. Would you assume that he lives there?
I dont mind the speculation, it just goes to far when they spout it as fact.
Jigglychu said:
I'm too hyped up, aggravated, curious, and sore from pressing F5 over and over to feel the harmony harmony oh love.
Epic, screenshot get, you are my hero.

But really, why can't we just wait!
22:52 left.
@Martijn ty for the answer

@everyone else

wow you guys talk a lot, lol i just got caught up from where I left off last night. Demo or video doesn't matter what matters is if it wll be 5 minutes of crap we already know, or will it include new info, new mons and will it corroborate any of the rumors we have built up so far? We don't know till Tuesday.

And asking left field questions to try to "catch" a troll is borderline trolling yourselves, grow up a little and chill.

Patience Children! Patience!
WHOA 0.o
I just realized it was Sunday not Monday.
My computer has been wrong since February
Any-who...here, its not related but it should distract y'all
oiracul said:
I hate serebii in that way because they don't post rumers or anything
Nah, that's a good thing, PokeBeach for rumours and Serebii for the real stuff unless the rumours seem concrete enough.
Seriously. You would have never been able to guess their location like that previously, what makes you think you can now?

[In Bold] You kinda destroyed your whole point

what? my whole arguement is that you cant go by their type and a picture to guess it. If you had been shown a wooden tower, could you have guessed that it was Ho-ohs "lair"? What if they had shown sprout tower instead? Seriously...
Yeah, and yet you said the electric cave will probably be Zekrom's lair....

Jigglychu said:
I'm too hyped up, aggravated, curious, and sore from pressing F5 over and over to feel the harmony harmony oh love.
Rockoto said:
Epic, screenshot get, you are my hero.

But really, why can't we just wait!
22:52 left.
I feel PROPER reassured now that I know I'm not the only one F5'ing XD
and yeah that's getting sigg'ed XD
Now see, i have NO IDEA what you are talking about. I never said, EVEN ONCE that it is probably his lair. Re-read my posts. I did not say that. I said "you would have never been able to previous games, why should you now?" as in you couldnt guess them correctly before, why on earth should you be able to guess them correctly now? Do you not understand that question? I am saying, with the same information, you would not have been able to guess it. So you most likely cant guess it right now. What did you misunderstand about that?
swimfastray said:
If you are indeed Mr. Martijn Müller, I appreciate you for participating in the discussions about Pokemon Black and White. I am very excited about the information you have leaked. However, I sincerely hope you are not giving us faithful gamers false information. It would be outrageously cruel for anyone to raise the hopes of hundreds of young people only to see them get crushed later on. I trust that you will take the yang path and tell the whole truth to everyone.

Oh and everyone should just stop asking this guy questions for the time being because he obviously only wants your attention like a sick little dog!

If Martijn Müller claims to be Nintendo-related or whatever, he would not reply with that kind of crud to other users.

Even if it was irony, it is just lame.[/color]
o_O...lol...'sup Raymond

do you think this looks legit?
cause he only wants to stay online stuck at "48 posts" and read what we are all writing so he can laugh at us
Rockoto said:
WHOA 0.o
I just realized it was Sunday not Monday.
My computer has been wrong since February
Any-who...here, its not related but it should distract y'all
Umm... Thank you, I guess xD

Two minutes less until E3, wohoo!
actually he was offline a few minutes ago, i checked. although he hasnt posted in like 10 pages so it would be very time consuming to go back and find a time that he posted to click his name >.>
AkaiMidoriAoi said:
Umm... Thank you, I guess xD

Two minutes less until E3, wohoo!
You have your own welcome as well as mine.
Woo, sentence seizure? Not even gonna fix it.

EDIT: Martijn not online.
Weyard said:
actually he was offline a few minutes ago, i checked. although he hasnt posted in like 10 pages so it would be very time consuming to go back and find a time that he posted to click his name >.>

your right he's off now

so people what are the bets that he will never be back:D
Rockoto said:
You have your own welcome as well as mine.
Woo, sentence seizure? Not even gonna fix it.

EDIT: Martijn not online.
lol let's just like, not post until he posts again XD
rvrstar12 said:
short trip....

ya... the encourage ability now sounds totally epic!
lol yeah, I now hope that ability doesn't go to a Psychic type. Skill Swap + Encourage? guaranteed Jirachi, Bliss destroyer and possible Uber (LOL IMAGINE IF IT COULD GO TO ABRA XD UBER ABRA!!!!)

Zoroark for Uber? actually wait, does Zoroark gain the attacks of the opponent? in that case, Zoroark wouldn't have a moveset like Ditto and Smeargle.... is it just me or is Illusion totally useless?
squrtle said:
lol yeah, I now hope that ability doesn't go to a Psychic type. Skill Swap + Encourage? guaranteed Jirachi, Bliss destroyer and possible Uber (LOL IMAGINE IF IT COULD GO TO ABRA XD UBER ABRA!!!!)

Zoroark for Uber? actually wait, does Zoroark gain the attacks of the opponent? in that case, Zoroark wouldn't have a moveset like Ditto and Smeargle.... is it just me or is Illusion totally useless?

well the fire dude monkey/baboon/pot thing gets it... which is gonna be intense since most fire attacks have the chance to burn...plus if he gets the elemental punches... or stone edge/rock slide....

and illusion is going to be interesting to see how it turns out

This page pretty much confirms there's not only a Pokémon following feature, but it's optional too
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