(1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

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Where are your salt=shakers people? I thought we agreed to wait for more proof before we actually started believing him. What, do you want to be set up for disappointment?
i am really voting for a sableye evo, his typing is awesome, then throw that in with some higher stats and a good move set he could easily be in OU or Uber.
Bagel said:
i am really voting for a sableye evo, his typing is awesome, then throw that in with some higher stats and a good move set he could easily be in OU or Uber.

^^^^^^^ THIS
Bye guys, going to Washington D. C. then hike the Appalachian Mountains, the whole Blue Ridge Parkway. Be back Friday, don't flame Martijn too much, OK?
when does martijn log on again its actually a little boring without him here i want him back soon i really hope hes not a faker because i believed him 100% so he would be such a minotauros if he is a fake
yeah go out and live your life loser. Us gamers will still be here when you get back >.>

xD jk
Weyard said:
yeah, even more so when he hasnt even shown his face in 10 pages...

On these bords (or at least this topic) it looks like ten pages amounts to about 2-3 hours...he probably went out for lunch or a movie...

He's not part of the interwebs, you know.
if he's really in japan, by now there is arround 7-8 am. that's maybe why we haven't seen any post of him
martijn, you have ruined my dreams with your false pokemon

sniff,sniff, come baaaaaaaaaaack!
Guys, people do have lives outside of the web, you know. Thankfully a few of you have said to just be patient, but many of you just keep spamming the thread with "Come back, Martijin!" messages.

Past this point, I'm going to start warning people for posts that relate to Martijin being offline / online, "Martijin, come back online!", or "can't wait until he's back online" in any way. (I'll count it as spam.)

Just try and keep this thread a little less spammy and focus more on discussing the details of the news story. Thanks.
:-/ I Don't Know If Any One Figured This Out, Put I Do Believe There IS Going To Be A Demo
Click On Nintendo, PokeBlack Should Be There
Weyard said:
not confirmed. stop spouting speculation like fact. that was from an unconfirmed rumor completely separate from Martijn.

:(Ya, sorry. I just wanted more info on that rumor (as this forum talks abouts spoilers and rumors but by Martijn).
let's hope E3 gives us some new footage...

Sideswipe: thats the reason why we were talking about info for E3..cause theres gonna be a booth or whatever for Black

Mackinz on dA here!

You haven't replied to my comment, Ken!

Stay on-topic. This thread is for discussing the details in the news story. If you want to discuss something else with me, just send me a PM. Thanks. ~Xous
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