(1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

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It would be nice to see some new type combos. Now I'm betting for the Grass/Metal robotree, the Fire/Water flamingo thing, and the Ice/Poison weird thing. Bipedial is the flamingo, the ice/poison could be some bloodhound of evil cold stuff or whatever, and the cotton could be synthetic/natural steel wool. XD

What would they have to do with each other? Maybe how yin/yang is in constant balance through constant and equal war, maybe these three are like the fire triangle, where if one is gone, the other two die.

That would then have an Electric or Fire type spark, a Grass or Ground type fuel, and a Flying type for oxygen. The spark is the dog, the fuel the cotton, and the oxygen the bipedal weird thing, possibly with a body made of air. I just creeped myself out.
PS "creeped" isn't in the dictionary here. Creepy.
The fairy trio and the dragon trio's master was Arceus (He created all 6 of them :p)
So what? Arceus created guardians for all the other trios. He probably made one for these too. Either way, I hope it is a fire triangle! :O

Wow, no posts for 4 minutes! That's a first, excluding midnight.

I just realized that Celebi is like a mini time travel Dialga and Jirachi (who granted wishes with Teleport) is like a mini teleporting Palkia! Then I guess maybe Deoxys or Mew or Mewtwo or Missingo would work for Giratina. Freaky. Maybe the game will have evolutions or Pokemon related to the unreferenced legendarys. Crossing my fingers (Again).
I decided I should finally become a member here after always coming here for news and such, so why not now amongst all the rumors? I think he is still telling the truth, but I'd rather not start too much of an argument, as until there is any evidence for or against, it's all hear say.

But I will gladly jump into the legend discussion. If the earlier rumors of the cotton pokemon, bipedal animal, and a dog are true, I will be utterly surprised. I am gonna have to do some research and see if there is even a trinity, so to speak, that could resemble this in the Japanese lore. Time to google...
i wish the trio would be a pure fire type cat a pure dark type cat and a pure ghost type cat the cat trio that would be awesome
Monkey708 said:
So what? Arceus created guardians for all the other trios. He probably made one for these too. Either way, I hope it is a fire triangle! :O

The Regi's were created by humans FYI. Raquazza formed in the Ozone (I think I remember something about Kyogre being formed due to pressure in the ocean, don't remember) . The dogs/cats were killed an reincarnated by Ho-oh, and I don't know about the birds. And I'm pretty sure that mew was the basis for all the Pokemon (basically mew was like Adam and Eve).
AkaiMidoriAoi said:
Both would be super effective against an Ice/Dragon type.


And I thought Fighting wasn't very effective again Dragons....
I just realized that the rumors say there will be triple battles. Don't they have that in Pokemon Battrio or whatever in japan? Why don't they just put that franchise here and leave us alone. Double battles are hard enough, we don't need this.
access said:
i wish the trio would be a pure fire type cat a pure dark type cat and a pure ghost type cat the cat trio that would be awesome

Wouldn't the trio have to work in a rock<paper<scissors sort of deal though? and may I ask why cats? Not that I wouldn't mind, just seemed a bit random.

oh and to monkey708- it is supposed to be a 1 v 1 v 1 sort of deal. Not 2 trainers sending out 3 trainers if that's what you are thinking.
sideswipe375 said:
:-/ I Don't Know If Any One Figured This Out, Put I Do Believe There IS Going To Be A Demo
Click On Nintendo, PokeBlack Should Be There

Oh thank God, they're finally showing us Golden Sun DS.
FYI to all those wondering about best type match-ups, I did the research (yes I know I'm a lame nerd) but i'll post results here:

Ghost Dark
Normal Ghost
Poison Dark
Normal -
Water Dragon
Electric -
Bug Steel
Water Ground
Psychic Dark
Ghost Steel
Flying Steel
Ghost -
Dragon Steel
Psychic Steel
Electric Flying
Fighting Dark
Normal Electric
Normal Poison
Dark -
Normal Psychic

this is the top 20 organized by least weaknesses, least uber weaknesses x4, most immunities, most resistances, most super resistances x.25

if you want to see the numbers I have to figure out how to format it to be legible on this forum (table)
Monkey708 said:
I just realized that the rumors say there will be triple battles. Don't they have that in Pokemon Battrio or whatever in japan? Why don't they just put that franchise here and leave us alone. Double battles are hard enough, we don't need this.

The more challenging a battle, the better. Battles aren't meant to be easy.
A triple battle would require a hell of a lot of strategical planning. Really hope that's gunna happen. <3 I love double battles enough as it is, triple is just...Yay! :D
oh why cats i just couldnt come up with any other animal that looks realistic to a legendary trio and not already have been used before and entei raikou and suicune were dogs
I suppose that you guys are right about there only being two perfect type combos. But just remember, there might not be a second type. Since Normal/Ghost will never be made, I guess I have to stick with Spiritomb and Sableye. Curses! (Which is really good with pain split and substitute on Spiritomb)

I guess new mechanics would be fun, but adding both triple battles and a totally new field design would be too much. It's like how the players of GSC had so much trouble understanding the few billion new mechanics for the 3rd gen. Besides, if the trainer uses a field item, we can't use them when battling friends. Again, Curses!
access said:
oh why cats i just couldnt come up with any other animal that looks realistic to a legendary trio and not already have been used before and entei raikou and suicune were dogs

I don't really want to get into this argument, since it always ends up going in circles, but think about it. Raikou is the best example. It looks nothing like a dog. It has a feline body type, saber teeth, and a feline face.

Entei is very lion-like, though I can see why people would think it's a canine. It could be based off of Asian "lion-dogs", aka Fu/Foo Dogs, like Arcanine.

Suicune...I have no idea what Suicune is meant to be, though it strikes me as very cheetah-like, more than any kinda of canine [greyhound, maybe?].

As far as I know, they've never been called--in canon--the "Legendary Dogs". Only the "Legendary Beasts".
Shiny Hunter Haku said:
The more challenging a battle, the better. Battles aren't meant to be easy.
A triple battle would require a heck of a lot of strategical planning. Really hope that's gunna happen. <3 I love double battles enough as it is, triple is just...Yay! :D
Oh and maybe another Plusle and Minun, maybe an equal one with a new ability, equal.
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