Pages 2-3:
-Geechisu is cool. Reminds me of Zelda for some reason.
-N has a Dark-type. No real suprise here.
Pages 4-5:
-Diggn' the monkey trio. It's about time they came up with something like Boiling Water.
-I still like Shimama better than Emonga. However, the Electric-type Gyro Ball would come in useful against slower opponents. As in not the metagame.
-I don't get Flame Sphere. We already have Lava Plume.
Pages 6-7:
-If Basuaro has desent-ish stats, I may use it.
-YORTERRIE IS SO CUTE! Cheer Up also sounds to be a good move for mixed sweepers.
-Choroneko is meh.
-Desukaan is scary. The Mummy ability is wierd, too. It's as if Desukaan turns you into a mummy.

-I still like Ononokusu.
-Denchura is a neat little Electric-type. Tension probably won't get much use though.
-Doryuuzu is awesome. Enough said.
Pages 8-9:
-Buffalon is so crazy epic. You have to like it.
-I like Dangoro. Kinda looks like a Beldum mixed with a Pikmin. Drop down seems okay.
-Mebukijika is sweet. I
will be using it for the English run, since I already decided on Tsutaaja for JPN.
-I don't really care for Tabunne, but Heal Wave will surely be on alot of Doubles and Triples teams.
-Monmen is a Lakitu Cloud with facial hair. I love it.
-Cherune reminds me of Budew. It and Lakitu Cloud will probably be the Stunky/Glameow of Gen 5 if Rankurusu and Gocherizu didn't already beat them to it.
-Can't wait for some Tamagetake to sneak up on me! =D
Pages 14-15:
-Jyanobii, Chaobuu, and Futachimaru, as well as their evolutions, are starting to grow on me. Me like.
-Cross Fire is a neat attack name. Cross Thunder is okay.
-The "signature attack becoming more powerful" sounds cool.
Pages 28-29:
-If you don't like Poddo's stock art, you aren't human.
-I think the idea of a type trump Gym is creative.
-I say Aloe should've been Steel, but whatever.
Pages 30-31:
-No "New Game" option?
-So apparently DS Dowload Play has use for Pokémon games other than Sky!
-Judging by the Lost Forest's screenshot, there will be 3 forests in Isshu if you White Forest.
Pages 32-33:
-I'm liking the Dream World features. I'll probably be on that alot.
Lots of typing. @_@