RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10]
Well, according to Serebii, who keeps registering here, I stole the information from him because I had an apparent error involving Cyrus, which I do not think is even an error. Other sites also have the apparent "error," which cannot even be classified as one because no one is even labeled in the scan.
This is so funny, too. I haven't visited SPP until people started posting about it. I am on an extremely slow connection - it even took 10 minutes to upload that image.
It's cool to see you broke our agreement, Serebii.
Not only did you break it, but you were wrong about what you thought, too.
EDIT: And Serebii, you claim I jump on you when you steal info? Well, yeah, because you kinda stole whole posts from us during the D/P news period including full-blown translations with purposeful errors in it. Not only that, but our translations were exclusive, so it's not like you could even come to the same conclusion about things, especially since different translators have different translations.
The information today is not exclusive and not yours, and everyone will have the same information because it's one scan. As far as I am concerned, most of my post isn't even like yours, anyways. Seriously, get a freakin' life.