(1) Serebii vs. WPM, Pokemon Platinum (Original Thread) [5/10]

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RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10]

well either way this'll be awesome :D there wasn't much to complain about in DP, so this new version should be almost perfect :)
RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10]

that magazine came out like a long time ago
i thought people would have had the info on pokemon platinum by now....
RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10]

Online underground? LEMMEATIT!!! 3 new forms! Woot!!! Hopefully Regigigas doesn't have Slow Start or anything.
RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10]

i say they should have never made another form a regigas they already have one for shaymin and giratina thats enough right there, and no one really uses regigas
RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10]

i like both serebii and pokebeach. both are very resourceful and have good content. serebii has good anime and game info. while pokebeach has good card and everything-else-pokemon info.

platinum sounds promising. wi-fi underground would be amazing. and it would make it easiar to get spiritomb. plus, the new forms sound cool as well. i'm not sure i'm to happy with the name platinum. sounds more like gold and silver remake names to me. i would have liked opal better because it makes more since. but whatever, its just a name.
also, i hope there will still be a gold and silver remake. silver is my favorite pokemon game-ever. having a remake would be so i-am-never-putting-the-ds-down-because-its-so-awesome.
RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10]

InuMimi said:
I'm not sure I'm to happy with the name platinum. sounds more like gold and silver remake names to me.
Hm... You could be right. Maybe we'll see a surprise trip to johto after we finish up with the D/P area.
RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10]

if this is true.....

regigias with levitate... instead fo slow start, warrants its place on the ubers list, i shamefully got a skill swap regeigas from a freind (haxed to have SS) and it was amazing with slow start, it can take hits like cressy can and dish out massive dmage with its vast move pool.

if this is released iw ill imposrt it it sounds cool
RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10]

RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10]

Water Pokémon Master said:


Giratina looks massive infront of Dialga and Palkia, then again it was massive in DP.

I don't think that is the DP Trainer though, rather Team Galactic's Boss

Edit: Oh! The one battling Giratina, yep new outfit for sure
RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10]

wow, any idea of when this could be released in japan ?
RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10]

Heh...if this is real I hope it plays out better than D/P did. The story line was to predictable.
RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10]

BuizelBasher said:
No ckfy63a...thats not truem theres just two hidden Pokémon from the mechandise

Hmm, WPM...I notice you have the same error Serebii had all day until about an hour ago where he said the main character was in the overworld screenshot with the new outfit when it's actually Cyrus...curious

The overworld character is never labeled as Cyrus, and on the battle screen the Pokemon Trainer is wearing blue like the overworld guy in front of Giratina. It's hardly an error.
RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10]

Wow, guess we almost have to believe this now. That's Giratina's normal form in the battle? I thought it was his Origin form... Anyway, Giratina looks to be the new Rayquaza with Dialga and Palkia behind him like his cronies. :F The person does look a lot like Cyrus too... New sprites sound cool, but expected as it was the same in Emerald. Cool news and great stuff. :D

dmaster out.
RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10]

Well, according to Serebii, who keeps registering here, I stole the information from him because I had an apparent error involving Cyrus, which I do not think is even an error. Other sites also have the apparent "error," which cannot even be classified as one because no one is even labeled in the scan.

This is so funny, too. I haven't visited SPP until people started posting about it. I am on an extremely slow connection - it even took 10 minutes to upload that image.

It's cool to see you broke our agreement, Serebii. :) Not only did you break it, but you were wrong about what you thought, too.

EDIT: And Serebii, you claim I jump on you when you steal info? Well, yeah, because you kinda stole whole posts from us during the D/P news period including full-blown translations with purposeful errors in it. Not only that, but our translations were exclusive, so it's not like you could even come to the same conclusion about things, especially since different translators have different translations.

The information today is not exclusive and not yours, and everyone will have the same information because it's one scan. As far as I am concerned, most of my post isn't even like yours, anyways. Seriously, get a freakin' life.
RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10]

Didn't want to really say anything at first, but since the big boss decided to give his two cents, I guess it's alright for me to say something... I hope. If it isn't, by all means delete this message and you have my sincerest apologies if I made an error by posting this.

I think the article on bulbapedia about the multitude of pokemon websites being rivals to one another makes this situation in particular a great example. I have respect for serebii's website for various things he has done in the past. However, things like this is what especially irks me with him. He wants to be first in "everything" apparently. The first news source for just about everything.

Serebii, do the community a favor and stop making excuses with "lack of updates" first and foremost. Just because we don't get an update from you every day about how "the wi-fi chat is booming" doesn't mean you'll get less visits. You don't need to make excuses every few days about how we don't get an update on features to this or that. Just do what you want on your spare time.

Also, last I checked, the source for this particular news story came from another site altogether, so the last thing you should be doing is making accusations that WPM stole this and that from you. You've made similar temper tantrums in the past like this, and it would honestly be a bit more nice if you just acted more mature and just let it go. Pokemon news will always be out elsewhere first and foremost. Doesn't matter if WPM or you posts it first, because there will be people like me that'll visit both or just visit one site or the other.

So just continue on with your own side of the work and stop claiming so and so steals such and such from you, because in the end, it doesn't matter. The community finds out it's news, the community then knows. Simple as that.

... also, please don't ever try web comics again. No offense, but I've seen pre-schoolers make better jokes.
RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10]

Seifer, this isn't what this is about. I don't care who gets stuff first...I truely don't. What matters is WPM's attitude. He constantly accuses me of stealing (without a shred of evidence I might add) and yet there have been many times I've suspected him of doing it for me. I know he's taken from other places and people without credit before such as Bulbagarden and Pocketmonsters.net, I just haven't had anything concrete.

Now today, he posts the bit of news, as any Pokémon webmaster would, except he has the exact same glaring error as I accidentally made...that made me realise it.

Now with all of this, he's been deleting posts from others (thinking they were me no less), and hiding everything that comes this way, as he always does (in the past with arguments, he always posts "abridged" logs to shine himself in a better light). This is what its about, not who comes first...but his hypocritical attitude.

I hope you now understand the situation better.
RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10]

Problem is, WPM's latest reply to all of this is remarking to you claiming HE stole something, not you yourself stealing something. In fact, WPM must of jumped back in time or something because his response to your post could very well be covered in his last reply.

Point is, in the end, whether or not someone says something about whatever or what not, whoever is telling the truth, lying, whatever, is pointless. Nothing will really change, situations won't change and so forth. It doesn't matter what people like me think either in the end because choosing a side is, once again, pointless.

Can either of you make ends meet? Who knows. But considering an apparent truce was made before, I'm sure something could be worked out. It's not like you guys can declare internet fight wars on each other or something.
RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10]

Seifer, thats because he has deleted a considerable amount of this thread. Several of us at BMG have got it saved as we knew this was going to happen. He always does it.

It is just a personal thing. I hate people being hypocritical, and I hate people lying about me.

I would love to make ammends, but he has done a lot of underhanded stuff, and this whole thing is ultrasuspicious so I don't think it is completely possible. There will always be something wrong on either side. Like I may insult him for something he's done (such as the terrible April Fools thing), he would then take that and go with it. Or he does stuff like this to me, or tries to take my staff stating to them that I am evil and destroyed "lesser" sites (he actually said this, my staff member reported it to me). It just goes both ways and I dunno if it can be stopped
RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10]

Serebii-Reborn said:
Seifer, thats because he has deleted a considerable amount of this thread. Several of us at BMG have got it saved as we knew this was going to happen. He always does it.

It is just a personal thing. I hate people being hypocritical, and I hate people lying about me.

One could say he deleted all of that to get the flamers, bashers, etc out of a news topic based on this whole news story. In fact, neither of us should be ranting like this and if WPM deletes these replies too, I can see why. And it isn't because we're debating like civilized people about all of this. It's because it diverts from the topic.

WPM COULD also just make a new topic relating to all of this, but would he honestly want to put up with these arguments that go nowhere?

Seriously, anything you guys throw at him, whether or not what you say is true, whether or not he does lie about you... NONE of this will resolve ANYTHING. As I said before, the key word to all of this is "pointless". And it's this pointless discussions that'll likely get our posts removed.

I'm just saying this in particular in advance, before you come to the conclusion that he deleted our discussion because it makes him look bad or something.
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