Spring Tin Promos- Yaaaayyyy KeldeopPrint olol inb4 all the FA Keldeo rage. I collect dragon Pokemon, so these tins are all around win for me. Plus I just like keeping one of each collector tin just for extra storage and since I collect certain pokemon (i.e. Keldeo) these new wave of tins will grow my Keldeo collection :3
Legends of Justic Promo-hmmm that Cobalion looks yummy...huh. might test it in certain decks
Elite Trainer Box-Now I don't know what you all are complaining about as far as cardbord deck boxes-if you mean the box with all the energy in it, yeah thats crummy but probably meant for packaging purposes only. But the actual deck box holder? erm hello hurdur what do they sell at regionals that retails sometimes for 30-40 bucks by itself? Long cardboard deck boxs like N or Cynthia . And last I checked, while yes, they hold more, we got so much from this box (actually nice special condition counters that weren't cardboard , themed dice and some nice set of packs + a poster but even I think the poster is crummy lol) Though I will admit they were cheap arses as far as reusing artwork from the SS game (?) iirc. Played in a Plasma Storm box Tournament with one of these things and had a blast :3