(1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

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Garchompsoup said:
frezgle said:
My two cents:
Dual-typed attacks: No. Please for the love of god no. x8 and .25 type matchups no
Fairy-type: Eh. The matchups don't really make sense to me; it kind of seems like forced balancing without much thought into why it would logically work. Immune to Dragon? Immune? Why though?
Flying and Levitate battle style: This makes the least amount of sense to me, unless it turns out to be a minigame or something.
Starter types: These don't really make sense based on what we've seem of their first forms so far, aside from Fennekin's evolution being Fire/Psychic (which I don't really want because we just had a Fire/Psychic fox thing named Victini, but I digress...)
EV facility: Sounds like competitive fanservice to meeee. Would be nice though; less to manually keep track of.

The rest I'm just kinda "yeah all right whatevs" about.

wow, uh ok..
if you haven't read some of the comments already, it's been explained over, and over why fairy would fit in.. If people are worried that fairy doesn't fit in, then neither does the dragon type. Or ghost type.. or psychic type. Hell, all of pokemon doesn't really make sense. But it makes perfect sense for a new type such as fairy to to be implanted into the system. Like someone else mentioned before, some people always hold the stereotypical image of a fairy as being some cute small creature when there's more to fairies than that.

A new battling system for flying and levitating poke sounds very reasonable. Some attacks don't really make sense when it comes to attacking flying or levitating pokemon.... I figured out of all those rumors this one would seem to be at most the most reasonable or understandable one....

You don't always know how a Pokemon is going to look in its final form.. Tepig doesn't look like it'd be a fighting type in its first stage, and neither does Torchic... Oshawott doesn't look like it'd eventually end up on four legs..

It seems like when ever there is some sort of change people complain about the changes despite the fact they'd make sense.. even if you personally don't like them.... and then when there isn't much change people complain about how come they didn't do so-and-so and when they finally do, do something some of you people throw a temper tantrum over it. It seems nothing they do can please some of you people.. why can't some of you just enjoy or respect the amount of dedication these people do in making the games especially if they're going all out and creating a new type and re-writing the whole typing system... it's not too late for them to add a new type.. you say that it is as if it's the last pokemon gen or something.. I'm pretty sure there's going to be plenty more generations of pokemon.... and saying how it's too "late" for them to add a new type sounds ridiculous in itself...

as someone else said.. GF is going to do whatever they want to do with their own franchise.. if you hate it sooooooo much, don't play it.. no one's forcing you to like anything they do in their own game. you guys act like these changes destroyed the entirety of pokemon...(especially since it's just rumors at this point) it's alright if you don't like it, that's your opinion, but the game's targeted towards children (not you) anyway, at least their target audience will like it better

I apologize for having opinions that do not match your opinions. But you are right, if there is even one thing in a game that I don't like, it's a waste of my time to buy it! I mean, I love all of the new Pokemon and almost every feature announced so far, but... Gosh, you're right. I'm just not gonna play these games because of these relatively small and unconfirmed changes that I'm just kind of miffed about. Thanks for the advice!
Reggie McGigas said:
Alix Rooker said:

Sylveon as a fairy type would make sense, mostly due to this image. Pink, and a fairy wing in the corner of it's little badge.

Makes sense, but the wing does not seem like a fairy wing. Looks like the jet badge to me ( I may be wrong )

EDIT: Pink is a common color for normal types...

TPCI could do the unexpected and pull a normal type eeveelution on us.

Don't take it as my opinion I don't think it's true, but that would be a shocker if it was normal type.

ElementFreak said:
I just hate how some people are stereotypical about
fairy type, thinking it's girly and all.

Fairies can be lots of creatures, even trolls or golemsand stuff. And let me tell you that some country folklores
even have fairies that are evil. Just because most of them
are shown as cute and nice, it can be the exact opposite.
I even have a book I think at home, that has some evil fairies.

I am excited for this type. More even because it will be strong
against dragon. I have always thought dragons have a bit over
advantage, plus some are already strong as heck.


A Golem possesed by a fairy such as Golurk would be cool.

Alt form for Golurk YES!

but that's what im saying. the way you guys put it, fairy covers a wide range of stuff that is already apart of the game, in another type (psychic and ghost mostly) I just think it would take some waiting is all
Silentslayer said:
What if there is no new type but a few types advantages or disadvantages change.

Honestly, if they don't add at least one new type, I can't see them changing the matchup chart. I'm not saying they won't or shouldn't, since Poison clearly needs a boost, but it doesn't seem like they would do that. It'd confuse people. But I really want a new type.
evilpacman said:
Guys, guys.... aerial battles might confirm my other speculation (as of today) that you can actually fly around the region on your Pokemon when choosing to fly from place to place! I was thinking it could give you an option on the touch screen to choose to manually control your Pokemon as the fly animation begins. If you dont press the touch screen before the animation ends, then you would just fly normally like any other game. If you press the touch screen, you could then manually fly to anywhere you visited. The land option would appear when you are above the destination and you would either be unable to land at unvisited places OR you would automatically turn around if you go past the boundaries. I really hope this happens!

Or maybe the Pokemon just take to the skies after a battle is initiated... Either way, I really like the aerial battle idea.

Like it was said before this concept was introduced in the pokemon Rangers Spin-off (it may have been a test and they are actually using it in this new game.. 3DS has the power to run such thing). And it would be neat!

Another thing.. I do believe that Mewtwo's new form will be Psychic/Fairy and (if mewtwo is going to have a 3 form) that a new type will come into play Psychic/*newtype*! Before you insult me ear me first:

Yveltal doesn't seem to be a fairy type pokemon, so why give to only one of the mascots a new type (almost sure that Xerneas will be fairy-type, it would be stupid to have a new type and not to promote it, I mean only grass!?!? at least Fairy/Grass-type)... My bet is *newtype*/Flying(or Dragon).
And why only one new eeveelution? it has always been two new eeveelutions types, why only one now!? I think we are going to see a new triad of types like grass-fire-water or fight-dark-psychic.

EDIT: the triad I was referring is between Fairy-Dragon-*newtype*

It's just my opinion....
Pokèbass said:
On a site based on nintendo news, they reported that during a segment in the episode (Pokemon Smash), it was implied that Sylveon is strong against Ice-type Pokemon, and weak against Poison and Fighting types.
If the guy said that probably the Fairy-type will be weak to Poison and Steel, super effective against Fighting, something don't match..
This means that :
1. There will be another addiction to types other than fairy and Sylveon will be of this - unknown - type. So Gen. VI will introduce two new types, maybe to balance the Fairy one.
2. The rumors are fake or Pokemon Smash is a troll.

No, Pokemon Smash was saying that Sylveon ISN'T fighting or poison type. It was not saying that sylveon is weak against poison and fighting
TheKeaton said:
Pokèbass said:
On a site based on nintendo news, they reported that during a segment in the episode (Pokemon Smash), it was implied that Sylveon is strong against Ice-type Pokemon, and weak against Poison and Fighting types.
If the guy said that probably the Fairy-type will be weak to Poison and Steel, super effective against Fighting, something don't match..
This means that :
1. There will be another addiction to types other than fairy and Sylveon will be of this - unknown - type. So Gen. VI will introduce two new types, maybe to balance the Fairy one.
2. The rumors are fake or Pokemon Smash is a troll.

No, Pokemon Smash was saying that Sylveon ISN'T fighting or poison type. It was not saying that sylveon is weak against poison and fighting
So Fighting and Poison are out of the picture of possibilities. So is Fire,Water,Electric,Psychic,Dark,Ice,Grass.... maybe(normal) since they are previous Eveeloutions. Flying,Ground,Dragon are out the picture also since Sylveon broke the ice blocks Now it leaves us with Ghost,Bug,Steel,Rock,... maybe(normal) or New type
Silentslayer said:
TheKeaton said:
No, Pokemon Smash was saying that Sylveon ISN'T fighting or poison type. It was not saying that sylveon is weak against poison and fighting
So Fighting and Poison are out of the picture of possibilities. So is Fire,Water,Electric,Psychic,Dark,Ice,Grass.... maybe(normal) since they are previous Eveeloutions. Flying,Ground,Dragon are out the picture also since Sylveon broke the ice blocks Now it leaves us with Ghost,Bug,Steel,Rock,... maybe(normal) or New type

They denied Steel because it got affected by Poison. So that leaves Ghost, Bug, Rock, Normal and Fairy/any new type.
The aerial battles seem interesting if true. If there were another type besides fairy introduced, what would it be? Would they pull fairy, light, and sound?
Maybe the aerial battles will be like "using surf in the sky". When using surf you encounter water pokemon. Flying you will encounter and fight special battles against flying-types. It could work, i think.
If they are adding more than one new type, they better be preparing 200 new (evolutions included)Pokemon to accommodate the new types and combos of new types. Re-typing seems feasible with Fairy, but if there is another new type, I have a feeling a lot of people arent going to be keen on TOO many old 'mons being retyped for 2 different new types.
Crazuu said:
If Sylveon is fairy type then her counterpart(s) will be Dragon or Poison, or both

hum.. I can see the idea of Fairy=pure Poison=impure Dragon= mythical(?)... we will have to wait to see.
Pokèbass said:
Maybe the aerial battles will be like "using surf in the sky". When using surf you encounter water pokemon. Flying you will encounter and fight special battles against flying-types. It could work, i think.

I would honestly love this.

normal was one of the types that it was confirmed not to be, along with all the eeveelution types.

ghost, bug, and rock are the only ones left - all of which sylveon looks nothing like. and, of course, if poison was super effective against her then it is either (in some crazy messed up world that doesn't make much sense) dual type grass and x / x and grass, or its a new type all together.

though, if its confirmed that sylveon is not any of the eeveelution types than it being dual type grass seems a bit... contradictory.

alsoooo it could be that gamefreak changed around the type effectiveness of all the different types but i really dont get why theyd show us this and have us guessing if theyre just gonna be like "we fooled u it was flying type".
Frankly, while I support the proposed 'Fairy' Type that would be super-effective against Dark (thus making the 'Fairy' type a 'Light' type), I feel offended that Pokémon did not make a 'Light' type in Generation 5 which would have fit with the 'Ying-Yang'/'opposites' theme of Pokémon Black and Pokémon White.
The proposed fairy type is not super effective against dark, it's super effective against dragon and weak to poison, which ARE two things the play environment needed.

Fighting is already the counter to dark. Dark and fighting represent "heroes" and "villains" respectively, with similarly themed moves and cultural references. There never needed to or should have been a "light" type and there isn't going to be, because it's a superfluous concept and by far one of the worst fan ideas :p
Fairy-type is, in my opinion (as well as others I have talked to), a great addition to add type diversity. I'm not too big on the name, but they type itself is a great concept.
I hope there won't be a fairy type, and I'll be very sad when proven wrong. I hope that, in an effort to buff poison in some way, they made flying weak to poison (air pollution) and Sylveon will still be flying type. I'm most likely wrong, but I really don't want them adding another type to the type chart after 6 generations.
Most of all, I don't want the new eeveelutions to be such a messed up and crazy type.
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