(1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

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evilpacman said:
Ok, I'm going to attempt to address all points of views from each side.

Pros If WPM released the information all at once or in doses doesnt matter here
1) Pokebeach will get an influx of new visitors and its popularity will increase (not sure if WPM cares much about popularity)
Not sure anyone cares really

2) WPM will get +1 respect from many members because he is the "Messiah" of Gen 6 and has juicy info that no other site has.
Not really, this is not his info. Plus other sites can get this info as well.

3) Pokebeach will be ripe with discussion about the new information and it will satisfy those who wanted to be spoiled.

4) This will bring the spoilers closer in line to what we have been expecting since a few generations ago and there will be less dry periods.
Which is another good thing

1) No matter how you look at it, WPM is not going to help patch his shaky history with Pokemon for stealing their thunder.
That was years ago. It's not as if Pokemon would sue him for leaking info.

2) Pokebeach may lose some of its members for a short period of time (or maybe forever if they feel betrayed).
Betrayed? LOL please. One of the main, if not the main, reason why people go to sites like Pokebeach is to find out info about new Pokemon games and discuss them. Why lose members? What makes X&Y so much different than B&W that they will leave the site?

3) Those who dont want to be spoiled will no longer be able to be active in discussion of the new games.
Surely those who discuss the games WANT to know confirmed info about what they are discussing? If they don't want to be spoiled eventually, they should not be using a site like this and stick to only checking the official Pokemon site

So by looking at both sides, you can see there are people that are going to benefit and people that are going to be upset. There are a few things that need to be set straight here though. First, no one is entitled to know any information besides that which will be released officially.
Extremely true!

WPM doesnt owe anyone any information regardless of if you believe that he is being selfish.
Funny thing is, he does. He promised. Why would you post about how you were given a lot of leaked info and will only post more when some is confirmed? That is quite selfish. He should have said nothing if he knew he wouldn't post anything

Second, no one knows for sure if this information will be or has been leaked to ANYONE other than WPM, so there is a chance that if he does not post it here, we will not see it anywhere.

Third, (this is a personal opinion) Gamefreak, Nintendo, Pokemon whatever is the only one who should be in charge of revealing information. This is their game, this is their marketing strategy and we should respect it and let them do what they want. In the end, we are going to get the games and we will eventually find out.
Absolutely true. Unfortunately, leaks happen. And some companies are better at ensuring they don't happen unlike when it comes to Pokemon... So if someone has info, leak it baby!

Lastly, and this is important, WPM will make his own decision. Please, please, PLEASE have some patience and and be happy with the information we have now.
Oh.. I am currently content. BUT I'm only here to say he should do what he said he would do. Whether it is now, next week, or 2 weeks whatever. Would have been better if he kept quiet in the first place if he knew he would get scared if the rumours were true

We can still speculate what he knows or what we think we might see in the games. We dont need hints, we dont need clues and we dont need to play a game to get it out of him. My girlfriend constantly asks for hints and clues about when I'm going to propose and where and all the stupid little details and it gets frustrating.
Who wants to speculate about something that the webmaster already knows about? He doesn't work for Nintendo, why is he so special to keep it from us. He would laugh at your speculations because he knows they are wrong LOL

So, in closing... Take a good hard look at both sides. It is not fair to a number of people who want to be surprised for many reasons.
Yet they are using Pokebeach?? ?

It is fair to everyone if no information is leaked, however. Everyone will always pull the "well the world isn't fair" only when they are on the benefiting side.
No it isn't. It's fair for you, not for me. If you don't want to spoiled, there are ways to avoid it. Get off the forums, don't click spoiler tags, stay only on the official site. You are on a forum speculating things, yet when concrete info is out, you don't want to see it? Good plan.

So lets just try to keep the world fair here and not reveal anything to anyone.
And in the end, you just closed it by saying WPM should listen to your opinion by not revealing anything, classy.

My replies are in bold. ^
Koga7737 said:
Don't know if anyone else noticed this, but in the press release, in the picture of the Pokedex, if you zoom in, you can see Fennekin, Fletchling, and Zigzagoon. I wonder if that means Zigzagoon and Linoone will be available in the wild from the start ^^

I don't think that is going to be Zigzagoon, maybe the gogoat pre-evo
Cody Gordon said:
yammark said:
Water Pokemon Master , please leak all the info that you have . I can't wait XD
for people who don't want to spoiler just don't read . It's very simple .

I agree, just put a spoiler tag for the ones who don't want the info. I for one WANT to be spoiled.

I want it too.
I gotta agree I would rather not be suprised, I would like metal's post but it's not letting me.

Still WPM I will agree with your desicion.
Pokèbass said:
Koga7737 said:
Don't know if anyone else noticed this, but in the press release, in the picture of the Pokedex, if you zoom in, you can see Fennekin, Fletchling, and Zigzagoon. I wonder if that means Zigzagoon and Linoone will be available in the wild from the start ^^

I don't think that is going to be Zigzagoon, maybe the gogoat pre-evo

Now that I think about it, it's more likely a place filler. Just thought I'd point it out.
frezgle said:
Cody Gordon said:
I understand, unfortunately there is no good answer for those who don't want to know. Your right, it will come out eventually, and the news will be everywhere, and yes it will be unavoidable. But that is something you must come to terms with, either avoid the internet entirely or risk getting spoiled. Please don't punch a wall though, it makes a mess, and it hurts your hand.

Mm. I'm at terms with that fact (have been since gen 4 was leaking); I just get annoyed when people say that you can just choose not to read them, when in reality, doing that to any effective degree would mean avoiding many sites altogether. I would rather stay on the sites I usually do and take the risk but I would be just a little grumpy about it d:

Again though, small gradual leaks over time would be the best compromise here imo and something that I'd have no real problem with, despite it not being my personal ideal scenario. Is there anyone that honestly thinks having it all at once would be a good idea anyway?... Because that's all I'm worried about.

I wanted it all at once, but if it makes people feel better by having it leaked gradually I can accept that. Or he can PM it to the people who want to know, however I don't think it would work very well since some people might come out and say it anyways
Sorry but I have to agree with those who want information to be shared. When Black 2 and White 2 were announced, I made sure to avoid the threads and/or sites that I knew would be talking about it because I didn't want to spoil myself like I did with Black and White. Although back then I was watching youtube videos of people playing an imported version so when I finally got a copy there was no surprises for me. That isn't the case this time since the games will be coming to different regions in pretty much the same time frame.

The only thing I could suggest is just avoid specific threads that are made to discuss specific things about the game. Like this thread was made solely for discussing the insider information. You don't want to hear the insider information? Avoid this thread. There are always ways around it. If you really don't want to be spoiled you will have to find ways to make sure that doesn't happen, even if that means you have to avoid your favorite sites for a few months.

As far as webmasters and forum mods go, they can be diligent about keeping spoiler discussions to a specific place so it's easier on those who don't want to be spoiled. I'd much rather have to only avoid 2 or 3 individual threads then have to avoid a whole site, personally. I apologize if I I'm coming off like I don't care about being spoiled, because I do. Despite my best efforts to avoid spoilers, I ended up seeing something on Tumblr. It sucked but at the end of the day the only way I was bound to not see anything was to just avoid the internet.
P.DelSlayer said:
for anyone who thinks that 'if you don't want to be spoiled then don't read the spoilers', it's not quite that simple.
Since the news could go anywhere, you could go onto a forum completely unrelated to PokeBeach, or even PokeBeach Forums, but you could still get someone who's c/pasted the spoilers for people to discuss.
So just saying that 'they don't have to read it' etc, chances are that there will be some place else they go people will still reference the spoilers.
edit: I'm not sure how many of you were here for this, but when B/W were first released in Japan and WPM posted them on the front page, he got a letter from Nintendo requesting that they be taken down. (I think that he was threatened with court). That was only for screenshots of a game that was released. (Nintendo probably didn't want their American audience who didn't keep up with all the Japanese news to know all about the games before they were released). If WPM posts all these rumours at once, Nintendo might do something bigger.

On whether I want the spoilers or not: I think a couple would do per month or so - maybe reveal some hints (of course, they wouldn't be hints since we know that WPM has all the spoilers) about a Pokemon that is unrevealed, imply certain moves (eg. does anyone think a high-powered Dark attack will appear in X&Y?), or maybe drop hints if a Pokemon is getting an evolution (eg. I wonder if there's more to *insert Pokemon here* than meets the eye?).
Another thing to do would be: whenever a new Pokemon is revealed through Smash/CoroCoro, its English name would be posted on PokeBeach, so we can immediately refer to it from its English name.
And nothing like 'the 3rd legendary is type1/type2, *detailed explanation of its design*, has this ability, has this relation to Xerneas/Yveltal.
I really want to play through X without every Pokemon being spoiled, and only have storyline elements that TCPi reveal to us. Ever since we found out that it was a simultaneous release I decided about this.

I really like that idea about getting the English names of Pokemon right after they're announced in Japanese. When I played through Black & White in Japanese I got so used to their Jap. names that it took me some time to get used to their English names
What the hell does "WPM" mean in terms of Pokemon? Words per minute does not fit into the context.
Giratina210 said:
P.DelSlayer said:
for anyone who thinks that 'if you don't want to be spoiled then don't read the spoilers', it's not quite that simple.
Since the news could go anywhere, you could go onto a forum completely unrelated to PokeBeach, or even PokeBeach Forums, but you could still get someone who's c/pasted the spoilers for people to discuss.
So just saying that 'they don't have to read it' etc, chances are that there will be some place else they go people will still reference the spoilers.
edit: I'm not sure how many of you were here for this, but when B/W were first released in Japan and WPM posted them on the front page, he got a letter from Nintendo requesting that they be taken down. (I think that he was threatened with court). That was only for screenshots of a game that was released. (Nintendo probably didn't want their American audience who didn't keep up with all the Japanese news to know all about the games before they were released). If WPM posts all these rumours at once, Nintendo might do something bigger.

On whether I want the spoilers or not: I think a couple would do per month or so - maybe reveal some hints (of course, they wouldn't be hints since we know that WPM has all the spoilers) about a Pokemon that is unrevealed, imply certain moves (eg. does anyone think a high-powered Dark attack will appear in X&Y?), or maybe drop hints if a Pokemon is getting an evolution (eg. I wonder if there's more to *insert Pokemon here* than meets the eye?).
Another thing to do would be: whenever a new Pokemon is revealed through Smash/CoroCoro, its English name would be posted on PokeBeach, so we can immediately refer to it from its English name.
And nothing like 'the 3rd legendary is type1/type2, *detailed explanation of its design*, has this ability, has this relation to Xerneas/Yveltal.
I really want to play through X without every Pokemon being spoiled, and only have storyline elements that TCPi reveal to us. Ever since we found out that it was a simultaneous release I decided about this.

I really like that idea about getting the English names of Pokemon right after they're announced in Japanese. When I played through Black & White in Japanese I got so used to their Japanese. names that it took me some time to get used to their English names
Same here. I was still calling Hydreigon Sazandora, and Deerling, Shikijika, and so on.

hever said:
What the hell does "WPM" mean in terms of Pokemon? Words per minute does not fit into the context.
WPM is an abbreviation of his username. Water Pokemon Master.
hever said:
What the hell does "WPM" mean in terms of Pokemon? Words per minute does not fit into the context.

...You're kidding, right? WPM is the Water Pokémon Master. The webmaster of Pokebeach

Edit- Ninja'd
Hegafire0 said:
hever said:
What the hell does "WPM" mean in terms of Pokemon? Words per minute does not fit into the context.

...You're kidding, right? WPM is the Water Pokémon Master. The webmaster of Pokebeach

Edit- Ninja'd
Your avatar absolutely kills me!! XD
Alix Rooker said:
hever said:
What the hell does "WPM" mean in terms of Pokemon? Words per minute does not fit into the context.
WPM is an abbreviation of his username. Water Pokemon Master.

This is really my first time going to Pokebeach (been at serebii for the whole time), so I didn't know. Thanks for the answer! :)
hever said:
Alix Rooker said:
WPM is an abbreviation of his username. Water Pokemon Master.

This is really my first time going to Pokebeach (been at serebii for the whole time), so I didn't know. Thanks for the answer! :)
Ah, I see that you're a bit of a newbie. haha.
It's fine. You're welcome.
I've been going to Serebii and Pokebeach for years, and only last June did I join.
WPM, you can post only in the foruns, with Spoiler tag, or only in FB page

You have provided some of the information, provide the rest or not would not matter now, I think ...

It's kind of cruel to the fans who are hungry for information XD
Alix Rooker said:
hever said:
This is really my first time going to Pokebeach (been at serebii for the whole time), so I didn't know. Thanks for the answer! :)
Ah, I see that you're a bit of a newbie. haha.
It's fine. You're welcome.
I've been going to Serebii and Pokebeach for years, and only last June did I join.

Newbie with exclusive Pokebeach terms, I guess. Still figuring out how this forum works, but so far I like the layout better than serebii. lol much more freedom on picking our own avatars and the implementation of the "like" system, it seems like I'm on facebook all the time! harhar
hever said:
Alix Rooker said:
Ah, I see that you're a bit of a newbie. haha.
It's fine. You're welcome.
I've been going to Serebii and Pokebeach for years, and only last June did I join.

Newbie with exclusive Pokebeach terms, I guess. Still figuring out how this forum works, but so far I like the layout better than serebii. lol much more freedom on picking our own avatars and the implementation of the "like" system, it seems like I'm on facebook all the time! harhar
I suppose. Tho, I'm not a member of the Serebii forums, as I am here.
I can't help but notice that there a ton of users who made accounts just to post on this issue. It's really intresting to see people's opinions on this matter!
Reggie McGigas said:
I can't help but notice that there a ton of users who made accounts just to post on this issue. It's really intresting to see people's opinions on this matter!
Yeah. I've noticed too.
It's like they want the info, and create an account to inform WPM that they do.
Maybe he will create a post where he says something along the lines of "Since you guys are so adamant about me posting the insider info (or so many of us want it, incidentally), then I shall post some more tidbits on what the insider has given me."

I think it would be rather interesting to read what else the leaker has told WPM.
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