for the ones who dont know spanish
gogoat has gender diferences and the female doesnt have horns and cant be mounted
sylveon is the only eevee evo
Clefairy, Togepi, Jigglypuff, Chansey, Lickitung, Snorlax, Dunsparce, Audino, Snubbull, Skitty y Whismur along with their evo and pre evo get their normal type changed to fairy
Mawile, Absol, Misdreavus, Milotic (not Feebas), Chimecho, Uxie, Mesprit y Azelf get a fairy as their secondary type along with their evos
Eevee, Mawile, Sableye, Dunsparce, Bannette, Tauros, Heracross, Pinsir, Bisharp, Maractus, Cryogonal y Drifloon get new evos while Lickitung, Throh/Sawk y Absol get pre-evos
drifloon new evo is ghost/fairy
there will be 2 evil teams, one for each game ( team acid and team base, representation of the letters A and B)
xerneas is fairy type and represents life
yveltal is dark/flying and represents death
a legendary poke dragon/fire with 3 forms and another with 2 forms with fairy/steel type
legendary pokemon poison/flying based in Zhenniao
xerneas will have 3 poke at their charge wit the type grass/ fairy while yveltal gets alo 3 whit dragon/flying type
only 1 fossil poke dragon/rock t-rex
the poison type will get the best pokes this gen
you will have a lot of secundary places to explore as the game continues
gyms will be bug, fairy, Normal, fight, ghost, ice, Fire and psychic. bug fairy and normal are in central kalos, then in pokemon x you have to go to mountain kalos to the gyms ice and fight and in pokemon y go to coastal kalos to the fight ghost gyms and the to the other side respectly. psychic will be the last gym in both and is located in central kalos
this time the e4 are bases on stats ( HP, Attack, deffense and speed) while the champ has mixed
there will b 4 rivals
here isnt all that was in the rumor