As I already said yesterday, I think the big mistake that was made here is telling us that there is more information. It was not a good move to do so, and it makes people feel cheated of it and denied something wpm could easily give them.(as in 'it would be easy to post this shit', not necessarily easy from the moral kind of view)
It seemed unfair to say, 'hey I have this huge bunch of super interesting, amazing news, but you know what, I'm not gonna tell you haha.' (I know wpm didn't mean(or say) it that way(obviously I'm totally over stretching it), but this whole thing s a not well thought through mess and it places him in a powerful position)
I feel like there was no reason to tell us he knows something if there's no way for us to find out that information, I mean why the duck tell us and raise some people's hopes to share it with them, even saying you will do it if x happens(I know he didn't say it in the 'if x append, I'll do y' - way, but come on, it was greatly implied), it just feels bad and unfair and annoying. He should have thought it through better and only should have said he has more information if he was actually going to tell us.
But whatever, that's how it is now and we should make the best out of it, also I am NOT hating on him, I would not like to be in his place and we all know everyone makes mistakes and that's ok. I want him to feel good about whatever he decides to do and not being guilt tripped into anything(not that I think that would happen to him/he would let this happen).
I'm glad wpm is the one who knows this stuff, though, since he didn't just post it to get Internet fame or sth or spoil it for the people that don't want to see it. I'm sure he will make the right decision about it and I don't think it would be fair to attack him for whatever he decides to do. This is not a war and whatever he does some people will be unhappy about it, that's just life.
We should thank him for being reasonable and accept whatever he wants to do.
I mean, come on guys, I have to admit, when I saw the English names confirmed I too was super excited to come here and see the rest of his Information, because I thought he meant he'd post it if they are confirmed. And I also felt kind of let down and disappointed and betrayed when it got clear he wouldn't do it. I really looked forward to that and I know there can be some strong feels involved, even about such a silly thing, but that is not a reason to hate on anyone and I'm sure we will all survive, even if not everyone can get what they wanted.
After all, there are all those super exciting news lately to discuss
So thats just my opinion, I'm not saying it's perfect or right or anything, just what I think