(1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

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Mitja said:
Whether Blissey changes type is key here from a competitive standpoint (and without knowing what gen 6 will add), all the other guessed changes won't make much of a difference.
Fairy being weak to Poison is a really poor buff and wont really affect usage of its moves unless something hard to take down becomes weak to it.

Blissey being weak to Poison and Steel while laughing at Dragons? That's it. No more "just throw a physical fighting move at it", you will want either a Poison or Steel move on an offensive pokemon in your team. I love the thought!

Steel-types nullify Poison, so although, it may sound like a poor buff. This is rather a strong buff.
I would like to know how some Pokemon will climb up/down for Gen 6. Blissey will be so hard to take down for example (assuming it becomes Fairy). What does Fairy resists? I don't seem to find it. This is how its looking:

Weakness: Poison, Steel
Resistance: ?
Immunity: Dragon

Super-effective against: Dark, Dragon and Fighting
Not very effective against: Fire and Psychic

Take into account that the Weaknesses/Resistance doesn't make the type, the Pokemon makes them. I mean that Fairy can be excellent against Dragons but if there aren't good fairies, it won't matter and Dragons will rule still.
Fairy has no resistances. It's like Normal except with an immunity to Dragon instead of Ghost.
I would love the whole no HM concept. I hate always having to save space in my party for a semi useless slave. (I say semi because its only literal use is for HMS)

The one thing that I question about Fairy is why Fire is resistant to it... This seems the most out if place to me.

Oh and I also question the whole WPM-Serebii thing. I've been wondering this myself for a while. xP
Rusticks said:
TheAmazingDerpfish said:
But seriously if the names don't start with X/Y I'll be dissapointed.


Don't remind me of that disaster. Why didn't they just keep the demo names of Blair and Whitlea?! Even Kuro and Shiro sounded better than the names they have now.
PMJ said:
Fairy has no resistances. It's like Normal except with an immunity to Dragon instead of Ghost.
That can't be good; makes me wonder why we have Normal then? If Fairy-type Pokemon are more offensive than defensive with like no resistances? Hoping this isn't the case, or the metagame becomes more speed-dependent than before??
Blissey is everything but a fairy, a Jigglypuff which ate a Snorlax, fat fairies do not exist! Oh wait.. Ni No Kuni..

If it really ended up becoming a Fairy-type, it would hilarious; Imagine all the Fighting Pokémon getting smacked in the face, and walling the most powerful Dragon-types. Steel is not an all out offensive type, so Poison would be its only concern. Thus people, trade in those Dragonites for Weezings and Arboks!

I am pretty sure Blissey will remain Normal though.
Mon1010 said:
Gabacho said:
The same source has posted these attacks:

And for other hand, I've read this in 4chan:

Grass type Stealth Rock wouldn't be as centralizing as Stealth Rock. So many things resist it. I would love for HMs to be taken out of the game. No need to have an HM slave.

Arceus damn it, we already have two Aarons in Pokemon. :/ I hope that's not the male PC's name...

Man, Grass Thorns would tear Swampert and Gastrodon apart....
lol just remembered that Arceus would need a new plate and color.

PsyArceus is very saturated pink, so a softer and lighter tone is easy to add there without it being odd.
There is an easy way to prove if the guy is telling the truth.
Ask him any of the English names of the four new Pokémon. By the 19th we'll know the truth.
Mitja said:
lol just remembered that Arceus would need a new plate and color.

PsyArceus is very saturated pink, so a softer and lighter tone is easy to add there without it being odd.

I'm thinking a pink color along the lines of
this for Arceus Fairy, and the color that Fairy types are represented by in the type chart.
Oh geez, why did that have to be so big? : P

On topic: I can definitely see the Clefairy and Togepi families changing to Fairy, and the Jigglypuff and Chansey families staying Normal. The former two have very Special-based and mystical movesets, while the latter two have movesets that are closer to those of most other Normal-types (albeit specialized for singing and healing, respectively).
Rusticks said:
Falling Star said:
Man, Grass Thorns would tear Swampert and Gastrodon apart....

I approve of this so hard.

Much better :)

Fairy plate and Fairy-Arceus should be a lighter Pink than Psychic (IMO). I would prefer Yayakoma turning Fairy/Flying than Fire/Flying. Laso Fairy/Flying has an immunity to Ground and Dragon, 2 of the most offensive types in the meta (generally Outrage + EQ).
Ok guys I'm going to start another trend and evaluate this guy's predictions about XY

0 means will not happen 10 means extremely likely/confirmed

Fairy Type - 0/10

Mewtwo 2 new forms - 6/10
Seems possible, an X form and a Y form seems intresting, Pokemon could do a lot with this if it is true

Patrice is the proffeser's name - 3/10
Not named after a tree huh. If this news is real then XY will be destroying many past trends

Final Starter Evo. Types - 9/10
This seems legit, but the only thing that seems off are that all 3 are duel typed. We have only seen this in Gen IV.

Gym Types - 8/10
Besides the fairy thing they seem realistic. The bug gym could be the area with vines in the trailer

Dual Type Attacks - 5/10
This doesn't seem realistic much, but there are some attacks that could be dual typed like Freeze Shock, Ice Burn, and Scald

New flying type battle style - 2/10
This doesn't seem possible, and unless it's a battle in the sky I don't think this will happen

EV Facility - 4/10
Possible, but if they wanted us to see EVs they would have done it earlier. However this would be very neat if real.
Togekiss is gonna be OU material for sure at this rate. That Fairy type looks to be a fantastic offensive typing with only one type resisting it, and with Togekiss getting that and Serene Grace, plus its already nice stats... scary.
I don't think fairy type fits either. It's not the same as ghost, dragon and bug, which all have some very typical characteristics (dragons are big, breathe fire, scaly, strong etc. ghosts are ethereal, creepy, dark etc. and there are lots of different types of bugs) whereas fairies... well, they're magical, but psychic already covered that. I suppose they have wings but... so do lots of Pokémon, it's kind of overdone. They're usually very small and female, but that doesn't leave a whole lot of room for variation? I don't see what else stands out about fairies that can be incorporated. It just seems too specific. Will they just be pink and wearing bows? Seems a bit unimaginative.
Reggie McGigas said:
Ok guys I'm going to start another trend and evaluate this guy's predictions about XY

0 means will not happen 10 means extremely likely/confirmed

Fairy Type - 0/10

Mewtwo 2 new forms - 6/10
Seems possible, an X form and a Y form seems intresting, Pokemon could do a lot with this if it is true

Patrice is the proffeser's name - 3/10
Not named after a tree huh. If this news is real then XY will be destroying many past trends

Final Starter Evo. Types - 9/10
This seems legit, but the only thing that seems off are that all 3 are duel typed. We have only seen this in Gen IV.

Gym Types - 8/10
Besides the fairy thing they seem realistic. The bug gym could be the area with vines in the trailer

Dual Type Attacks - 5/10
This doesn't seem realistic much, but there are some attacks that could be dual typed like Freeze Shock, Ice Burn, and Scald

New flying type battle style - 2/10
This doesn't seem possible, and unless it's a battle in the sky I don't think this will happen

EV Facility - 4/10
Possible, but if they wanted us to see EVs they would have done it earlier. However this would be very neat if real.

I really do think you are trolling about this "fairy cannot exist as a type" thing lol
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