Tarazuma said:Sorry, you're right, I DID make a rash judgment there. Weird, because Beequeen is one of my favorite Pokemon, but I never bothered with D/P so I completely forgot about the Combee gender thing. I think male Combee is my most forgotten Pokemon after all then O_O Seriously, I forgot they even existed since 2007 when I first read about them. So yeah, gender has nothing to do with it.
Redneck said:It's fine ^_^
Now I'm gonna go change my sig so I don't feel like a jerk lol
Victini, really? Can you post something that's dated? : o
Victini said:The Name Was mentioned very Early On The Tour On Blogs And On PokeBeach And This Photo Just Surfaced, It Has Clearly Been Taken With A Camera On the Tour It Even Has A Shadow In the Picture.
Tarazuma said:Oh, thanks for pointing that out Zalman! I was reading something about the HP bar being "warped" on another site, but they didn't say why. Now I see it. Yeah, this is looking more and more like a fake. Which is good for me, cause I didn't wanna see another generic cutesy normal type anyways >>
Viileplume said:ZOMG!!! Tabunne MUST be the prevo of CHATOT!!!!@!@@!!!
Tabunne has bells on his ears and BELLS make music@!
Chatot's head is a music note!
Playerking95 said:Hey at least my logic has theory your just being sarcastic because you love flame wars so leave people to their own opinions.
Playerking95 said:Are you serious why would a bird evolve into that?