(1) The Four Horsemen of States [3/6]

Really good article. I particularly liked how it was structured with the different writers talking about different decks (somehow I knew JR was going to talk about Plasma Klinklang as soon as I saw his picture haha).

Other than small quirks in the decklists, it was great all the way around. I actually liked other quirks too like the Registeel in the Klinklang (which isn't even bad tbh). I actually liked the part about Emboar too. I think it's a very underrated deck and could do good in the right metagame.

dmaster out.
I'd have really liked for John to talk about the pros and cons of the 3 usable Klinks for the deck. I've found just using DEX Klink makes you too reliant on switch, for example. If you are unaware of what I mean:

Klink BW: Can hit 10+FACIH Paralyze for a single Steel, meaning you're not completely SOL if you start with Klink. You can hope to stall slightly while you can hit your energy drop and not be relatively useless in the match.

Klink EPO: The only good thing about this is the 1 retreat. This makes Catcherstalling the lower stages much harder to do, but this is better in decks that aim to set up faster (Like DurantKlang).

Klink DEX: 3 Retreat makes it Heavy Ball Compatible. This is great if you have a lot of other mons that can be searched by Heavy Ball, and in John's version of the deck it makes sense (The Registeel).

Personally, I find a 2-2 Split of DEX and BW is better while running a few Level Ball in the deck. This way, if you need a Klink and have a search card, you can grab what's appropriate: Level Ball or Ultra Ball gets Klink BW, while Heavy Ball can grab Klink DEX.

Other than that, including a few decklist quirks (I don't expect them to post their actual lists =P), I really liked the post.
Great Article! At first, I didn't expect so many different successful players giving insight, but wow, I would have never imagined!
Great job guys! I also liked how Martin talked about RayBoar, a deck that is completely underrated (I have tested with it, it isn't half bad).

Yeah guys, lists are preferences.
I think what most people don't fully understand is the lists were really just base starting points. By no means should you expect a list to be handed right to you and win with it. Assuming that would be ludicrous from former National Champions for Pete's sake. It takes time and an understanding of the deck to tweak it yourself and find what needs to be changed.

dmaster out.
Took the time to read this through this morning, and wow. Amazing job guys! It is really nice to see that so many people came in to write for something like this. Even though I only play online, the insight this gives is definitely really helpful none the less. Best of luck to everyone who plays in States!

I actually think the decklist quirks are a GOOD thing, as it can open up one's thoughts to potential cards that they did not previously consider much. Things like the Switch/Escape Rope in the Darkrai deck aren't things many players would even consider (hurr durr Keldeo solves everything - spoiler: Keldeo can get Catcher/Laser'd and then you could be in trouble), but as techs can actually be extremely good. Things like that are designed to make you think a little more, and who knows? Maybe you'll find something that you weren't aware of that actually improves your deck.

I might try that Moltres in Blastoise actually. I probably won't like it, because I do kinda like being able to take a Lightning back with Energy Retrieval, but I'll give it a go anyhow. Can't hurt to try!
I actually think the decklist quirks are a GOOD thing, as it can open up one's thoughts to potential cards that they did not previously consider much. Things like the Switch/Escape Rope in the Darkrai deck aren't things many players would even consider (hurr durr Keldeo solves everything - spoiler: Keldeo can get Catcher/Laser'd and then you could be in trouble), but as techs can actually be extremely good.
I have actually seen Moltres ND in Blastoise and Registeel EX in CobaKlang, so yes, I've seen some of these techs before and they're actually quite interesting. Definitely turns some tricky matchups back into the player's favor.
I'm not done yet people. I plan on taking these lists, giving them an update for week two and posting them here. I'll make adjustments based on how week one plays out and get the news to you guys. Why do this? I have nothing better to do, frankly. ;)
Blah said:
Actually, my main point against it was not that the deck itself is bad, but that it's outclassed. Blastoise does nearly everything Emboar can do, plus more. Even down to the Rayquaza EX, for the same amount of energy and energy discard, Blastoise has BKEX which does 200 damage and has 10 more HP which is a big deal with Darkrai running through 170 HP EX's. It also has less of a switch problem, access to better attackers, etc.

I really did love the N section though. I've been using the deck thinning strategy for a while to counter those pesky late-game N's and I'm glad to see it put into an article.

I do deck thinning a lot and I still end up getting N-screwed. Just my luck I guess XD.

Another way to counter N is to not play a supporter every turn if your situation doesn't call for it.
Well, all you Emboar hatrs stop your hatin lol. Anyways great article, can't wait to see more.P
Winning States list of Big Basics. The new model has Garby.

3x Trubbish NVI
2x Garbodor
3x Landorus EX
2x Mewtwo EX
1x Tornadus EX

Energy: 11
7x Fighting Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy

Trainers: 38
4x Professor Juniper
4x N
4x Skyla
1x Bianca
1x Dowsing Machine
3x Switch
1x Escape Rope
3x Pokemon Catcher
4x Rescue Scarf
1x Eviolite
3x Ultra Ball
1x Heavy Ball
1x Level Ball
1x Energy Search
2x Virbank City Gym
4x Hypnotoxic Laser
Also, some of you Blastoise players may also want to think about including Black Kyurem 100/149. You one hit knock out Rayquaza-EX and Black Kyurem-EX while only standing to give up ONE prize if your Black Kyurem hits the discard.