Yeah I sort of agree with the face thing being kind of annoying, but on a couple of the cards it makes it so... Look at Ampharos, you'll know what I mean! xP I really like the torn looking border, actually. It makes it even more different, which make is more special, which makes it more great. Right?
I never got to see why Copycat and Elm's method was so good, as I didn't play when they were legal. But now I might actually be able to see what all the hype was for them... But are they really needed anymore? Now we have Chatot as Copycat, and Bebe's as a powered up Elm. Eh, I guess I'll just have to wait and see in time why they were good!
As for the cards... Shuckle... What in the world were they thinking when making him? Especially when you look at his rarity, Holo? Seriously? On a card THAT bad? I thought Japan had useful Holos. -.- I want that Ampharos worse than you think, first of all, it's a Feraligatr counter. (Which is apparently over-hyped even though it's not even OUT yet) Second of all, it can go into my Ampharos collection. Third of all, LOOK AT THAT ART! I'ts amazing! Kudos to whoever improved their artwork for the cards! I can see it now, that Donphan is oing to be the new Kingdra and/or Gallade-Gardevoir. Seriously, 60 for 1 with that minor of a drawback? Epic Phail Pokemon of Japan, EPIC PHAIL. I can see the sky-rocketing price of it now. =[ And it's artwork is good to, that means if you want it just to collect you're going to pay an arm and a leg.
I really don't look forward to the X2 weakness returning, but hey, that's what the original G/S set was like. And I never got to experience playing in the G/S era. So this will give me something new to try in the TCG. ;]