(1) Three 'Platinum: Arceus' Cards Revealed! [9/15]

The only one out of the three of them I'd even think of playing would be the Arceus Lv.X. The artwork looks pretty good, and it's nice to see them in English. Other than that, not too impressive.

I actually have to say Omniscient sounds like an awesome Poke-Body. ^^
Yay, only 2 months left to go...

Omniscient? Wow, they finally came up with a good dub. Took them long enough...
Why is Pikachu revealed with the first cards? Yay, Heatran is now out aswell. Ominiscent is a strange name. The best picture is actually Heatran's - the Pokedex entry says it can climb on walls and the picture shows that! PUSA still needs to work on having 99 cards in the set, the least cards since Team Aqua VS Team Magma. The Japanese Pantheon on Arceus LV. X was dumb. Still, Ominiscent is just as bad to me - fits a Ghost type rather. Pikachu transalators won't change ever. Why did they have to reduce the cards to 99 just for Arceus to get out of this set and appear in the new world. Probably they actually don't have the cards in the special JP Theme Deck in our English Set. No [G] Arceus that means. Magmantle is not even a word. Magma Mantle is a word. No such thing as Arceus Rule??? It just says you can have more than four Arceus in your deck! PUSA just removed Arceus Rule!
I love that Heatran. <3
...Well, of course I do. I love every Heatran-card. This is probably the best one, though. ^~^

I hope we'll be getting Sugimori art of Will today, 'cause that would make this day the best day I've had in... over a year~
Finally, the English card for the Set's Arceus Lv.X. As much as I love the artwork for it, the tin's card's artwork is still better to me. xP

Anyways, glad to see they're revealing some cards. :3
grasspokemonmaster said:
Why is Pikachu revealed with the first cards?
Why not Pikachu?

Pretty nice, and I can't wait to see Arceus Lv.X when it is holo. Heatran is some good artwork as well. BTW, first set where the base set (no secret rares/Shinies) is actually less than 100.
Maybe Dialga G will get icked if arceus gets popular. I'm glad to see the cards are coming out. Hetran would make a fun rouge.
99 Cards? Not even 100? Why PUSA, why? D: I mean, the set's already going to be bad enough with three different Arceus Xs, and now you deduct tons of cards from the total count? PUSA I don't know where you started to go wrong, but you did. D: Unless of course that count isn't including the Elemental Arceus'. If it's not, take back every word I just said about the set count.

I guess the Heatran's art makes up for the low card-count, but I really wanted more. =[ But as sad it is to say it... It's horrible... I mean, beyond horrible, it's... Horribad, yeah that's the word I was looking for. Horribad. Is that Spear Pillar I see in the background? If it is, PUSA made yet another huge mistake. I mean, Spear Pillar for Heatran? That's Fail beyond words.

Pikachu... What can I say? It's Pikachu. I must say though I love the artwork on it, especially the falls in the background. Not to mention look at Pika's cute little face. It's just so.... Cute. I like how the leaves are flowing in the air as well, it adds a touch of grace to the pic I guess you could say. What I DON'T like about it is how... Bright it is... I'd rather it a bit darker, because as it sets right now it looks like the light washed out a lot of the color. If you know what I mean.

YES! They kept the swirls on the Arceus cards! On the Xs anyways... PUSA I mean it, if you didn't put the swirl on the normal Arceus cards I will hunt down who made the card force them to fix it! *Insert maniacal laughter here* Ahem, sorry for going crazy there, but I think I made my facts clear with the maniacal behaviour thrown in. ;] I actually like that they removed "Arceus Rule" from the cards, I can see it taking up quite a bit of space. And besides the rule is still there, just doesn't have a SPECIFIC name. I LOVE the Rainbow Background, it really gives you that "Multitype" feeling. Get it, Multitype? I actually think that the art looks better without the Holo right now, then it did with Holo in the Japanese scans. But I'll betcha' that means it'll look AMAZING in English AND with holo, in real-life. I like that name as well, Omniscient, it just sounds like something that fits Arceus. Although yes it also sounds alot more like a Ghost's Poke-Body. But that name's good and that's all that counts, right? <3

Arceus = Great
Pikachu = Awesome i love these ingeneral so this is great to see it released with the first cards!!!!!
Heatran = Blazetran decks here we come.
That Heatran doesn't really make BlazeTran decks better, I mean 60+ damage for 4 energies and you may discard some important cards...c'mon we've seen a lot of better things before.
Those are pretty good cards. They are strong too. I hope I can get more cards soon but I don't know when I will get more cards.:)
I can't even say it

99...is a nice number...

If the Arceus in a sub set..It might follow the Matrix energy rarity
Isn't that Pikachu a reprint of Ex Emerald's Pikachu?
I wonder how the Arceus cards "Holoness" will be: Reverse Holo like the SH, or like the Rotoms, or like Classics Reprints. In my opinion, they should be like Shining Mew from Coro-Coro Maganize, that card is BEAUTIFUL!



Here a better picture on how it's holo is beautiful, just for the people that don't know :p

99 cards in this set is good, imo, now i don't need to buy 2 boxes to get a majority of the set, also has the lv.x ratio for PA been announced yet?