(1) Three 'Supreme Victors' Cards Revealed [6/23]

:3 I really can't wait for the set, are the pre-release dates confirmed? I might be in California while they are going on so I need some dates. xP
Alright, there is going to be 153 cards in this set. On the PotF page, I counted 124 different cards. That even includes cards like the SP TM, PokeDex, Potion, etc. Even if POP puts in all of those reprints, (which is doubtful, considering most of them were in PT or RR.) we still have to come up with 29 (more likely 30-35) cards to fill up a 153 card set. I wonder where they will get these cards from...hmmm...
Must be new/old Promos or something. Too massive of a set anyway...

Anyway yeah. I already said my opinion on this. I like Regigigas and Infernape is clearly meant to be a metagame deck with that power, but I hate their decisions for what are Holo Rares. Seriously, with these SP cards, they're not good enough to even be considered Rare. They should all be Uncommon IMO.

dmaster out.

I wonder where the extra cards will be pulled from. Anyway they're cool. (When you double-click Blazekin FB lv X or open it up in another page it takes you here. http://pokebeach.com/scans/supreme-victors/thumbnails/142-blaziken-fb-lv.x.jpg)
The cards look pretty cool. I hope I can get more soon but I finally got some 11 days ago though.:)
I bet that Drifblim was made just for killing uxies on the bench. :p

Apply weakness and resistance? Oh you.
WPM, you say Supreme Victors will consist of POTF and some random Japanese promos, but have you considered the high likelyness of the Gift Box to be added to this set? Which would be a disaster as all cards are horrible but definitely not unlikely.

And about PM-ing news; I told you on the chatsite about Ash's Pikachu LVX and you evidently knew already but its still not up...
Lou Cypher said:
WPM, you say Supreme Victors will consist of POTF and some random Japanese promos, but have you considered the high likelyness of the Gift Box to be added to this set? Which would be a disaster as all cards are horrible but definitely not unlikely.

Oh don't make me sad. A lot of them would probably be rare too. :(
The art looks pretty neat....and pokebeach getting a new look is just awesomer8
Well, it looks like that gift box has 44 cards not in PoTF...not enough spaces to put them all in this set, but I could certainly see them putting 30ish of the 44 in the set, then dumping the rest in POP10.
Abomasnow-Man29 said:
Go-pokemon.com said:
•Collect Dragon Type Pokémon including Charizard and Rayquaza

I do have to wonder are they changing Charizards type?

Nice catch. Wow it looks like pokebeach had the translations almost word for word. And set symbol looks pretty groovy.
zephilim said:
Mew the source of all said:
I wonder where the extra cards will be pulled from.

Well according to Bulbapedia they will be coming from this

Gift Box

I hope so, only because I really like that Articuno. :p

Those ills look really cool! But that Roserade looks.... I cant say it....

(This might be my last post ever as I am droppping Pokemon before I become too nerdy. Bye!)