(1) Tons of X/Y News Coming on May 17th's 'Pokemon Smash' [5/9]

evilpacman said:
I hope the announcement is in regards to the game itself and not on unrevealed Pokemon. I personally dont want to see more than 10 new Pokemon before the games are released. I cant wait to rediscover Pokemon on my own and not by seeing leaked sprites :)

You'd better stop following the news now, then, 'cause we're already at 6 (7 if you count Newtwo). I don't think they've ever launched a new generation without revealing at least 10.
DorianBlack said:
evilpacman said:
I hope the announcement is in regards to the game itself and not on unrevealed Pokemon. I personally dont want to see more than 10 new Pokemon before the games are released. I cant wait to rediscover Pokemon on my own and not by seeing leaked sprites :)

You'd better stop following the news now, then, 'cause we're already at 6 (7 if you count Newtwo). I don't think they've ever launched a new generation without revealing at least 10.

I dont really count Mewtwo lol
Sylveon type is probably going to be revealed (Masuda is appearing on the PS in 2 days and the episode will be about Sylveon).

A couple of other Pokemon.

Bolt the Cat said:
About time we start getting some significant info on this game. All right, here's what I'm expecting:

-Sylveon's type
-region details, such as the name and general layout
-protagonist concept art
-several new Pokemon introduced, most likely either some early game Com Mons, some new evolutions, or some other mascot Pokemon for this gen

This seems the most likely to me. Although, we probably shouldnt expect TOO much. I mainly expect Sylveons type and region details/character concept art. As far as more new Pokemon, im not entirely counting on it, but it would definitely be a nice bonus. I'd be satisfied either way.

I for one would prefer them to hold off on the new Pokemon, though. Like the above poster, I think it would be amazing if we actually had the chance to discover them in the game ourselves, not knowing what there might be. I'd hate the wait, but it would be so worth it. :p
OMG NEW NEWS!!! YESSSS SIR!! I would like to see what new features they added to this gen (breeding, battles, trading,) and maybe, just maybe, a new type!

Also, looks like the big new reveal will be on the weekend of Anime Central.:) (Biggest Anime convention in the Midwest)
Now, I get to celebrate (Hopefully) awesome news reveal with my fellow Pokemon fans. ^_^
What I'm more interested about is the Region layout, and the types of the Legendaries (and Sylveon for that matter, just to end the speculation)... Maybe also if the Mewtwo's new forme is supposed to have any relevance in the game (though I expect it to be just an extra event thing, kinda like Zorua and Zoroark...)
Zielo said:
I for one would prefer them to hold off on the new Pokemon, though. Like the above poster, I think it would be amazing if we actually had the chance to discover them in the game ourselves, not knowing what there might be. I'd hate the wait, but it would be so worth it. :p

We're getting maybe 100-120 new Pokemon this gen, I don't think revealing about 10-20 of them before the game's release would be too much to ask.
It's about time we get a large new update!

Personally, I am hoping for Sylveon's, Xerneas', and Yveltal's types to be confirmed.
Some info about the region, such as the name, Professor, protagonists, possibly even a gym leader or two.
And maybe even two-four new Pokemon.
I think they might be revealing a new type possibly..? Maybe linked to Sylveon... Also, the name of the region and some new Pokémon.
We're probably heading into the usual stream of information before the game's release. I expect it to follow a similar path to Gen 5's pre-release reveals, though given the uniqueness of this generation I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few more oddities.

So pretty much region, protagonist designs, two mascot equivalents like Buizel and Chatot or maybe the gen's Zoroark/Lucario, and types of Sylveon and the legendaries. If there's a new type reveal as the rumors go then they may just have one new Pokemon or none at all? Though I do actually expect a "new type announcement" to be something made internationally seeing as it's so big, so if Hirobyte is right the types of the legends and Sylveon might not even be disclosed in this issue.

Either way, I'm glad the movie months are finally over and they're finally giving us some game content. I actually hope they'll reveal more than the usual amount before the game launches; I always loved to plan out my team before I got the game.
I'm not to psyched about 6th gen. I'd love to see more of how the game looks.
Looks like you can actually RIDE the Pokemon!
And you can see part of the BOX ART on the lower right...I can't wait until the rest leaks!
As for the Pokemon themselves I actually am digging their look.
Is PWM asleep at this time? Cause I really don't trust any scans until pokebeach uploads them and seeing as they're not on the site so far I can't believe those are real. (Nor do I think I want them to be...)
I'm hoping we get types for Yveltal, Xerneas, and Sylveon. Maybe some features or plot details.

Either way, I'm excited for the news.
Retro_on_theGo said:
Is PWM asleep at this time? Cause I really don't trust any scans until pokebeach uploads them and seeing as they're not on the site so far I can't believe those are real. (Nor do I think I want them to be...)

Serebii and Bulbapedia have both acknowledged the scans, so they could be legit.

I hope they are, I love the goat mon.
and DAT PANDA. Apparently fighting type, I really hope it gains Grass type upon evolution.
edit2: on the left side of the page, it looks like the starters species names are there. It also looks like Chespin's stat screen/moveset is there.
_ _ _
More stuff from Serebii:
-Region is the Karos Region. Looks to be based on France, like many have speculated
-Trainers are slightly customisable with skin shade and hair color
-Main City in region is Miare City

edit: Info on new Mons:
First, the Pokémon on the far right is called Gogoat (ゴーゴート literally Gohgohto) and is the Riding Pokémon. It's Grass-type, 1.7m and 91.0kg. You can actually ride this Pokémon in the field. It can learn Horn Leech. edit: Gogoat can only be ridden in Miare City.
The lizard is called Elikiteru (エリキテル) and is a Electric/Normal-type. It is the Generation Pokémon and is 0.5m and 6.0kg. It has a new move called Parabola Charge which heals the user while damaging opponents. It uses solar rays to generate electricity
The bird is called Yayakoma (ヤヤコマ) and is the Japanese Robin Pokémon. It is Normal/Flying, 0.3m and 1.7kg
The panda is called Yanchamu ( ヤンチャム) and is the Naughty Pokémon. It is Fighting-type, 0.6m and 8.0kg. It has a new move called Parting Remark.
(c/pasted from Serebii)
CoroCoro also promises more info on Gogoat on a later page.
edit3: more on the electric lizard.
Wow that goat looks sweet. What's up with the lizard's face though?

Edit: ^The panda will most likely have grass type as part of its evolution. After all, isn't that a leaf in its mouth?