(1) Top X System Ditched for Next Year's Worlds Invites [8/21]

^ What you just said is SO much harder than you think. XD
Yes it is EASIER to get the invite, but at the same time its still pretty hard.
lol yes, but now anyone who is actually good enough to do that can make worlds (which is what they should've done in the first place imo...)

I still really don't care about CP though, I'll just be spending this season getting better and trying my luck at nats I guess.... (assuming that's not on the other side of the country too D: )
pokemonjoe said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure VGC didn't have CP in the first place.

Yes it does (oh, and for those wondering, that's me at the top of this list, no joke) (I thought I might use the VGC rankings page to show that there is, in fact, CP for VGC).
^ I was at the top of the list for my state too xD (for the TCG though)

The VGC does have CP, but I'm pretty sure that the CP you get for the VGC doesn't count towards a TCG invite and vise versa.
Well yeah, of course VGC CP and TCG CP don't mesh with eachother, but tbh, I'm not concerned over TCG as much as VGC.
Red Striker said:
Yes it does (oh, and for those wondering, that's me at the top of this list, no joke) (I thought I might use the VGC rankings page to show that there is, in fact, CP for VGC).
Well hush my mouth. They would have to lower the cutoff for VGC as its just impossible to earn the same amount of CP as TCG.
I like CP because P!P will just give everyone a invite to Worlds and that will be not fun at all. At least the X Top is cut because I want more people to get into Worlds
If the cut-off is 50+ if you live in a smaller country, you can say goodbye to Pokemon. Here in Australia we don't have regionals (NSW Exclusive, but they don't get states), and look, we've produced a World Champion. The CP cutoff I think could be anywhere over 15 (that would be really low though) through to 35. I have no qualms with 50+ so long as smaller countries (in term of tournaments) get a reasonable amount.
I believe that they will probably vary it from country to country. For us it will probably be around 50, for you guys, I expect around 30-35. Smaller countries should = less CP needed to get in, especially since you need to travel around the world to get to worlds.