(1) Translations of New BW4 'Dark Rush' Cards [12/2]

sapphirebirch said:
Entei EX is terrible. you do realize it has a 3 retreat cost? yeah ok its doing a mediocre 3 for 90 and attaching energy to the bench. what about after that? Retreat discarding 3 energy? it wont even be good with typhlosion gone.

also I keep hearing everyone talk about shaymin ex. Does everyone fail to realize its a card that only works well when your opponent has taken at least 3 prizes AND is frail and gives up 2 MORE prizes when dies?
I overlooked the 3 retreat cost That pretty much kills the card.

Also, I in no way stated that Shaymin EX was meant to be a main attacker. As you said, it's too frail for that, nevermind the fire weakness. I was more specifically mentioning the energy acceleration from its first attack, which could help more easily power up Carnivine.

[G] Synthesis: Choose 1 Grass Energy card from your deck and attach it to one of your Pokemon. Shuffle your deck afterward.

Is it ideal? Probably not, but it's the only form of energy acceleration available to grass-type pokemon right now. Revenge Burst is what makes the option possible, though, as it can be a quick glass cannon during the late-game. Shame that there's no ideal main attackers in the world of grass-type pokemon, currently.
Wes1234 said:
Is it ideal? Probably not, but it's the only form of energy acceleration available to grass-type pokemon right now. Revenge Burst is what makes the option possible, though, as it can be a quick glass cannon during the late-game. Shame that there's no ideal main attackers in the world of grass-type pokemon, currently.

Celebi Prime is an energy accelerator for Grass Pokemon from is power. Tangela from CoL has the same attack as Shaymin-EX. which is better because neither of them give up 2 prizes, while Shaymin does.
ENTEI EX!!! The artwork just looks awesome... I hope there will be a Raikou EX. :)
Darkrai looks like a great card with it's Dark Cloak ability making all your Pokemon with a darkness energy attached have no retreat cost plus a powerful attack that does 90 damage AND a 30 damage snipe for only 3 energies!!! In addition the artwork on this card is outstanding! This card is a must have for me!