(1) Winner's Path PokeWalker Course Available Tomorrow [5/5]

/me readies his DS.
Duskull... awesome.
But i agree with peetzaman, Magikarp that know Bounce should be imprisoned (no joke intended.)
Well i am really excited about this course because the special moves are really interesting, i think i will spend a very long time strolling in there
peetzaman said:
A Magikarp with a move other than splash, tackle, and flail? What is this madness?!

THIS IS SPARTA!!1!!one!1!

And yay, actually worth the download ;D
I'll be sure to get this download.

These Pokemon better not be as hard as it was to get Fly/Surf Pikachu...

dmaster out.
Don't even get me started on the three straight days of 400+ watts ending in shame... Anyway, this is ought to be good, mostly because of the Horsea and Duskull already holding their evolutionary items. It should be excellent for people who sold their Full Incense. (NOT ME!)
This was exciting until I realised you can get a Magikarp with Bounce, a Beldum with Zen Headbutt and who knows what else through the moves tutors but at least now I know this.

Are any of the moves only obtainable through this course?
burningcharizard said:
This was exciting until I realised you can get a Magikarp with Bounce, a Beldum with Zen Headbutt and who knows what else through the moves tutors but at least now I know this.

Are any of the moves only obtainable through this course?

Just Self-Destruct Munchlax.
dmaster said:
I'll be sure to get this download.

These Pokemon better not be as hard as it was to get Fly/Surf Pikachu...

dmaster out.

The ratios are a LOT higher for beldum. In Yellow Forest, you've got a 2% chance of finding a flyer, and a 3% chance of finding a surfer.

Beldum's a 20% chance, which is nice. Munchlax is 5%, which is better but still not stellar. Speaking as someone whose spent months on the Japanese course, Munchlax is still a BUGGER to get.

But hey, in-game Beldum's the bugger to catch, since it's got a ridiculously low catch rate. This is better than that, ne?

they sell replacements.

Sadly, the replacements are almost as expensive as the game itself. It's a better deal just to get a dummy game.