(1) Winner's Path PokeWalker Course Available Tomorrow [5/5]

HikaruAyame said:
The ratios are a LOT higher for beldum. In Yellow Forest, you've got a 2% chance of finding a flyer, and a 3% chance of finding a surfer.

Beldum's a 20% chance, which is nice. Munchlax is 5%, which is better but still not stellar. Speaking as someone whose spent months on the Japanese course, Munchlax is still a BUGGER to get.

But hey, in-game Beldum's the bugger to catch, since it's got a ridiculously low catch rate. This is better than that, ne?

That's great to hear at least one of them is fairly easy to catch. Are the other Pokemon like 1%? >___>

dmaster out.
Yes, something that has okay ratios for Beldum and Munchlax. By the way, caught two surfing Pikachu and 0 flying Pikachu... That Pikachu is a bugger to get.
omahanime said:
they sell replacements.
I thought you could only have one Pokewalker connected to a save file. o_O

Meh, it doesn't really matter...I still have my Japanese Pokewalker with this course on it.