(1) X/Y Pokemon Direct [9/4]

Latios101 said:
The new Pokémon is, in my eyes, no relation whatsoever to Absol. Does anyone have a screencap of the animé trailer image?

The coloration and the feet make it look like it is related to Absol, and as I said before it could be a coincidence.
Drokas said:
Latios101 said:
The new Pokémon is, in my eyes, no relation whatsoever to Absol. Does anyone have a screencap of the animé trailer image?

Do you mean this?

Brilliant, cheers! Couldn't seem to find it earlier in the thread. That could well be the Pokémon we're looking at in the Direct video – to be honest, I think it has some sort of legendary look about it, but that unlikely.
khit said:
People actually think these mega evolutions are good? all theyre doing is adding a couple more lines and an extra feature (eg. 3 water cannons for blastoise) The more I see of this the more worried I get that mega evolution is going to be terrible. Blastoise is the only one that even looks noticeably deffirent, the only problem is now he looks worse, like a hunchback.

Blastoise = three cannons, yes, three cannons but none of them where the original two were, one on its back which looks like it took the original two and made them combine to form an even bigger cannon plus two on its arms.

Venusaur's flower is bigger, has vines, on it, and has a flower on its head.

Charizard has a more draconic design and none of the starters have had their types changed after mega evolving. In fact the only Pokemon that seems to do that is Ampharos. Also Venusaur gains another set of leaves. I think it is implied that Mega evolving is not necessarily a true evolution per say but rather the pokemon in question unlocking its inner potential.

That said Mega Kangaskhan has to be the one Mega evolution that has the most creative idea going for it and can you guess why?

Again, Mega Evolutions seem to be a way for a pokemon to unlock their inner potential.
Is the second sprite along a Flabébé?

I'd be surprised if there isn't a small amount of local storage with Pokemon Bank, say 50 Pokemon or so, to allow for the people that just want to transfer stuff over. Here's hoping.

Also, red and blue 3DS XLs, whee! Not exactly the dedicated designs I was hoping for, but at least things are more balanced, haha.

And yay, we finally know what the bracelets are for!

Interesting that this transfer thing is only working with BW/BW2. I'd understand if it were just BW2, as those had a special sauce in them so they could interact with Dream Radar, but I don't think BW1 have anything like that, except for some DSi packages (which might make all the difference, for all I know). So in theory, this thing would work with DPPtHGSS... but I guess not. Huh.

It's too bad there won't be any tournaments in the time between release and Bank. Everyone would be on a relatively fair plane. But whatever, I need an Emerald clone of the Lv. 100 Blaziken I used in my first game of Sapphire. :P

I've seen arguments for and against Bank's annual fee, and while I'm in the camp of "$5, eh, it's for Nintendo", the fact that the all the data being stored here could fit into like 2 TB is a little eh. But I'd think that since this first service of this type Nintendo has attempted, they want to be decently invested into it. Absolutely, Ninty could divert a small amount of the giant profit from the games in general to this service, making the $5 annual fee supposedly for maintenance a little eh... I don't know. I do think a better solution would be "Host 3,000 Pokemon on your system locally for free (or however much the Bank app will cost), then pay $5 a year if you want it to be cloud synced."

I have my hopes up that, being a cloud-based service, Bank will have web access. Just imagine a trade on a Pokemon forum: "I want your Charmander for my Squirtle!" "Alright, cool, let me just log on to Bank and set up a trade request with... what's your username again?" | And before you say a username-based system wouldn't work because the 3DS uses FCs: Trainer Club Account. :D

The stream was slightly stuttery for me, so I didn't end up watching it then, but had I done so, I personally would have been happy. But of course, I'm a bit of a sucker for seeing the big three talk stuff over.
People are really underrating the potency of Drought in making Mega Charizard usable. Drizzle and Drought singlehandedly brought Ninetales and Politoed to OU in Gen V, guys. It doesn't matter if Mega Charizard has a 4x Rock weakness; unless they severely nerf the weather, it's still an incredible ability that will make Mega Charizard see use.
The Bank idea is awesome. Now people who have no rl friends don't need to dish out $200 to trade between games! 5$ for a YEAR is insanely cheap. Hobos make more in a week..

What I'm worried about is the release date, Dec 25th. That means we can't transfer Gen 5 Pokemon to X/Y for 2 months! >_<

(I heard there was new Dream World Pokemon out right now, is this true?)
Btw., guys, you all mention, that Mega Venusaur has flower on its head/forehad, but it has actually one on its back, too. Here's the screen, where we saw Mega Venusaur from behind.
Noone mentioned it yet, so, just for make it sure and complete.
mastermagpie said:
To the people moaning about the fee:

Servers require a lot of maintenance especially when they're supposedly going be used for future games! It's not even much to pay! It's really stupid to complainIMO.

The new Megas look fantastic! Can't wait to have a Mega Charizard on my team. It really makes these Pokémon competitively viable now!

This is indeed, nothing to be upset about over Pokemon Bank.
However there are a few other reasons I can see this being an upsetting service. ((It's all my opinion and why I think it's a bad idea))

When we use Pokemon Bank we:
- Will have to pay to keep it active ((That is a problematic thing for the fee, Pokemon data also isn't very big ))
- Rely on a service that is exclusive to the internet. ((Hindering it's portability a bit ))
- We will have to rely on this for future Pokemon generations. This is NOT a good idea on it's own. There should be an alternative version that doesn't require internet access.
- Not all kids have positive parents, and this is kind of alienating the ones that want to transfer their Pokemon and the parents are too stuck up to pay after the trial is over.

I can see why Pokemon Bank is very useful - and it IS a neat idea. But it shouldn't be used alone.
Loving the Mega Evolutions even more now. Venusaur was always my favourite Kanto starter, and its mega evolution isn't half bad. But I love Charizards. So streamlined and powerful looking! I never really liked Blastoise that much and I am not too big of a fan of its mega evolution, but it's not that bad. Kind of looks like a robot though.

I am really hoping we see mega evolutions for the rest of the starters! Mega Torterra and Serperior? Yes please!

Also it's interesting that your friend is supposed to give you your Kalos starter. I assume they probably have a role as Sycamore's assistant, similar to Biance in B/W2.

Can't wait for the Coro Coro reveals coming up!
I like pretty much everything about this :p

Being able to get two different starter types is wonderful, although I want to see how they counter this because usually if you pick fire, your rival picks water, so if I pick fire and water, what will my opponent have? Also, having two starter types makes the first gyms easier :p And you need to find less Pokemon for HMs if you pick your starters right.

Megaevolutions are a great idea if you ask me. People always complain about how they don't like new Pokemon and prefer the old school ones, so to finally have old school Pokemon reintroduced in a new way makes me overjoyed. Plus, they look cool (except for Venusuar - not much change there :p )

I really like the idea of Pokemon Bank. I have a collector's heart in me, so being able to store pretty much as many Pokemon as I want is a dream come true. I can finally catch EVERY SINGLE VARIATION and have a place to put them. I can truly be a completionist! And for $5? That's the cost of a meal at McDonald's - totally worth it in my opinion. I don't know why everyone is complaining about it. I am more upset that I will have to buy a new DS to play X & Y.
Mega Evolutions don't look like whole new pokemon because they aren't. They are just "powered-up" forms. I don't think they're counting them as new species in the new dex or anything.
Honestly, I knew from the rumors that the Kanto Starers were going to given to you but to be honest we are getting TOO MUCH starters. Also counting in the Torchic distribution with Speed Booth make 3 starters. It is just a bit much. I probably "box" both Knato starter and Torchic and make a team of Kalos pokemon.
Daelum said:
I like pretty much everything about this :p

Being able to get two different starter types is wonderful, although I want to see how they counter this because usually if you pick fire, your rival picks water, so if I pick fire and water, what will my opponent have?

What I'm thinking is that they'll try to balance it out depending on the Kanto one you pick.

something like:
Fennekin: Pick Squirtle - Serena/Calem has Froakie and Charmander, Shauna has Chespin and Bulbasaur.

I really don't know how this would work with the other starters, but here's the basic outline:
Kalos Starter - Serena/Calem has the advantage on that, Shauna has the disadvantage. Kanto Starter - Serena/Calem has the disadvantage, Shauna has the advantage.

The same formula kind of works even if you pick the same type Starter as the Kanto Starter (Fennekin+Charmander etc).

I love the Kanto Megas.
Venusaur is an example of a Mega done right.
Charizard has a nice appearance; they went for emphasis on the Flying type, considering its more aerodynamic theme
Blastoise is just badass

I like the idea of Pokemon Bank; I think I'm gonna get it; $5 annually is a very fair trade off; it's probably gonna be less than £5 for me considering how dollars and pounds are different. I can easily spare that much (and anyway, its better than me just spending it on sweets)
Frost said:
People are really underrating the potency of Drought in making Mega Charizard usable. Drizzle and Drought singlehandedly brought Ninetales and Politoed to OU in Gen V, guys. It doesn't matter if Mega Charizard has a 4x Rock weakness; unless they severely nerf the weather, it's still an incredible ability that will make Mega Charizard see use.

I noticed something here: Drought is an ability that triggers upon being sent out. As far as is known, Mega-Pokemon are battle-exclusive. Does this mean that transforming into Mega form is treated as 'being sent out' and thus will trigger said Abilities? since otherwise you'd have to switch Charizard out, and then send it back in again, all while in its Mega form.

Food for thought.

BlankPoints said:
Honestly, I knew from the rumors that the Kanto Starers were going to given to you but to be honest we are getting TOO MUCH starters. Also counting in the Torchic distribution with Speed Booth make 3 starters. It is just a bit much. I probably "box" both Knato starter and Torchic and make a team of Kalos pokemon.


It's like a racecar concierge.
BlankPoints said:
Honestly, I knew from the rumors that the Kanto Starers were going to given to you but to be honest we are getting TOO MUCH starters. Also counting in the Torchic distribution with Speed Booth make 3 starters. It is just a bit much. I probably "box" both Knato starter and Torchic and make a team of Kalos pokemon.


It's like a racecar concierge.

my bad :p but I guess I will still get my point across.
Didn't Charizard originally only have one spike on it's head before it was changed to two?

EDIT: Found it. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lu8i370V051r64jmlo1_500.jpg I'd say Charizard it going back to it's roots. =P