Xerneas is quite nice I must say. With 130HP (and possibly Slurpuff), it won't go down for a few turns, so you have plenty of time to power up your Fairy attackers (e.g. Xerneas EX). With Aromatisse, you can just move all the Energy you got from Geo Control to whatever you want. This guy is just 1 step closer to Slurpuff and Aromatisse's plan of world domination.
As for Yveltal, you could just Junk Hunt for a Dark Patch and a Laser for the same effect as it's first attack. Maybe once Sableye and Dark Patch are rotated, this will be a good card. Hey, people said Darkrai was dead when Smeagle was rotated, then again when Energy Switch rotated. Maybe the same pattern will continue. Or maybe Diggersby will replace Sableye... BAHAHAHAHAHAH no. I also like how DEATHWING is this weak little set up attack. lol.