(1) XY TCG Set Name, Fairy Energy in Kalos Decks [9/19]

The Kalos starter decks will be in time for Legendary Treasures?
And they'll have Pink Energy in them?

They'll probably sell like hotcakes, for all the people who want to build Manly.dek.
I don't have to wait until February to have TCG Fairy Pokemon? Fantastic. <3
Still find the color chosen slightly jarring. I was expecting a more...subdued shade of pink, but I suppose it works, given some of the Fairy-type Pokémon we know about.
What do you think will be in the decks?

Here is NOT one possibility. A 1 for 1 translation of the Japanese XY beginning sets x2.

Here are some possibilities.

1. Taken from the XY beginning sets, and some Black and White series cards that haven't been imported over yet. They will have their own expansion symbol.

2. Contains mostly Legendary Treasures cards, as well as a few of the XY beginning set cards. In this situation, the XY beginning set cards will be printed again in the February set. The Kalos starter set in turn then contains cards that have the set symbols from Legendary Treasures and the February XY set, thus making the XY cards "preview cards".

I also wonder if we are getting theme decks for the XY sets? It seems kind of confusing that these could be the replacement theme decks for BW legendary treasures, but these could also be the theme decks for the February XY set, just released a few months early. Whatever it is, I hope every set still has associated theme decks, and hope that there will be theme decks come February 2014.
I still wish they were a lighter Pink and not such a vivid Magenta... (Harder to tell apart from Fire Energy)

I was expecting these decks to be random BW cards and JUST that 1 Starter promo, nothing more, so this comes as a great surprise. ^.^

But, November is like a million years away... Like, October 12th is liek FOREVER from now. I can't imagine how far away November would be... >_<
If this is the same Fairy Energy that will be used from the XY sets onward, then that means we'll have Fairy Energy before Japan?
I know I've seen this before but now that I know that the set is JUST that... ew. The Japanese logo is so much better.

I'm hoping that the cards in the Kalos Decks are like BW style promos and that is why the energy looks like the BW template. However, I'm most likely wrong. (I just really want new templates)
There possibly be fairy types in the XY beginning sets.

I don't think they are changing the templates for the 6th generation. I would like if the templates stayed consistent, and that is what is happening right now.

I don't think we will be getting any cards a whole month before Japan, but it doesn't mean that the fairy cards could be from the XY beginning sets.

Here is what I think will happen. The Kalos starter decks will be consisted of BW Legendary Treasures and the XY February 2014 cards. You may say that because it consists of the February 2014 cards, which is really the Japanese Collection X and Collection Y cards, the Kalos starter set will have cards a month before Japan. That is true, but don't forget that our sets aren't a one for one translation of the Japanese counterpart. That is where the XY beginning sets come in. The XY beginning sets will be part of the XY February 2014 set, which in turn will be previewed in the Kalos starter decks.

Now about percentages. I think the XY kalos starter set decks will either be 10% XY and 90% BW Legendary Treasures, or 20% XY and 80% Legendary Treasures.