What do you think will be in the decks?
Here is NOT one possibility. A 1 for 1 translation of the Japanese XY beginning sets x2.
Here are some possibilities.
1. Taken from the XY beginning sets, and some Black and White series cards that haven't been imported over yet. They will have their own expansion symbol.
2. Contains mostly Legendary Treasures cards, as well as a few of the XY beginning set cards. In this situation, the XY beginning set cards will be printed again in the February set. The Kalos starter set in turn then contains cards that have the set symbols from Legendary Treasures and the February XY set, thus making the XY cards "preview cards".
I also wonder if we are getting theme decks for the XY sets? It seems kind of confusing that these could be the replacement theme decks for BW legendary treasures, but these could also be the theme decks for the February XY set, just released a few months early. Whatever it is, I hope every set still has associated theme decks, and hope that there will be theme decks come February 2014.