(1) XY14 Trevenant and XY15 Slurpuff in 'Furious Fists' Blisters [8/2]

That's probably the best set… I never bought any 3-pack or 2-pack blisters, but these would be SO good, especially for those 2 concrete promos, that I'm thinkink of buying at least 3 of each of them. I really like that elder tree, so do I with Cotton Candy…
We've known about Slurpuff for a while, glad to see the Trevnant that goes before it. Promos are one of the things I specifically collect so it was nice to find out.

Now if only we could find out about the fighting Pangoro that Japan got with their Rising Fist set and the promo Dedenne that they got with their X/Y collection :(

Here's the Dedenne.


And here's Pangoro. Pangoro could actually be decent with all the fighting support we're getting.
Yeah, I knew Japan got them. My point was when (and hopefully they will be released this way) will we get them in English.
Hey WPM, it looks like Bulbanews put up a heavily edited version of your scan and credited another website. Just giving you the heads up. This is why I stopped visiting them. :/ They either shadow you by posting stories right after you do or they'll pull shady things like this to pretend like they get news just as fast.
Thanks for the heads up. I contacted the story writer, Maverick Nate, but he made it clear he has no intention of giving credit where credit is due. I wouldn't doubt he knew it was edited when he posted it, especially when he's worked with that website before and tries to credit them over us whenever possible. But it's okay, people already know what Bulbanews's reputation is like. Thanks again for bringing it to my attention.
Well, that's harsh, It's already sad that a news site has to go that low to steal information, but without the credit it's even worse. :/
Wow! I just refreshed their article and they removed the image, but they still attribute the credit to that other website. In other words they know that the news came from PokéBeach (because they removed the image), but they're still going to credit someone else! Holy hell that's even lower on the slime scale than their initial post: they're just trying to cover it up now so it isn't obvious to the general public! It's not like the promo news is big news in the first place, but this just goes to show you how corrupt their practices are.
I'm also talking to a certain Psychic/Grass webmaster about this and he's fed up with them too. Bleh...
This is how journalism works. Once a story has broke, it's broke. It's out there, and anyone can re-report it.
Flame Claw said:
This is how journalism works. Once a story has broke, it's broke. It's out there, and anyone can re-report it.

Absolutely. No one is saying anything against that.
Flame Claw said:
This is how journalism works. Once a story has broke, it's broke. It's out there, and anyone can re-report it.

No one is saying you can't.

The point here is that Bulbanews has slimy practices and knows exactly what they're doing. I don't think anyone here really cares about the news itself, people are just trying to highlight that Bulbanews is a large website and should show at least a shred of respect toward other fans. Right now they're practices are beyond shady and the worst part of it is that they are covering it up.

A website of their size should be more dignified and credit where news actually comes from. Right now Bulbanews has acknowledged the content was stolen, but they still choose to credit the website that stole it in their article. Not only does this promote very shaky moral values, but it means they are petty. Why choose to credit a source they know stole something over who they know to be the original (PokeBeach)? It's petty and pathetic on Bulbanews's part. I mean, at least give no credit at all. It's still bad, but it's better than choosing to credit another source that stole. What's worse is that they seemed to have known all of this when they first published the story. Their actions now are further proving that.

After this incident, it's impossible for me to see Bulbanews in a good light. There's no gray in this issue, it's very black and white. Anyone who has a sense of logic and morals would come to this same conclusion. I won't be visiting their site anymore, not only because they usually post everything after everyone else, but because it's clear this has been going on for a while. They have no respect for other fans.

This is a throwaway account. I don't want people to know who I am, but let's just say I am very familiar with the Bulbagarden staff.

I appreciate PokeBeach taking a stance in this issue and risking negative attention to do so. It's nice to see another webmaster finally speaking out against Bulbagarden publicly. There are many things people should know about Bulbagarden and its crooked webmaster, so I'll just leave this here as a taste. Let's just say what you're experiencing is only the tip of the iceberg:

Woahhhh, this is crazy! So the guy who runs the website sold it to a giant corporation. And now he gets his pockets filled from everyone else's hard work? What total scum! I'm never editing their wiki again...
Water Pokémon Master said:
Thanks for the heads up. I contacted the story writer, Maverick Nate, but he made it clear he has no intention of giving credit where credit is due. I wouldn't doubt he knew it was edited when he posted it, especially when he's worked with that website before and tries to credit them over us whenever possible. But it's okay, people already know what Bulbanews's reputation is like. Thanks again for bringing it to my attention.

I knew I'd seen that guy's name before.. He's the one who always runs around Virbank and UPCC advertising his card stories like they're the gospel. It's hilarious, no one reads them or knows they exist unless he shoves them in everyone's face. "Oh I have a detail Pokebeach didn't include, you need to read mine!! Oh read my article even though pokebeach posted the same stuff 2 days ago"! Nobody even notices his work unless he's advertising it or stealing. His work is just a pathetic waste of space. And he's probably only linking to that online store because he's getting kickbacks.
I just got an e-mail from an admin at Bulbagarden's forums that I've been giving a warning even though I haven't been on their forums in over a year or two. Hilarious!
Hahaha! They knowingly steal, fail to give proper credit, and give you a warning on a forum you haven't visited in years? That's just... too pathetic. I personally don't have an account on their website, there are much better places to find and discuss news.