RE: UPDATE 10/22 LoveDanielColin trades [W] BW Shiny & JPN [H] SR RAYQUAZA &MORE!
bump i want shiny
bump i want shiny
Hydro Cannon said:Would you be interested in a shiny Hydreigon NxD?![]()
jgreen said:have
chaos gym
like landorus ex
nothing at the moment, looking for listed wants only for Landorus thanksjustintam0731 said:CML for
Landorus EX
LoveDanielColin said:jgreen said:have
chaos gym
like landorus exnothing at the moment, looking for listed wants only for Landorus thanksjustintam0731 said:CML for
Landorus EX
Cooltrainer Alan said:I Have Both of Celebi Neo Revelation I'm pretty sure the holo is NM/M but the other one I'm not too sure about. Would you trade 1 Sigilyph 52 DRX and 2 Emolga 45 DRX for them?
It's pretty good as far as light scratches etc. I guess. I'm not home atm but I wil check tonight when i get off work (waiting to get in). Do you have any Pokemon Catchers? I could do 1 catcher for the Electabuzz ex.
Only interested In Zapdos ex & Articuno ex. What kind of condition? Is it Landorus EX that you're looking for?capt.penguin said:Hello I can do
Fa mew ex
Zap does ex frlg
Articuno ex frlg
Fa entie ex
Ok i can do that so lmk specifics tonight and we can finish thanksCooltrainer Alan said:I could do 2 Blend energy WFML for the electabuzz ex (if you have that, of course.)
i will trade both Japanese holos forBinx345 said:can you please check my thread ?
Binx wants
landorus ex
japanese bw6 charizard
japanese bw6 liepard