RE: LoveDanielColin TradeMe
+JPNDragonBlade Holo
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justintam0731 said:CML for
Raikou EX
AnthonyG said:Hey there,
Could you CML for your Raikou EX?
NarcoticHobo said:Do you happen to have any unlisted japanese SR/UR cards? I have a cresselia EX FA JPN.
AnthonyG said:Hey there,
Would you happen to have any more of my wants? I sort of value the FA Tornadus EX JPN a bit more than the Raikou EX.
Please let me know.
EDIT: I also, not sure if you saw but I have Golem EX from your wants for trade.
Binx345 said:please check my thread
because i want your dragon selection- fraxure and axew
Mayer said:I have Shining Celebi, and I am interested in Keldeo-EX, White Kyurem-EX and Black Kyurem-EX. I would say the Celebi is NM. I can give you a video of it if you like. I have more cool stuff on my list, CML for stuff I can throw in to get all 3 EXs? Thanks!
Mayer said:No, he has a tiny dent. And the Mew is currently on hold, did you see anything else?
Mayer said:They are all messed up. The cards that you mentioned, at least. And I sent you a vid of the Celebi.