You're right, but don't forget that Dialga from this set is similar, the only difference is that Dialga prevents evolution, not energy. So regarding to playability , sure, its not the best card, like Palkia, but it could used in metal decks as stall against said VileplumeSadly, the only one other than pikachu EX thats playable is palkia. With palkia you could technically lysandre up something with no energy on it and the only thing your opponent could use to get it out of the active is switch or escape rope. With vileplume, I think it could be quite interesting.
No one in the anime owns a Quilladin yet, so that's propably why it's not there.It seems as Quilladin is not in this set, or was it simply let out ?
Why Hippopotas? Why Rufflet/Braviary? Does someone in the movie own them or is this a hint as to a main characters new Pokémon?
Also we have Meowth, Inkay and Wobbuffet. Where the heck is Pumpkaboo. Of course we don't have any of Clemont's Pokémon bar Chespin so...
You mean you're going to play a Team Flare deck?I don't care that most, if not all, are unplayable competitively. I'll at least have the most stylish deck!
As expected,no basic Hoopa in the set, and I think the night march deck will be changed because of the changes of the standard set.It's decent, in Night March can net you 2 battle compressor so that's not too bad. Especially for no energy w/ D-Valley in play!
The art work in this set is much better then those sets, I really can't understand why your complaining there. The playability though.....Compared to M Vs. A or Shiny Collection this doesn't seem that exciting Pokemon-wise or art-wise, maybe I was just expecting more
Dude, do you mean just like "Double Crisis" as an extended expansion of Primal Clash set. I think it is an extended expansion of Ancient Origins.Do we have any idea yet which US set this will come attached to?
This is more reminiscent of the Radiant Collection, which was released as part of Legendary Treasures.Dude, do you mean just like "Double Crisis" as an extended expansion of Primal Clash set. I think it is an extended expansion of Ancient Origins.
Also Dedenne is technically also Clemont's, it's just Bonnie who takes care of it![]()
At this point we don't know, but I don't think Legendary Holo Collection will be attached to Ancient Origins like Radiant Collection was in Legendary Treasures. I think it more likely it will be an extended expansion like Dragon's Vault was for Dragon's Exalted or Double Crisis was for Primal Clash.
What makes you think this? Interested in the reasoning.