• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

10% OFF EVERYTHING! [H] NV, Primes, T/S/S, RH Energy!

RE: 10% OFF EVERYTHING!!! [H] 20x {$19.99} MEW PRIMES!!! BlazikenFBX, AbsolGX, 2x RH Twins

$2 shipping.

Your total would be $23.60 shipped. That's with the 10% discount.
RE: 10% OFF EVERYTHING!!! [H] 20x {$19.99} MEW PRIMES!!! 2x RH Twins, old Deckboxes, PR Sleeves, TSS!

Bump for VHDL pain
RE: 10% OFF EVERYTHING!!! [H] 1x Gengar Prime, Old Deckboxes, PR Sleeves, TSS!

Bump! Added Gengar Prime.
RE: 10% OFF EVERYTHING!!! [H] 1x Gengar Prime, Old Deckboxes, PR Sleeves, TSS!

Do you have anything pre D/P?
RE: 10% OFF EVERYTHING!!! [H] 1x Gengar Prime, Old Deckboxes, PR Sleeves, TSS!

A lot of Rares, Holos and RH C/UC. Here's my Original Trade thread:

There you can find what I have from Pre-D/P, a bit down the list. LMK what you like and I'll see if I still have it.

However, if you're looking for PreD/P ex's, Shinings and *s, I'm afraid I only have Lapras ex and Scyther ex for sale.
RE: 10% OFF EVERYTHING!!! [H] 20x {$19.99} MEW PRIMES!!! 50c Holos, 50c RH Rares, 25c NH Rares!!!

How much would they be shipped to toronto, ontario?
RE: 10% OFF EVERYTHING!!! [H] 1x Gengar Prime, Old Deckboxes, PR Sleeves, TSS!

@ Gengar16: "they" being...? Lapras & Scyther ex? $5.5 + $3.5 = $9, so I can do $10 shipped, with 10% discount.

EDIT: But do you have a ref thread?
RE: [H] Cards [W] $$$

I'm interested in:
1x PL Salamence
1x PL Zapdos G
1x DP Mewtwo
1x DP Dialga
1x COL Groudon
1x HGSS Aggron
1x HGSS Sharpedo

All of these would be H or RH :) Can you give me a price?

If I buy these can you put them into the same mail package as our trade? Just might save you a bit? :3 LMK! :)
RE: [H] Cards [W] $$$

Do you have any RH of commons and uncommons from HGSS, UD, UL, TR? ^^ Mostly interested in Gen II Pokémon.

I just saw you had some in your trade thread in an above post. ^^;;
RE: [H] Cards [W] $$$

Hold up guys; didn't even update this thread yet lol.

123wert50 said:
x2 Blissey prime


USD work?

Also want Lapras and Scyther EX.

I only have 1x Blissey Prime right now.

Please offer for Scyther & Lapras ex.


Dark0Garchomp said:
I'm interested in:
1x PL Salamence
1x PL Zapdos G
1x DP Mewtwo
1x DP Dialga
1x COL Groudon
1x HGSS Aggron
1x HGSS Sharpedo

All of these would be H or RH :) Can you give me a price?

If I buy these can you put them into the same mail package as our trade? Just might save you a bit? :3 LMK! :)

Can't be too sure if I still have the DP Mewtwo & PL Salamence, but I'm darn sure I have the rest.

$2 shipped, since I'd be including them in the package I'll be sending you in our trade.


Hyunbin said:
Do you have any RH of commons and uncommons from HGSS, UD, UL, TR? ^^ Mostly interested in Gen II Pokémon.

I just saw you had some in your trade thread in an above post. ^^;;

I have a TON. I'll let you know in the near future by PM when I finally catalog all my Unc/Common RHs. Most of them will be $0.25 each.
RE: [H] $1GarchompCX, $10GengarX, low prices [SPECIAL] : 10c RH Professor Oak's Visit

Bump! Cheap TSS!
RE: [H] $1GarchompCX, $10GengarX, low prices [SPECIAL] : 10c RH Professor Oak's Visit

Bump! Gotta get rid of my RH POVs...
RE: [H] Extremely cheap TSS & LV.X's! B/W Code Cards for 75c each!

I'll buy all 5 of the code cards for 75 cents USD each. PM me to confirm.
RE: [H] Extremely cheap TSS & LV.X's! B/W Code Cards for 75c each!

Bump! Have 17 codes to get rid of!
RE: [H] $0.75 B/W Code Cards! Pre-HGSS Sale!

Hey, I'd be interested in these:

HGSS Copycat RH
HGSS Moo Moo Milk RH x2
UL Golbat RH
UL Larvitar (50) RH
UL Larvitar (51) RH
UL Onix RH
UL Energy Returner x2
UD Drifloon RH
UD Pineco RH (which one?)
UD Houndour RH (which one?)
UD Flower Shop Lady RH
UD Special Dark Energy RH
TR Junk Arm RH
TR Twins RH
COL Tangrowth RH
COL Venonat
COL Lost Remover RH

All of the above are RH, except for the 2 Energy Returner.
How much would this all come out to be? =3

I'm also on the look out for regular UD Dodrio and 2 COL Umbreon if you happen to have any.
RE: [H] $0.75 B/W Code Cards! Pre-HGSS Sale!

HGSS Bill RH - $0.25
HGSS Copycat RH - $0.75
HGSS Moo Moo Milk RH x2 - $0.75 each = $1.50
UL Golbat RH - $0.50
UL Larvitar (50) RH - $0.50
UL Larvitar (51) RH - $0.50
UL Onix RH - $0.50 (non-Body)
UL Energy Returner x2 - Free with Purchase
UD Drifloon RH - $0.50
UD Pineco RH (which one?) - #63 - $0.25
UD Houndour RH (which one?) - #54 - $0.25
UD Flower Shop Lady RH - $1.00
UD Special Dark Energy RH - $1.00
TR Junk Arm RH - $1.50
TR Twins RH - $1.50
COL Venonat - Free with Purchase
COL Lost Remover RH - $1.50
-- $12.00 --

$14 shipped from Canada to US?
RE: [H] $0.75 B/W Code Cards! Pre-HGSS Sale!

I'd like to buy 15 B/W codes. Would you accept cash in the form of a coupon? I have this EA discount coupon (20 American dollars off at the EA store for a purchase of 60 dollars or more, values might be differently in Canadian dollars) I don't need. 15 B/W codes = 11,25 = you get 8,75 for free (you should of course get more than a regular deal considering you can only spend the money in a specific way). I'm the buyer (and the least trusted here by far) so I pay first of course, so if you use the coupon immediately you know for sure you got the money before you send your codes.

Code cards don't have to be shipped (I don't live in North America, but even if I would've), IF you agree with the deal you'll just PM me the codes after you received my code (and confirmed it).
RE: [H] $0.75 B/W Code Cards! Pre-HGSS Sale!

GamerXYZ said:
I'd like to buy 15 B/W codes. Would you accept cash in the form of a coupon? I have this EA discount coupon (20 American dollars off at the EA store for a purchase of 60 dollars or more, values might be differently in Canadian dollars) I don't need. 15 B/W codes = 11,25 = you get 8,75 for free (you should of course get more than a regular deal considering you can only spend the money in a specific way). I'm the buyer (and the least trusted here by far) so I pay first of course, so if you use the coupon immediately you know for sure you got the money before you send your codes.

Code cards don't have to be shipped (I don't live in North America, but even if I would've), IF you agree with the deal you'll just PM me the codes after you received my code (and confirmed it).

Sorry, code cards are being traded away...

Also, I doubt that American coupons will work in another country.