#11: The soul

There's a problem with that microchip though; will somebody with that chip be locked into a everlasting state of 'contentment' even during a disaster or tragedy?

Like, if a family member dies, would they not be moved?
In my Utopian example of what such electrodes can do, one would regret the loss, feel sad about it, but still be optimistic enough to continue life.

But the time when stuff like that will be used on people without a depression doesn't seem too close. We do no exactly know what the effects of such an operation are, so it's rather pointless to start an ethical discussion about it at this point.
Wow spoon man you always come up with the right answers lol, thanks for opening up my eyes to a new world. :D
The soul is what we call all our emotions, actions, feelings, thoughts and everything else in our body. In other words our soul is our conscious mind. it is us. I dont think it can be scientifically proven it exists because if humans were to delve so deep into our selves we would become stuck or so scarred for life that we could not discern an answer to said question. I am being completely serious just so you know.
xanaseviper said:
The soul is what we call all our emotions
Attributed to the frontal lobe, although hormones (and therefore the Hypothalamus) also have a lot to do with this.
xanaseviper said:
The frontal and Parietal lobe both control movement.
xanaseviper said:
Either emotions, see up, or the act of feeling something, which is the purpose of the nerves
xanaseviper said:
I don't know this one, but it is attributed to some part of the brain. Brain scans also show different patterns when one is thinking about something else, so clearly thoughts are part of the brain.
xanaseviper said:
Everything, from our senses to motion, is located in the brain.
xanaseviper said:
I don't think it can be scientifically proven it exists because if humans were to delve so deep into our selves we would become stuck or so scarred for life that we could not discern an answer to said question. I am being completely serious just so you know.
We have looked this deep into ourselves, it's called brain scans. With the use of for example fMRI-scans, we can see what parts of the brain are active at what times, during which actions, and so on.
I don't see how discovering how our brain works can scar anyone for life. Unless you still think the soul is something supernatural, in which case you might want to read my previous post.
skin has the purpose to keep stuff out. Nerve endings are for touch. You might want to change that.

Emotions are NOT made in the brain. Rather the brain makes chemicals that makes us feel a certain way when we experience emotions.

PS We also still don't know why we experience emotions. Not a single psychologist or doctor has found a definitive answer to that. (Unless HS can proof otherwise)
The chemicals are made in the brain (I referred to the Hypothalamus), yes, but if I'm not mistaken, the brain also processes the emotions (happiness, sadness, and even love, give different active areas in the brain). So in a way, it creates the emotions it then later processes (be it in different areas).
I guess I could've been more clear, I should really refrain from posting after just waking up ._.

Why we have them? No idea, they probably have some sort of evolutionary advantage, or they might be a side-effects of our brain.
I suspect that emotions, whilst not really helping the individual much, might help make the group more coherent. If, for example, you feel sadness when someone dies, you might want to protect others from dying as well, therefore increasing the coherency of the group. A stronger group is of course an evolutionary advantage. So that might be the reason, but how exactly emotions work is, as far as I know, still a mystery, but I'm no neuroscientist, so don't take my word for it.
Well isn't everything controlled by the brain? So doesn't that mean it must control hormones and emotions?

So Spoon we evolved emotions in order to survive, say love for offspring? But I guess some are faulty say revenge doesn't have that big advantage, although some would say it isn't an emotion.
I think revenge is more of an instinctive emotion. When another animal steals your food, scratches your eye out, whatever, you take revenge. If you don't, the other animal will keep on doing this, and will therefore gain dominance over your species. But yeah, I don't think it's needed anymore.
Also, the brain, especially in the light of genetics, is very complex, and evolutionary psychology is a pretty recent branch of evolution, so I really can't answer or look up your question. Ask again in 10ish years ;)
Yh, I will =), by then I will know the body inside out :p *says the Wannabe Doctor*

Anyway, so you think evolution will eliminate emotions which are irrelevant to our species?
Way off-topic.

If the emotion's neutral, maybe. It's like curling your tongue, useful? No. Negative? No. Will it stay/disappear? Only time will tell.
If the emotion's negative, it'll probably be lessened by evolution (it's hard to truly get rid of something in the brain through genetics)

But since we're now limited to sexual selection in our western society, we probably won't be evolving much naturally anymore (except for becoming more and more attractive). So yeah, if certain emotions make you less attractive, they will probably disappear in the long run.
As a dude who studies a lot of science, I am somewhat uncomfortable with how our understanding is limited to a third person perspective. Science can tell me how a person behaves when enraged, or in love. It does not tell me what it is like to experience these emotions for myself, which would be a 1st person perspective.

If I were to make an argument for the soul (which I am not, just fueling the discussion here), I would say that it is linked to 1st person perspective, which is beyond the scope of sciences 3rd person view.
How would you describe how the person feels anyway? You can see someone observe the colour blue, but you don't know what that person's colour blue looks like. This doesn't mean that the observation of blue is any less valid.

I could also be completely misunderstanding you.
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
How would you describe how the person feels anyway? You can see someone observe the colour blue, but you don't know what that person's colour blue looks like. This doesn't mean that the observation of blue is any less valid.

I could also be completely misunderstanding you.

This....is exactly why I hate when my mom (or somebody else) says: I know how it feels. How on earth are you supposed to know when you are not me?
Maybe past experiences, or observation may give them an insight to the depths of which you say you have experienced and they have not.
No experience is EVER comparable. With our own opinions and ways to see the world, it's practically impossible to comprehend how it is to experience what the other is experiencing without some form of psychic connection.
Well I am sure, we all cope the same with situations providing we are normal on the inside. To explain this we have two people who have just been told their parents have died. They will most likely feel upset, angry and mainly negative emotions. So there really isn't much difference. People nearly cope the same with someone dyeing that they have known for their whole life. So can't this happen with other things as well. I understand we are all unique but inside we are the same.
kashmaster said:
Well I am sure, we all cope the same with situations providing we are normal on the inside. To explain this we have two people who have just been told their parents have died. They will most likely feel upset, angry and mainly negative emotions. So there really isn't much difference. People nearly cope the same with someone dyeing that they have known for their whole life. So can't this happen with other things as well. I understand we are all unique but inside we are the same.

same title (negative, sad, angry etc..), different experience imho. The labels we give to emotions is to let give someone else some feint idea of how we are feeling and in what kind of state we are in.... for as far as we can make that clear that is.

I also urge you to broaden your horizons before saying that we are all the same on the inside. It's something old that needed to die a long time ago as everyone is different, even on the inside. Because if what you say is true, then I'm one of the exceptions that must be banned from society. *rolls eyes*
Why are you thinking primitive? Everyone is different you know that but we have the same emotions and even by chance you have different ones no need to be banned by society. That is old :p