PokeChamp said:
This is how I see it. If we don't test cosmetics/shampoos/etc. on animals, we will have to test it on humans. This is one of those subjects where people who love animals more than humans will reveal themselves. If we sacrifice an animal, it's not a huge problem. If we sacrifice a human, however, I do think there is quite a problem there. It's really up to what you think is the lesser evil.
Of course, human subjects would be WILLING AND PAID. There's a difference there. I don't think animal consent can be objectively determined, at least not yet.
Since you cannot know for sure whether the animal consents, testing is a violation of liberty, and inhumane if it creates suffering. However, it is MORAL if it will provide tangible benefit to society as a whole. I.e. science purposes are OK; cosmetics are questionable (probably best to check on a case-by-case basis). But of course, if there is a humane alternative (willing human subjects), that is better.
Yes, nature is inhumane. Pain, suffering, and death are normal. But do unto others as you want done unto you (whether or not the others belong to your species).
I draw the line at active intervention in nature to reduce suffering; this I think is wrong.
I like the idea of testing on criminals; give murderers the option to reduce their sentence if they put on some make-up... xD
I must say, industry has an incredible lack of respect for animal life.
I fully support all testing on all stem cells, whether from the umbilical cord, from amniotic fluid, adult sinuses, human embryos, etc. An embryo does not have consciousness.
Once a healthy fetus has developed a brain, it is as wrong to kill it as it is to kill a healthy puppy.
DogMaster40 said:
And with medical tests, although we have to make them sick first, the point is to find a cure to that illness, and if they fail, they should have the decency to put them down.
Decency? How do you know they wouldn't prefer to live in pain than to die?
This line of thought is very disturbing, and euthanasia is for another topic.
I agree to put them down if suffering is excessive, but there is nothing decent about it.