BW/BW2 14 years?! Really!

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Funny enough, pokemon was released February 27th 1996 at 6:00 AM. The exact year, Month, Day, And time I was born. And my sister has the same name as a pokemon which is kind of coincidential...
Juliacoolo said:
Funny enough, pokemon was released February 27th 1996 at 6:00 AM. The exact year, Month, Day, And time I was born. And my sister has the same name as a pokemon which is kind of coincidential...

I must know that Pokemon. I can't think of which it'd be... I mean surely she's not named Lickitung or something ;o

...Curse this strict rule enforement. Ah, yes, whooo 14 years we should throw a party :eek:
Yupp! I was born the same year at Pokemon and I grew up with it. :) I've played from Blue and Yellow, to Gold and Crystal, Sapphire and Emerald and FireRed, Pearl and Platinum and now finally Heartgold. :) 2 games per generation + each remake. Ahhh yup, and I'm still loving it. I was planning on quitting after HGSS came out but then I saw how awesome Black&White is going to be so there's no way I'm gonna be quitting for a while. :)
i was eight when Pokemon started. :-D YAY! been following it ever since and even tho I am 20 now, im still just as excited as i was at 8 (when i got red and blue for the big honkin GB) as I am for Black and White. :-D Go Pokemon!!!! :-D
Good grief. How does three people not realize that this is a dead thread?

'Pudding Love' please do not post in threads that have not seen a reply for at least two weeks. Thank you.
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