(16) Lots of News Catching Up [2/26]

Had it been the Kanto Pokerap, I might have known. But I've only heard the Johto Pokerap once before this, so...

16 stories!? Is that a record?

Edit: A commercial? Wow.

Yay, more free stuff. Too bad I won't be getting mine from TRU this time. :( At least the DP bundle was better. Pen stylus + carrying sleeve thing = very nice.
I never did pay close attention to the Pokerap.... I should seriously start researching more.
Wow, that caught me off guard, I would've never thought of the PokeRap. Nothing beats the original PokeRap, I'm sure this PokeRap, didn't stuff up and 0:39 in the PokeRap, was funny.

Anyway, for the current one I had two choices, I'm pretty sure I went with the wrong one, oh well.
Heh. Judging by the results, I'm guessing most people (myself included) guessed that it was National/Johto dex order.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that of the 3 pokéraps, this is by far the first. Kanto clearly comes in first, but the Hoenn one is pretty awesome too. A few mispronounciations, but this one has some too.
i was thinking that each one had a second type except for feraligatr...but the pokerap...
I actually have that song on the Pokemon X Ten Years of Pokemon OST Soundtrack I purchased off of Amazon. It's like one of my favorite Pokeraps now. :D

As for the new CoL scans, the last cards at the bottom, which are the legendaries, they're 404'd, I can't load them
My family just came over to my apartment to tell me something, so I was delayed in posting the rest of the stories. I'm going to eat dinner now and then I'll spend the rest of the night posting the rest of the stories.
I thought the release date was March 4th....
Anyway, if you already preordered at TRU and are having the game shipped to you, if you show TRU your reciept on the 6th, will they still give you one?
Wow a lot of news. So you can actually battle Giovanni in HG/SS? I thought he did not exist in these games since Blue has taken over the gym in Verdian City. Hmm. Maybe I should try this out. I will have to look at the cards when I get a minute. From a glace they look pretty good though XD.:)
I like the styluses, Toys-R-Us is giving away. I guess I will be buying there.
Regarding the official artwork of gen 5 pokémon, couldn't that guy have extracted the artwork of the various forms too (Deerling & Sawsbuck, Basculin, Unfezant, and Frillish & Jellicent)?