1st place Bentonville BRs.


Aspiring Trainer
I normally never post here, but I decided to toss up my report from Bentonville BRs.

Round 1 vs. Brit Pybas W/ Yanmega/Magnezone
Both of us were pretty upset that we had to play eachother round 1 because that meant whoever lost would have to win out to make top cut. He opens with a lone Jirachi, but y start wasn't much better. He pretty much had game until he judged me into a god hand that let me come back to steal the win.GG man.


Round 2 vs. Paul Sponsler w/ Reshiphlosion
We both had slow starts, but i was able to get set up before him, and sweeped.


Round 3 vs. Mark Oliver w/ Mewbox/Vileplume
He gets T2 Vileplume to my horrid start. I also had one of my Quilavas prized too. He also played a Zoroark in it which also messed me up.


Round 4 vs. Micah Page w/ Reshiphlosion
Before we even set up, he said that I was going to donk his lone Cleffa start. I say the only was for that to happen was to start with a cyndaquil, fire, and 2 plus power. We laugh and get set up. He opens lone cleffa, and I have a cyndaquil, fire, and 2 plus power.... I go first too...


Round 5 vs. Logan Sturgill w/ Mewbox
I go second, but have a pretty good hand. I ended up gettin out 2 Typhlosions before he could get out his Vileplume, and ended up winning the game pretty easily.


I was talkig to Ty after his last round, and we were pumped to both be making top cut when Jessie walked over with the pairings. We then noticed that our other team mate also made top cut which was awesome. All 3 of the Team Legacy made top 4.

Top 4 vs. Ty Smith w/ Yanmega Magnezone

Game 1- I go second, but I had a great hand to back it up. I end up taking an early lead, but start to run low on resources. We end up at 1-1 prizes, and all I had on my field was an active Cyndaquil and a benched Typhlosion. I attached a fire, after burned, dropped a plus power, and used juniper to hit my catcher to bring up his Cleffa for the game.

Game 2
We ended up going to time during this game when we both had only taken 2 prizes each. My cleffa had been in a coma for the past 5 turns, and neither of us could take a prize. Cleffa finally woke up, and I catchered his magnemite to win.


Top 2 vs. Mark Oliver w/ Mewbox
I was really happy to get a rematch with Mark since after our Swiss game.

Game 1- I go second, but he couldn't hit the T2 vileplume. I got out 3 Typhlosion, and pretty much controlled the game.

Game 2- he again whiffed on the T2 vileplume, so I was again able to whip out a fast 3 Typhlosions. I was able to control the game just like game 1.


I finally won a tournament, and got my fancy Pokeball promo. Here is the list I used:

4-2-4 Typhlosion
4 Reshiram
1 Cleffa

4 Collector
4 communication
4 Junk Arm
4 Sages
4 Pont
4 Rare Candy
2 Juniper
2 Catcher
3 Plus Power
1 switch
2 Revive

11 Fire energy
nice job i dont know if i have met you but i live up in mo too but havent realy ben active since nats but are you going to the br at bang in the Mid Rivers mall?