(2) All Names Possibly Revealed, More 'Black' and 'White' English Names Revealed [1/13]

I think Audino is something from "Audi" (Latin for "to hear"; audio, audible, etc.) since "Tabunne have an incredible hearing ability and can use their ears like radars. The feelers on Tabunne's ears act like stethoscopes in that they can feel the beat of the opponent's heart. By listening to other Pokémon's heartbeats, Tabunne can assess their feelings and overall physical condition."
^Also Tabunne means "probably, right?" in Japanese, and Audino sounds like "I dunno", so it's really a cool name.
Cool. Thanks for that tidbit. Tabunne's name means "maybe," which is why the proposed etymology is up there. I'll put that on the list.
Wow, been a while since I've been on the site and bang right when I come back we got big news like this! Love the names. The only on that slightly annoys me is Elektrik, to me it could have been Eelektrik or something more creative, but still all of them are great.
Dude! My fault lol I was reading it on my phone so I couldn't see the other E.....well my heart is now at ease....all the names are awesome!
I understand the Shao in Mienshao is SHAOLIN and foo for KUNG FU, but what's "MIEN-" mean? I know it has to do with stoat/ermine/mink/ferret. I'm just not sure.
I quite like Throh and Sawk, they fit well together and are certainly memorable. Really, if people want to vent their fanboy rage it should be directed towards terrible names like Watchog and Eelektrik.
^Or rather, not vent their fanboy rage at all? Save us some time.

@BrightShadow Mien is an actual english word for manner or disposition.
Why have fanboy rage at all at this point? Honestly people should realize these games aren't made for older crowds, rather children, so all of these "dumb names" are for children to say not for an 18 year old fan to criticize. I mean honestly, we didn't think the name Squirtle was stupid when we were children, and the same goes for names like Eelektrik that kids of today won't mind. At this point we are no longer the fan base, something that is very much hard to come to grips with, but it's something we have to realize. That's the beautiful thing about being a fan of something, you don't criticize because what the franchise comes up with isn't up to par with what you want it to be, rather you should enjoy the fact that it is still going and that you have a chance to be a part of it after more than a decade. So yeah all of this "fanboy rage", save it, no one cares.
Spherical Aura said:
Why have fanboy rage at all at this point? Honestly people should realize these games aren't made for older crowds, rather children, so all of these "dumb names" are for children to say not for an 18 year old fan to criticize. I mean honestly, we didn't think the name Squirtle was stupid when we were children, and the same goes for names like Eelektrik that kids of today won't mind. At this point we are no longer the fan base, something that is very much hard to come to grips with, but it's something we have to realize.

There was a time when being a fan meant being supportive of whatever you are a fan of, through thick and thin.

These days a lot of modern "fans" will drop their support the moment they see something they even remotely dislike. It's sort of like a psychological corrupting effect where a person goes from liking something (say, pokemon), to eventually getting delusional about his fan status and eventually acting as though the object of his support is now obligated to satisfy him no matter what, which is why he rages when he is not satisfied.

It's a stupid trend across many franchises (especially major ones), and tbh I find it sickening that the standards for maturity have sunk to a such a low level.
Yeah it's a sad thing that something like a name can make people hate something they had loved, but that's just the way it is I guess. I for one will never abandon Pokémon for a simple name or creature design, especially when the games they hail from are amazing like B/W.
Personally I'm one of those people that will criticize something to the ends of the earth, even when I know when I actually play it I'm going to love it. Actually, I think that comes from usually working in the realm of fakemon; the creators of the designs and the names actually read the comments and take people's advice, so I feel like if I critique it more, they'll see it and make those little adjustments that make it that much better. It's a pity that Nintendo doesn't do the same, but even if something's not the epitome of perfection at the end of the process, I still certainly have a great deal of respect for it. And I'm pretty sure all the people here that said "pokemon is ruined for me" said the exact same thing about Gen 4, and thoroughly enjoyed it, too.
@Anyone that is hating the names:
This is exactly what happens when you get used to the Japanese names knowing that they'd be changed. That's like calling someone Johnny for a year and then finding out that their name is Chris. It's also like finding a abandoned child on the streets, raising it for a few days, giving it shelter, feeding it, then not having the nerve to take it to a orphan house because you feel so attached to it. Seriously, get over it and get used to it. You have zero say in what Game Freak makes or does because all they want is two things; your money and for you to see their work. If they wanted your opinion on what you wanted in the game, they'd ask. All they're going off is the sales, which is going up. You really can't do anything to change what they do because you're buying the game meaning you're supporting it. If a bunch of fans stopped buying the games for the sole reason of changing the names, that would be one thing; ridiculous. It's just a name, get over it. If you were really a fan you would. Give it a month or two and I'm sure you'll get used to some of them.

As for me, I like all the names. Timburr is just punny (Pun + funny)
My first guess for Monozu was thr romanization - Monose.
But. I. LOVE. DEINO. SO MUCH. Sorry for caps, it was to express happiness.

It's not the fact of its;s meaning DEI- for one in german, its that it's name sounds like Dino and it looks like an emo wittle dino<3
2nd favorite pokemonn.
Could someone post the list here? It could help by showing which Pokemon we are each referring to. The whole list.
AliasBot said:
so I feel like if I critique it more, they'll see it and make those little adjustments that make it that much better. It's a pity that Nintendo doesn't do the same

The way gamefreak designs the pokemon is based on a paradigm that does not necessarily match that of other designers. This is still a kids game, so a lot of things that older people don't find favour with are actually still acceptable

I myself am very critical about designs, as I do art myself. Still I've always found that there's a lot more to design than artistic quality, because if sheer quality were the only factor, I'd say sugimori needs to be replaced by a better artist. There's stuff about his current art style that irks me, like the way he draws very thin necks.