(2) All Names Possibly Revealed, More 'Black' and 'White' English Names Revealed [1/13]

Hmm, I'm taking really everything with a grain of salt. These are becoming vastly impossible to say out loud and some are just plain silly/stupid. The thing that kinda threw me off was the Pignite/Emboar. Those have been floating around everywhere from people wanting those names to people speculating those names...they just seem off to me. Maybe if they were something different and not widely posted around I could believe more of these. For now, I'm just trying to keep hopeful that most of these aren't too dumb.

dmaster out.
Wrong.. because most past names suck? I guess they just seem like they fit cause we're used to them.

Also it looks like Cheren kept his name but Bel is ..Bianca? For the Black/White colour references I'm sure.
A break down of a few names, from discussions with my friends in chat.

Coffin + Egregious
egregious |iˈgrējəs|
1 outstandingly bad; shocking : egregious abuses of copyright.
2 archaic remarkably good.

Galvanize + Tarantula
galvanize |ˈgalvəˌnīz|
verb [ trans. ]
1 shock or excite (someone), typically into taking action : the urgency of his voice galvanized them into action.
2 [often as adj. ] ( galvanized) coat (iron or steel) with a protective layer of zinc : an old galvanized bucket.

Larva + Vesta
larva |ˈlärvə|
noun ( pl. -vae |-vē; -ˌvī|)
the active immature form of an insect, esp. one that differs greatly from the adult and forms the stage between egg and pupa, e.g., a caterpillar or grub. Compare with nymph (sense 2).
• an immature form of other animals that undergo some metamorphosis, e.g., a tadpole.

vesta |ˈvestə|
noun chiefly historical
a short wooden or wax match.
ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: from the name of the goddess Vesta .
Vesta |ˈvestə| Roman Mythology
the goddess of the hearth and household. Her temple in Rome contained no image but a fire that was kept constantly burning and was tended by the Vestal Virgins.

Volcano + Corona
corona 1 |kəˈrōnə|
noun ( pl. -nae |-nē; -nī|)
1 Astronomy the rarefied gaseous envelope of the sun and other stars. The sun's corona is normally visible only during a total solar eclipse when it is seen as an irregularly shaped pearly glow surrounding the darkened disk of the moon.
• (also corona discharge) Physics the glow around a conductor at high potential.
• a small circle of light seen around the sun or moon, due to diffraction by water droplets.
2 Anatomy a crown or crownlike structure.
• Botany the cup-shaped or trumpet-shaped outgrowth at the center of a daffodil or narcissus flower.
3 a circular chandelier in a church.
4 Architecture a part of a cornice having a broad vertical face.
ORIGIN mid 16th cent. (sense 4) : from Latin, ‘wreath, crown.’

Larvesta and Volcarona are amazing plays on words, probably the best of the bunch to be honest. I still don't get why we're using Japan's own bad mis-spelling of Zoroa. I also don't get why they changed Borutorosu. This marks the second time in game generation history that TPCi have changed a Japanese legendary name from the original. The first was Agunomu being changed into Azelf and Emuritto into Mespirit back in DP.

I'm still pretty upset about the bird names:
Pidove makes me think of 3.14(etc)+ Dove, rather than Pigeon + Dove (cute combo, given they're the same family, but Dovely would have been better.) Tranquill is a cute play on words, but the bird can't go from being tranquil to unpleasant, especially since stage 1 is busy growing spurs and looks perpetually grumpy. At least they acknowledged that final stage is a Pheasant. Being more phonetic and using 'fez' was a nice twist, but only applicable when considering the male version.

Ducklett is wrong, to me, since Ducklett is... well it's really a cygnet. At least they kept Swanna.

Rufflet (Ruffle + Eaglet) is adorable, probably the best of the bird-bunch. Braviary (Bravery + Aviary) is hilarious, honestly. Good job, TPCi. I suppose we couldn't have War + Eagle, even though they managed to create Cofagrigus.

Vullaby (Vulture/or/Vulgar + Lullaby) I don't mind. It's a cute play on words, and could be so much worse (to be honest, the PokeBeach romanization of Barujina was pretty shocking for this family) but not great. Mandibuzz (Mandible + Buzz) sounds like a Donkey Kong boss.

Archen and Archeops are probably the best of the bunch, out of the birds (they count!)
What? Where did they say the rival's names?
Also, you are wrong because these names are creative. I'm not comparing them to the past names. Look a bit deeper.
Some of these are great, but "Axew" is terrible, especially given that it's a fairly high-profile addition to the roster. Its evolutions are silly, too, especially ending with the lame "HaX0rz" pun, which doesn't even make sense given that it has nothing to do with tech. Really, TPCi?
Bianca and Cheren!

At least I can get away with calling him "Sharon" now and have people who didn't play the JP release understand the joke xD

Edit: and oh yes, some of them are quite clever! but again, quite a few are just lazy... not going to point out which.
They are not all confirmed, and hoping they aren't official @_@

Also Cubchoo is pretty much the exact translation of Kumasyun, so I'm okay with that. I've been playing a lot of Hamtaro lately and when they direct translate things I am unbelievably happy C:
The official Pokemon site has updated with the IGN names- and considering the IGN names were on the list, I believe these are confirmed.
Except for Emolga, that might have been a typo.
Also, some of the names from the list are far too clever to be fanmade. I mean Elgyem- LGM- little green men.

Cubchoo fits little polar bear,Haxorous is HAX and a good name,Shelmet is good for me too,Pawniard...A mix of PWN and...I dont know,Rufflet is weird and sounds like Ruffles,Pignite is good,Lillipup sounds a little bad a bit like lollipop,Throh is weird,Sawk is cool...

Teh only bad name is Sawsbuck D:
Summer Autumn Winter Spring
Also a sawbuck refers to a tool for cutting wood, referring to the sharp antlers.
Also a buck is a name for a male deer.
Is it bad now?

Also Pawniard comes from the Pawn- a chess piece and Bisharp comes from Bishop, sharp, and bisect.
A lot of fans could have collaborated on this; they (WE) are a sneakier bunch than you might think! We were able to decipher some of the Japanese names, right? And we came up with some pretty good fan names!

Also, not sure about Emolga. Seeing as how all past electric rodents have kept their names, including the makes-no-sense-in-English Pachirisu, I can agree that it's most likely a typo.
Gleafeon@ Sawsbuck is the mot clever name that has ever been givin to a Pokemon!

S = Summer
a = Autumn
w = Winter
s = Spring

Seriously... awesome!!

Also, these names are official now:

Haxorus is a combination/ word play of hack and saurus

Makes sense when you take into account the action of the axe to hack and saurus which we all know means lizard so in a sense it's axe lizard quite fitting actually.