(2) Ash's Pikachu Quiz, DP105: The Old Chateau and Rotom; New Episode Descriptions [11/10]

RE: (2) Ash's Pikachu Quiz, DP105: The Old Chateau and Rotom; New Episode Description

I promise, there are two. One is debatable, but I have plenty of evidence to support it.
Your PM'd theory is wrong (and I use "___ is wrong" rarely). Just because that Pokemon has a long nose doesn't mean it's that animal. If you look into what that Pokemon is based off, you'll discover that as well.
RE: (2) Ash's Pikachu Quiz, DP105: The Old Chateau and Rotom; New Episode Description

halfrican said:
I promise, there are two. One is debatable, but I have plenty of evidence to support it.

All it takes is like 5 minutes of looking in to, and you'll realize there's only one.
RE: (2) Ash's Pikachu Quiz, DP105: The Old Chateau and Rotom; New Episode Description

The only REAL evidence that it isn't is it's pokedex description, which says mouse. Pikachu's also says mouse, but anyone who has heard of a pika probably thinks differently. Also, I'd like to hold that it is possible for a pokemon to have multiple animal bases (i.e. zangoose, or slaking), and that my pm'd theory is not wrong until I see hard evidence. I hold that the pokemon to which I am referring is either a tamandua or and echidna, both of which are vermilingua, or anteaters.
But it's not itself explicitly an anteater. That's not what it does in the Pokemon world. It doesn't eat Trapinch for lunch. :p Other Pokemon are more obviously real-world animals. Just because it vaguely resembles one doesn't make it one.

EDIT: And that Pokemon may vaguely be based off a species that is often associated with being an anteater but is popularly misconceived as one. Like how people think Killer Whales are whales when they are actually dolphins.
RE: (2) Ash's Pikachu Quiz, DP105: The Old Chateau and Rotom; New Episode Description

Does it have to eat trapinch to be an anteater? Would an anteater eat a trapinch? In order for an anteater pokemon to exist, would its shtick have to be eating trapinch? I agree, the pokemon in question isn't a GREAT example of an anteater, but a loose base is a base nonetheless. Personally I don't see much connection between pooch/mightyena and hyenas, but I wouldn't say they weren't an attempt to make a hyena pokemon.
Eh, I'm not convinced, but you clearly anticipated this argument. I think there are plenty of other animals that could have been chosen instead of anteater here, but whatevs. The answer you wanted is winning anyways.

EDIT 1: Dolphins are just toothed whales.
EDIT 2: I hope this debate isn't coming off as unfriendly. I'm enjoying it. I'm actually really curious as to whether or not there is an animal that more accurately describes the pokemon we are discussing than the two I named. If so, could you PM it to me? If I agree, I'll concede immediately.
EDIT 3: Actually, I misspoke. Echidna are not vermilingua... But they do eat ants and the term anteater is often used to describe them. :/
Cyndaquil is more based off the porcupine than anything, as its Japanese name refers to. That's why I'm saying it's not an anteater. :p Other people claim it is based off the echidna, but that animal is not related to the anteater (it is commonly misassociated with it, though). Check Wikipedia if you don't believe me (that's know where I know it from, though). As I said though, the only hard evidence of what Cyndaquil is is from its Japanese name.

And no, I don't think of this as an unfriendly debate. :p
Maybe I should have made the question "Which of the following real-world animals is most closely based on a Pokemon?" Or something like that. :p
There are 2 correct answers - one is obvious, while the other needs research.

I've PM'd you (WPM) my thoughts/"proof." What do you think?
You are correct about echidnas. I misspoke. They are commonly known as the spiny anteater, however. I did not know that about the porcupine however! You learn something every day. :)
looked at InuMimi's sig and thought, that ho-oh looks like a chicken...
A possesed refrigerator attacks them XD
and about the cyndaquil anteater thing, wouldn't the ants be melted by his flames before he ate them?
Cyndaquil, a porcupine ? It looks nothing like a porcupine at all (well the fire kinda looks like spikes), and has an anteater nose and face. I would say it didn't really look all that much like either, but anteater fits more than porcupine. Echidna is the best description based on just appearence. Chicken and moose both have arguable Pokémon too.