(2) BW3 Brings Back EX Pokemon, Six New 'Red Collection' Cards Revealed! [6/23]

I find it quite cool that they are bringing backthe EXs and how they are featuring Pokemon from all Generations. I can't wait to get them.

I beleive that Archeops is broken. Sure, we can't fully see the Ability, but that guess is pretty good.

EX's are going to be awesome, and N seems like a fairly playable card when teamed up with Magnezone Prime.

Interesting, me gusta.
glaceon said:
I think P!P has to make up there mind. In the last year: Primes, Legends, Shinys, and FAs. Now EXs.

The secret rare cards always change when you enter the next "era" of sets. Primes/Legends were the HS-era, and the Shiny Pokemon were originally just Promos. FA's/EX's could be the BW "era", since the FA's were still apart of the main set (EX's as Secret Rares, maybe?). However, if they drop FA's altogether, then yeah, quick change.

N is bad. Just bad. N is completely outclassed by PONT (ironic, huh?).
The HS-era had 4 sets, which is a short era.

I think the new cards will make ZPS good.
Gliscor said:
glaceon said:
I think P!P has to make up there mind. In the last year: Primes, Legends, Shinys, and FAs. Now EXs.

The secret rare cards always change when you enter the next "era" of sets. Primes/Legends were the HS-era, and the Shiny Pokemon were originally just Promos. FA's/EX's could be the BW "era", since the FA's were still apart of the main set (EX's as Secret Rares, maybe?). However, if they drop FA's altogether, then yeah, quick change.

N is bad. Just bad. N is completely outclassed by PONT (ironic, huh?).

Obviously you're missing what is so amazing about N. It is and was a game changer, if your losing then you can play, get a new hand, and disrupt your opponent's hand by reducing it to one random card. PONT had a similar iteration at the time only yielding one less card, and it saw much less play in comparison.
Oh, I misread it. I read it as "Shuffle your hand into your deck and draw cards equal to the amount of prize cards you have remaining." (or something like that). Yeah, if both players are forced to shuffle in it definitely makes the card much better, especially in slower decks.
Thank God we have Catcher.. Or else that Archeops is going to be one big piece of Broken. But yeah Archeops effectively sealed Magnezone Prime's future dominance.

Aerodactyl only had 60 HP and too three energy to attack.. that thing was worthless even if it had the power. Archeops has 130 and the attack reads for 60 so I think it's gonna be playable.

I didn't see that it said that both players shuffle their hand....

Wow, that makes this card even better. It's kinda like a Twins/Black Belt, in the sense that it helps you out if you're losing.

Archeops is future ownage if it's power says that we think it says.
Lol, Reshiram and Zekrom from B&W1 were already pushing the "ex-like" base stats. Now that they are going to be featured as EX cards,(what ever that may truely be in the end) I can only imagine how broken and strong they are.

As far as any new cards revealed nothing really stood out other then Archeops. Great lock based card that will definately curve the meta game in a direction that may or may not be suitable if it has the same text in it's ability as the Areodactyl. But can still obvioulsy be countered. ZPS laughs at this card. Quick cards like stage 1s and Pokecatcher will keep it in line. And weather he has lighting weakness or water, either will hurt the card.
i can't wait, cool to see they realized a lot of players kinda wanted EX to come back, also i might be able to play my old aerodactyl deck again :)
aero+jirachi could be like the aero+mew combo, but hopefully better.
I only saw this now... Holy cow... I guess its obvious there will be Mewtwo EX and Kyurem EX in the main sets...
It was only a matter of time before we got a second higher-than-holo mainstay again (I so don't count Pikachu...) You didn't really expect Holos to be the B/W Prime equivalent forever, did you? ;p The way I see it, Full Arts are a clear parallel to LEGENDs. The only differences being that they're reprints and have no functional changes. Also, they're roughly similar in pull rates IIRC. 'twas only a matter of time before we got something to truely replace Primes. (And I fully expect we'll continue to get Full-Arts.)
Has anybody stopped to think that IF Archeops has the same Ability as Fossil Aerodactyl that MAYBE it has to be active?
Just something to think about. ;D I don't think it will be extremely broken if it is exactly the same as Aerodactyl because we do have some over-powered basics (Reshiram and Zekrom) in the format so it's still possible to hit it hard. I do think it will be played and most likely impact the metagame though. I for one like changes and seeing a new good card, it adds more challenge. =)

N is definitely an interesting card, but I think the most interesting news is the whole EX thing. Sounds so weird, but it also sounds like so much fun lol.
Yes. Yesyesyesyes I loved the ex Pokemon. I really hope they keep similar rulings as they did with the EX sets of the past, because they. Were. Awesome. This will be interesting as they bring back an older portion of the game into a newer format. I really wanna see how this plays out.
Well first I wanna say I just love the artwork for some of these cards like Archeops and Landorus. However, If Archeops keeps Aerodactyl's power then I will not be a happy camper. I mean there's effective ways to counter it but it just seems to hurt Magnezone decks a lot which I was planning on running. I'm starting to think that Feraligatr might be a good option instead of Emboar because of Donphan and maybe Archeops if you get it out first. I really do hope Archeops has to remain active at the very least. If it does, I find it really funny that the Catcher (a card a lot of people dont want) can effectively counter Archeops (another unwanted card)

Also N looks pretty good also in Magnezone, where in the right situation (losing) can severely disrupt your opponent and refresh your hand along with Magnetic Draw.

And lastly, EXs sounds like a pretty cool game mechanic. Full Arts were getting kinda lame since they were just reprints.
Quote: "Though typically a Stage 1 Fossil Pokemon like Archen would be a Stage 2 Pokemon in the TCG due to a basic Fossil Pokemon being part of its evolutionary line (Plume Fossil), the Archen in Red Collection is only a Stage 1 Pokemon."

Posted was Archen but I think you ment Archeops?

I dont see how Archeops could disrupt the game that badly, with so many strong basics like reshiram and zekrom.

IF Archeops does have the same ability as Areodactyl then it would make a great counter to Donphan, Machamp, Tyranitar, Magnizone, Emboar and other decks. Okay that is alot but add in more basics and you could still win.

Gigalith seems like a great card being able to hit the oppents bench for alot of potential damge. and 150 health makes it hard to knock out.

I'm glad they remade rockects admin and I'm VERY happy they are remaking EXs. will you take 2 prizes for knocking one out?