(2) Clearer Game Screenshots of ‘Pokemon Black’ and ‘White’, 'HS - Unleashed' Kingdra, Steelix, and

RE: (1) 'HS - Unleashed' Kingdra, Steelix, and Tyranitar Prime [4/14]

...its not up. I only see the Shiny Eevee thing.

EDIT: Nope, now I see it. However, the images are VERY compressed.
RE: (1) 'HS - Unleashed' Kingdra, Steelix, and Tyranitar Prime [4/14]

Sweet, now if Ursaring gets confirmed I'll be one happy camper. But I am happy about these three and Crobat. Kinda sucks I have to wait longer for Raichu and Scizor, and even longer for Umbreon but whatever I'll be patient.
RE: (1) 'HS - Unleashed' Kingdra, Steelix, and Tyranitar Prime [4/14]

When I first saw Lanturn Prime, I saw Leafeon Lv X's replacement. Add in Rain Dance, and you've got a fast machine. Crobat better come out too, quadruple poison could be devastating, even still hurting Muk with Sludge Cell. T-tar Prime's a brute, with Spinning Tail for 4 fewer darkness energy. Kingdra Prime is going to be the end of Donphan Decks. Expert belt that and no more Donphan, plus OMG CROBAT G EVERY TURN? STACKABLE? CAN BE USED FROM THE BENCH? Kingdra/Feral/Lanturn would be sick provided you got Spiritombs. Steelix is pretty solid - haha, get it?
Ursaring getting Machamp X's power without the backlash, too bad the attacks aren't that great.

Houndoom probably won't show up, but instant burn (from the bench) is nice, combine with Crobat Prime....
Slowking I can live without
Raichu.....gets some KO's quick, but I may like HGSS better because it works faster beginning of game, but the power balances it...I dunno

Kingdra will be the top Prime this set, time to find a splash-able basic Fire pokemon...that doesn't take 2 cards to make.
RE: (1) 'HS - Unleashed' Kingdra, Steelix, and Tyranitar Prime [4/14]

YES YES YES YES YES I was so afraid Kingdra would be cut and I am SO glad it is not, third time my day has been made today, I hope houndoom makes it in as well cause I like Houndoom
RE: (2) Clearer Game Screenshots of ‘Pokemon Black’ and ‘White’, 'HS - Unleashed' Kingdra, Steelix, and Tyranitar Prime

Updated front page with clearer screenshots of Pokemon Black and White!
RE: (2) Clearer Game Screenshots of ‘Pokemon Black’ and ‘White’, 'HS - Unleashed' Kingdra, Steelix, and Tyranitar Prime

This game will be epic!

I still say you'll be able to evolve Nosepass and Magneton in that cave.
RE: (2) Clearer Game Screenshots of ‘Pokemon Black’ and ‘White’, 'HS - Unleashed' Kingdra, Steelix, and Tyranitar Prime

Hmm...with these cities looking like they do, is there any possibility that this new Region might be based on the U.S.? (going along with the far far away-Nurse Joy thing)
RE: (2) Clearer Game Screenshots of ‘Pokemon Black’ and ‘White’, 'HS - Unleashed' Kingdra, Steelix, and Tyranitar Prime

the nurse in the games has never been joy lol.

maybe in yellow version.

but the game looks a lot better in the clearer images including the city :D i also think its based on a major city in japan somewhere i dunno pick one that has big buildings :p
RE: (2) Clearer Game Screenshots of ‘Pokemon Black’ and ‘White’, 'HS - Unleashed' Kingdra, Steelix, and Tyranitar Prime

Wow a lot of news. The set cards look pretty cool and I like the 5th gen game pics as well. I sure Hope I can get a copy of that Eevee on VGC rolls around and is over because I have the Japanese one already.:)
RE: (2) Clearer Game Screenshots of ‘Pokemon Black’ and ‘White’, 'HS - Unleashed' Kingdra, Steelix, and Tyranitar Prime

The screenshots look great, I hope we get to see the starters soon though! (And maybe an eevee evolution) :D
RE: (2) Clearer Game Screenshots of ‘Pokemon Black’ and ‘White’, 'HS - Unleashed' Kingdra, Steelix, and Tyranitar Prime

howelllawson said:
This game will be epic!

I still say you'll be able to evolve Nosepass and Magneton in that cave.

Gotta agree on that one :)

And what is that thing you can ride on in the second pic?
looks like some kind of hovering car :p
RE: (2) Clearer Game Screenshots of ‘Pokemon Black’ and ‘White’, 'HS - Unleashed' Kingdra, Steelix, and Tyranitar Prime


They changed Kingdra to make it have a base damage of 20 if there is a fire pokemon in play :[

I sense Blaziken FB will see alot more play...
RE: (2) Clearer Game Screenshots of ‘Pokemon Black’ and ‘White’, 'HS - Unleashed' Kingdra, Steelix, and Tyranitar Prime

Wait, couldn't Scizor fit in between Kingdra and Steelix? Laturn comes after Kingdra letter wise, and Scizor starts with the same letter, but hasa a C as its second compared to Steelixs t.
RE: (2) Clearer Game Screenshots of ‘Pokemon Black’ and ‘White’, 'HS - Unleashed' Kingdra, Steelix, and Tyranitar Prime

zwelgbelg said:
And what is that thing you can ride on in the second pic?
looks like some kind of hovering car :p

Lol it looks like a cabbage truck, but who knows
RE: (2) Clearer Game Screenshots of ‘Pokemon Black’ and ‘White’, 'HS - Unleashed' Kingdra, Steelix, and Tyranitar Prime

Wtf they called Blow-Off Stream; Spray splash,what a horrible name is that?
Too bad Luxray GL says hi to Kingdra Prime :(
RE: (2) Clearer Game Screenshots of ‘Pokemon Black’ and ‘White’, 'HS - Unleashed' Kingdra, Steelix, and Tyranitar Prime

It is true that lantern fits well in between kingdra and Steelix, but both Raichu and Lantern fit alphabetically.

Man I hope we get the raichu. Getting Kingdra totally throws off everything.
RE: (2) Clearer Game Screenshots of ‘Pokemon Black’ and ‘White’, 'HS - Unleashed' Kingdra, Steelix, and Tyranitar Prime

WPM, Raichu, Lanturn, and Scizor all fit in the slot. It's still more likely it's lanturn, but you might consider changing it to mention that.

On the upside, I am so totally psyched for this. I was afraid they'd have me judge the prerelease, but things changed so I'm a Battle Roads judge instead. ^^ Happiness!

@Ice Espeon: It was always that way. They changed the name to something lamer, but they didn't change the attack.
RE: (2) Clearer Game Screenshots of ‘Pokemon Black’ and ‘White’, 'HS - Unleashed' Kingdra, Steelix, and Tyranitar Prime

Um.. Raichu and Scizor *would* also fit between Kingdra and Steelix. I'm still gunning for Raichu myself ^^
RE: (2) Clearer Game Screenshots of ‘Pokemon Black’ and ‘White’, 'HS - Unleashed' Kingdra, Steelix, and Tyranitar Prime

Oops, don't know how I messed that up. Still, the lineup is probably correct.
Since Crobat is on the set's booster pack, we can assume it is in the set as card #84 before Kingdra. Ursaring from the same set will most likely be included as well (why break up the original HGSS's Pokemon Prime across three sets?), so it is probably card #89 after Tyranitar. TPCi probably doesn't want to hold off on releasing the original Pokemon Prime for too long, so it makes sense for them to include the two in this set now. So that's five out of six Prime accounted for. Raichu, Lanturn, and Scizor all fit between Kingdra and Steelix as card #86, but since Raichu is a recent promo and Scizor's Metal-type is already accounted for by Steelix, it'll probably be Lanturn, especially since it wouldn't make sense to only include one Pokemon Prime from Revived Legends. I'm willing to bet the full lineup will be this: Crobat (#84), Kingdra (#85), Lanturn (#86), Steelix (#87), Tyranitar (#88), and Ursaring (#89). If this turns out to be the case, we'll only be missing the Pokemon Prime Raichu and Slowking promos as well as Houndoom and Scizor from Revived Legends (which were both a "pair" in the original set and are of types that Tyranitar and Steelix already cover for our English set).