(2) Combo Attacks, B/W Card Layout [8/30]

Xous said:
Isn't that the backsprite for Tsutaaja's next stage being featured in the first and last images? Or is that just Tsutaaja? It just seems a little tall to me... Though since they're featuring Pokabu, Tsutaaja, and Mijumaru in the article (including even their Sugimori art in little circles), I'm probably just seeing things. xP

Anyway, combo attacks sound interesting. It'll be nice to see what other kinds of combo attacks are possible.

You know what the funny thing is? Earlier, in the previous (now locked) thread, when the news was first posted, I actually had a look to see if there were any starter evos, and I noticed "Tsutaaja" looking a bit taller too :D. Maybe we're not seeing things after all (but then again, at the time the pictures were very unclear when I zoomed in)!
FireMeowth said:
I do love the card layout - especially the gathering of Weakness, Resistance and Retreat Cost (Spacegoat knows how much I've missed that layout...) - but I'm disappointed to see that the levels are still missing...
...or maybe they're listed at the bottom with the Dex Entry? Let's hope so...

I don't get why the levels were even there in the first place...

Gotta say, the layout looks pretty nice. I'm more interested to see where they stick the Evobox.
Man it would be so cool if you could Mix Ice Beam and Flamethrower!! XD That would be awesome! XD

I love the idea of combo attacks I hope you can do this with lots of attacks I want a psychic dark combo X3
However this news also bums me out as a cordinator combo attacks would have given so much life to contest.
Wich im just thougt do you guys think Dawn and Ash made refrences to this with theyr combos they did over the anime?
YakobTheRed said:
I don't get why the levels were even there in the first place...

Gotta say, the layout looks pretty nice. I'm more interested to see where they stick the Evobox.

That's my question too. I kind of hope they actually place them under the image box ala PCG-era/EX Series to leave the entire box free for enjoyment, but I feel it's going to get cramped up into the top left with the card-teir tab.
These combo attacks sound pretty interesting. I seem to like how they can cause certain effects to occur if you can combine some certain attacks, like Grass Oath, Fire Oath, and Water Oath. Combining grass oath and fire oath causes quite some damage, combining fire oath and water oath boosts secondary effects from your teammates, and combining water oath and grass can lower the opponent's speed. Now these are some certainly interesting effects, and they definitely can make quite an impact in double battles and the soon to come triple battles.

The new BW card layout looks fine I guess. It looks a lot like the DP card layout though. Yet, it does move the Pokemon stage tab up a notch, and the Pokedex entry, weakness, resistance, and retreat cost tab seem laid out differently too. The artwork looks a bit expanded too. That is not really surprising since almost every new card era, the artwork boundary is expanded by a few millimeters. Yet, I am suprised to see that some Pokemon are going to have even higher HP than they usually do. Look at Pokabu and you can see what I mean. Pokabu has 70 HP, even though it looks like it really should have 60 HP. That is a good thing since it looks like Pokemon are going to have higher HP, and maybe we won't see as much 50 HP Pokemon as we used too. Despite these changes, I kind of like the BW card layout. In fact, I can't wait until the first BW set comes out since the set is sure to bring some exciting changes.;)
Oh, cool. Nice new layout for the card. I can't wait for clearer pictures to accurately see the bottom there. I like that they always do change it up though.

Combo attacks? Wow, these. sound. awesome. Really cool effects so far and these are just the Grass+Fire+Water trio so far. If they make more, Double/Triple Battles will be so much cooler in this game for me.

dmaster out.
Combos are kinda cool, but I hope they aren't just little gimmicks that are never used in competitive Play. I also like the new layout for B/W. Simple is good. Also, Pokabu with 70HP=EPIC.
I love the idea of combo attacks! This will really expand battle strategies!

...On a side note, I find it amazing that pokabu has 70 hp. This is really high for an evolving basic. Maybe this hints that the evolved form will be a tank?
Yeah that tsutaja does look different but your right Xous we could be seeing thing what is that front sprite Pokemon on the bottom left?
Yeah what is that in the third screenshot? o_0 It looks like a Chillarmy standing on a Regigigas (obviously that won't be the case, but still)!
There's a lot of focus on teammate synergy this generation. I really don't want Pokemon battles to become TOO complex, but I have to admit that this idea of combo-attacks seems incredibly cool. Can't wait to get more details!
I think this new system may not make the battle complicated. As far as seeing the images, the revealed combos changes the surrounding. it doesn't damage opponents directly.

And strictly translating from japanese, it's not Combo "attack", but combo "skill".
The new combined attacks are siomply incredible,but still there are a lot of things yet to be known,and will add a lot to game play and probably to competitions,and will also add a benefit or reason to look forward to double or triple battles,apparently generation V will be a revolution to the franchise
Fiveoclock said:
I was going to say the same thing. Apparently if we find out how much Tsutaaja's attack does, we can better figure out what it's stats will be like. Pokabu might be a tank, don't know about Mijumaru.

Well Pokabu's are High attack and Hp but low defense. Tsutaja is Sp. Atk and Def but lacking physical. Mijumaru is Attack.
I wonder if the first oath move you select "attacks" or whatever before the combination occurs? If you have to pick them in a certain order, then surely they won't join simultaneously; they'd probably either unleash their individual effects and then combine the moves, or just make it count as one move (if this makes any sense). To clarify my point, the moves would most likely occur in a certain order based on each pokemon's speed, so, if this does happen, what if your opponent(s) attacked before one of your pokemon but after another? I think it was Tarazuma who first mentioned this (correct me if I'm wrong), so would the oaths only combine if they were to attack one after the other (i.e. your opponent doesn't attack)? Again, I feel as though I've confused you all (sorry :() - I'm just not very good at explaining things! :p

Off-topic: When are we going to get this feast of information!? There's only 17 days left until the games are released! (Yeah, yeah "pinch and a punch it's the first of the month" or however you say it! ;))
This generation is turning out to be pretty complex. I like how much teamwork and strategy is being incorporated into battling this time around. I've never done competitive battles, so I've never had to plan out a team where all members flow in conjunction with each other; I just pick some random Pokémon that I happen to like and each one is set up to do it's own thing and never really compliment any other Pokémon on the team. But with things like combo attacks, this time we can actually go on our journey with a team of Pokémon and not just six individual Pokémon.

And with triple battles and the fact that some people use only three or four Pokémon on their team with useless HM/field move slaves occupying the other spots, some people may be battling with their entire team on the screen at one time. That, to me, just seems cool. With all the complexities added in these new games and the fresh start theme they're going for, I really think B&W are being made to appeal more to the old R/B/G/Y fans, with some things thrown in to reel the younger customers in too, of course. And really, there's almost as much money to be gotten from the older crowd as the younger, since if you're my age and still playing Pokémon, chances are you're a nerd that blows a lot of money on video games. :p
lotusoftheleaf said:
And really, there's almost as much money to be gotten from the older crowd as the younger, since if you're my age and still playing Pokémon, chances are you're a nerd that blows a lot of money on video games. :p

I'm gonna be playing pokemon till the day I die (or until Pokemon itself dies), and I'm not/won't be a nerd (at least, not that badly!) :(. And I don't play many video games tbh - I tend to just wait for my birthday and Christmas, and even then I don't want much. Now I feel like a nerd. :(