T togekiss13 Aspiring Trainer Member Oct 16, 2008 #1 would leafeon have 130 hp if i had 2 espeons on my bench
K Krucifier Arr! Avast! Member Oct 16, 2008 #3 Read the body again. It clearly states that you can only have one sunlight veil pokebody active at any one time.
Read the body again. It clearly states that you can only have one sunlight veil pokebody active at any one time.
Noobnerd ~I see a little silhouetto of a man~ Member Oct 16, 2008 #4 This goes into Card Questions and Rulings. *Moved*
S Soul Urusai Urusai Urusai Member Oct 17, 2008 #5 You can't use more than one Sunlight Veil Poke-Body each turn That means you can have 5000 Espeons out, but you can just use 1 Poke-Body...
You can't use more than one Sunlight Veil Poke-Body each turn That means you can have 5000 Espeons out, but you can just use 1 Poke-Body...
R red blastoise PM me, I love to chat. Member Oct 17, 2008 #6 acyually, you can't cuz you can't have more then 4 espeons in youir deck, and also not more then 6 pokemon in play XD anyways, if one body is in effect, the other can't work, cuz it states that
acyually, you can't cuz you can't have more then 4 espeons in youir deck, and also not more then 6 pokemon in play XD anyways, if one body is in effect, the other can't work, cuz it states that
S Soul Urusai Urusai Urusai Member Oct 17, 2008 #7 Yea, but I just want to make it clearly what he want to know ^^