The Mewtwo artwork looks amazing. And the Darkrai is pretty cool. Rayquaza looks meh... But the prices will drop, and people will have what everyone else paid $50 to get
I like Darkrai better than the set Darkrai, Mewtwo is about as good, but Rayquaza is uglier I just hope that the tins don't contain any boosters older than Next Destinies :/ I would Dragon Exalted only..
Garchomp=win. Be buying that one for collection. So is this the better Hydreigon that everybody was talking about? The one with the Poke-Power? Not sure if I'm liking the Mewtwo EX tin, though.
Decks=mindblown.jpg OMG. Buying heap of these if I don't get enough in my boxes, JUST AWESOME (hope they don't turn out like the DE ones though, please be like the Stormfront ones)
These releases have "win" all over them. I'm definitely shelling out about £100 to get a 4-4-2 split on the tins with Mewtwo and Darkrai being the heavier line. I'm definitely going to be buying 2 each of the decks as those rares are amazing. That's another £40. Finally, I'll definitely be getting a booster box which will cost me about £60. Could see myself spending £200 on just set release stuff which is about $300. Super excited!
YESSSS. What more could you want? The 3 most expensive/overhyped/overpriced EXs CONFIRMED as $16 tin promos, and the decks featuring the good versions of Hydreigon and Garchomp. Both decks and all 3 tins will be mine on launch day, if my wallet allows it.
Those tins are the best tins in a while. The art is nice too, bringing in a change from the Zek/Resh EX tins. I'm definitly going to try to get one of each tin, and maybe an extra Rayquaza one (if I decide to build a deck around him). I can't wait for Dragons Exalted even more.