(2) Future Set's Prerelease Sleeves, Zorua and Zoroark Shown on 'Oha Suta' and Official Sites [2/14]

RE: (1) Zorua and Zoroark Shown on 'Oha Suta' [2/14]

Well, it's nice to have high quality images of them for once. And I don't have t look like a idiot when I draw the Zoro family with green eyes. XD
(Edit) The pre-evolution looks so cute~ It's neck looks a bit like Eevee, though...
RE: (1) Zorua and Zoroark Shown on 'Oha Suta' and Official Sites [2/14]

Wow the Z Pokemon sure looks like a Weavile with long red hair XD. Also I like the new Promos that are coming out also. I hope I can get some new cards soon.:)
RE: (1) Zorua and Zoroark Shown on 'Oha Suta' and Official Sites [2/14]

This is the first official version of Zorua that I actually like. Now I'm even more excited about the next games!
RE: (1) Zorua and Zoroark Shown on 'Oha Suta' and Official Sites [2/14]

Hey WPM, you might want to note that the Sugimori art doesn't have blue eyes, like the current story states, but rather teal/aqua which is smack-bang in the middle of the bluegreen spectrum. They def are not straight out blue, however.

Colourswatching to the rescue!

RE: (1) Zorua and Zoroark Shown on 'Oha Suta' and Official Sites [2/14]

Fixed, thanks. Boys are more colorblind than girls. :p
RE: (1) Zorua and Zoroark Shown on 'Oha Suta' and Official Sites [2/14]

Water Pokémon Master said:
Fixed, thanks. Boys are more colorblind than girls. :p

Haha XD It's no prob, the inner artist in me was squealing going NO NO IT'S NOT BLUE NOOoooo.
RE: (1) Zorua and Zoroark Shown on 'Oha Suta' and Official Sites [2/14]

Dang, for u even noticing, picky picky.
Anyhowz I like the new artwork of Zordark. D:
By nature, boys are usually less observant than girls. At pre-releases, someone brings copied pages with pokemon outlines to be colored in. It kills me when they bring something I like, and I can't remember what the pokemon's coloration is.

Anyway, I adore Zorua. Just looking at it's dark, playful cuteness makes me want one.
RE: (1) Zorua and Zoroark Shown on 'Oha Suta' [2/14]

sideswipe375 said:
For Some Reason Zoroark Reminds Me Of Sceptile...
yeah. something about it looks like sceptile. it might be the position zoroark is in.
The bad part is that since they were probably mass produced those sleves will end up being real crappy also like this sets.
Looks like some lucky people wil be getting the sleeves in some packs. This has happened when Wizards of the Coast still existed for Pokemon and they quickly fixed the mistake.:)
The Ken Sugimori artwork is awesome. A lot more detailed than the anime and movie artwork will be. The colors are definitely different, not just the eyes. I guess both palettes work, just would be nice for them to be matched.

PokeKid Brandon said:
The bad part is that since they were probably mass produced those sleves will end up being real crappy also like this sets.

How else do you expect to produce thousands upon thousands of sleeves while keeping costs low? Hand made? Your complaint doesn't even make sense. Rofl.
...Is it just me, or does Sugimori's artwork of Zoroark look 100x better now that we have a version with the proper coloring? Same with the anime version, except not the coloring but the fact that we now have a pic of it standing up.

Looks soooo much better/cooler now... I'm still trying to figure out why, though. ><; Maybe it's the coloring?

EDIT: Also, the anime version appears to have more body in the middle. Actually, definitely has more body in the mid-section. Much more.
Those are some EPIC sleeves. They have a very nice color as well. I don't like Raikou's pose though; I wish we had the original back, but recolored. Everything else is great! :D
The artwork is ok for the anime. The color scheme is a little different from Ken Sugimori's, it's a little lighter shade of grey. Other than that I really want to see this pokemon in the pokemon ranger.