Touch-screen support?

This was one of the things I personally thought they did horribly wrong in DPPt, the touch screen. Being able to battle using the touch screen is a pretty good choice, as it allows fast access to whatever option you need. This was what I missed in the overworld, you had to start using buttons again after battling using the stylus, which was quite a drag (and the battling system was obviously made more for the stylus than it was for just direction-pad and A/B). The bottom screen only had a bunch of silly options, using double pixels, in gray and lighter gray, it served some purposes, but nothing to brag about, and nothing which should take up that much space. I mean, seriously, you could make a step counter out of 5x11 pixels easily...
The touch screen seems to be able to completely replace the buttons in this case (I see an A button in pink anyway), allowing for fast and easy access to any option you might need. This makes a lot of sense, since Pokémon is not a speed and action based game, but it does have quite a few options available. A touch screen allows for more buttons than the standard 6+2 buttons, as well as a clear indications of what they do.
I wasn't expecting much from a remake of my 2 favourite Pokémon games, but it seems like they're doing at least some stuff right. All they need now is overworld sprites for stuff like Venmoth, Ariados, Wigglytuff, Hypno, Mew, other stuff. I realise Wailord would be silly, but most of the regular Pokémon deserve one

Either way, they made overworld sprites for Torterra, so big Pokémon should be possible.