(2) Musketeer Trio from Emerging Powers, All 'Red Collection' Scans and Translations! [7/13]

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I am surprised there are so many FA cards. With the downsizing of packets to 'make it cheaper for kids', I really didn't expect so many. BW, which was two collections, had 4 total. This has 5 in one. So much for 'making it cheaper', I guess BW didn't sell exactly as much as expected, because of the ease of availability, needed more 'collector bait'. I guess it's a very, very, very good thing these are all reprints, to keep prices down. Makes me really hope these new EX cards are the new Primes in rarity. HGSS on is really good price wise if you get on everything when it comes out.

I do wonder how this is going to work out in English. Quite a few have said Red won't come till the Victini movies come, which does make some sense, although Victini did come out when they games did, he isn't a secret. There may simply not be enough different copies of Gen 5 mons until they go back and revise old mons again to spread out the FA cards, unless the introduce EX prior to our HB/PD with the ReshiZek battle decks mixed with Red and/or the Victini decks. I could see the Battle Decks and Red make up three sets, I guess.
i see the playability of N but i dont understand why he deserves a full art. is he like the giovanni of B&W? i havent played the games
I like the new cards that are coming out for the next set. Meaning the 3 holo cards. The Red Collection set looks like a pretty cool set and I hope we are getting these cards as a whole set also.:)
Wow, I actually predicted it. Meowth actually was the Secret Rare. :O

Anyways, the set looks great. Plenty of FA's to go around, even with N as one! Didn't see that coming. I hope, since the FA's are of very playable cards, that they don't go up too much in price.

I've got a couple of funny (but secret ;D ) great deck ideas with this set!
Decmaster said:
Wow, I actually predicted it. Meowth actually was the Secret Rare. :O
I predicted it foist, brat.

:p :p :p
Nah, he just makes very good educated guesses.
I, on the other hand, really am psychic. *shot*
that was an easy prediction to make xD. NOW THIS is going out on a limb. the next SR in hail storm and psycho what ever will be....DUNSPARCE *crosses fingers*

hmmm that N full art looks awesome and i like the effect. "oh you haz 2 prizes left? well im playing mewgar n00b GO N" :p
Those are some pretty wild predictions. But I'll tell you guys what, if it's Jigglypuff or Clefairy I'll owe WPM a soda. If it's Dunsparce I'll owe catutie a soda.
They have full print supporters now too? That's pretty sick. And Red Collection overall is a great set. A lot of options await.
Every image on your page that is a "click to enlarge" image is broken, but when I click them, they enlarge and look fine.

Is thins just my computer or are others getting this too?

EDIT: I wants those full art Musketeers so badly... they're so epic! When are they coming to the US?
Cris said:
Those are some pretty wild predictions. But I'll tell you guys what, if it's Jigglypuff or Clefairy I'll owe WPM a soda. If it's Dunsparce I'll owe catutie a soda.

;D you better go buy one cause i have a good feeling :p...hmm i could see one of the event only legendaries like celebi or something. but since they are going for classic BS style....mew was in the first movie ;D
Thanks to the numbers on the revealed Musketeers, it's really, REALLY likely that in EP we'll be getting Haxorus at least, and probably Hydreigon.

Cobalion is #77. Braviary is #88. Compiling all the promos, strength decks, and BW leftovers, we get:

Lillipup (Strength Deck)
Audino (BW)
Minccino (BW)
Minccino (Promo)
Druddigon (Promo)
Rufflet (BW)
Rufflet (Strength Deck)

Which would only make Braviary 85. So we're missing three in a gap with exclusively Normal-types.. HMM, what normal-type three-line do we have to fill in the gap? Haxorus.

Then, for the other, Terrakion is 63. Cobalion is 77. Between them I have:
Zorua (Strength Deck)
Zorua (Promo)
Zoroark (Strength Deck)
Zoroark (Promo)
Ferroseed (BW)
Ferroseed (Strength Deck)
Ferrothorn (BW)
Klink (Strength Deck)
Klang (Strength Deck)

....Meaning we're once again missing 3. Granted, there are other choices here (Pulling in Pawniard, Bisharp, and Durant, for example), but Hydreigon would fill that gap, too.
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