(2) New Evolutions, XY Anime [9/19]

Frezgle said:
Aurorus has Iguanodon thumbs. Hnnggh. That doesn't even make sense but I still love it. Much MUCH better than its pre-evo.
I like how Tyrantrum kept its spiky ruff around its neck; it reminds me of feathers. I love me some feathered dinos.
I wonder how big these guys are. I'm hoping super huge, at least by Pokemon standards o.o It's hard to tell from the screenshots because it still seems to be uncertain if scale will be represented accurately.

I'm hoping Tyrantrum is 8 feet or more and Auroras is 10 feet (long) or more.
Freeze Dry has me so excited. Hopefully there's a bunch of new moves that break from the standard type chart like that.
Bashamo said:
Frezgle said:
I wonder how big these guys are. I'm hoping super huge, at least by Pokemon standards o.o It's hard to tell from the screenshots because it still seems to be uncertain if scale will be represented accurately.

I'm hoping Tyrantrum is 8 feet or more and Auroras is 10 feet (long) or more.

Aurorus is 8′10″ / 2.7 m.
Oh gosh I love both of these new pokemon, they are both much better than anything I imagined. Tyrantrum definitely has a spot on my team. Hoping we don't have to get too far into the game before we can revive them.

Freeze dry sounds like a cool move. I think it is a damage move with the possibility to freeze, thats what it sounds like anyway. Love that it is super effective against water, that is an interesting twist.

Cool that you get exp from catching pokemon. Makes battling legendaries even more beneficial. I wonder if you get the same amount of exp catching a pokemon as you would defeating it?

Not sure why Kalos pokemon wouldn't get megas... Seems strange that they wouldn't. Hopefully they have an explanation for this.
The anime trailer got me really excited! So Serena met Ash before? Is she from Kanto originally? I think this means she will be Ash's travel companion (and most likely the Gym Leader and his little sister too). I would be happy with that; they all seem like interesting characters!

I also believe Froakie will join Ash on his journey. From the trailer alone they already seem to have quite a bond with each other. :D I wonder whether he gets all starters again; I do hope so!

I have been thinking about Freeze Dry. What if it's a regular Ice Type move, but the coldness of the attack freezes the water inside Water-type Pokémon. Basically, it means that it is a normal damaging Ice-type move with the exception that it has a freezing effect on Water-type Pokémon.
Gyah look at that scene at :43 in the video. Ash looks so much older! Please let this be true and not just part of the new design. Even if it is just design... this is definitely one of his better ones in my opinion (Sinnoh.... bleh.)

I could see him getting Froakie, definitely. At first I thought it would be Chespin, but Froakie does seem pretty fitting.

I really don't see any difference from this Nurse Joy to the Unova one, but I'm okay with that. I really like this Officer Jenny though, much, much MUCH better than Unova Jenny....

I hope Team Rocket will be more like how they were in the Unova series, they actually had something going for them. The bumbling buffoons act got tiring after 659 episodes.

Overall the anime trailer looks... pretty good. I'm excited to see what the XY anime will have in store for us. I already like his traveling companions so far, which is something I don't think I've ever said for any past gens... Bonnie just looks adorable and I think her motive of finding a wife for her (what, 10 year old brother?) is funny and would serve for some great awkward comedy. Kind of like a reverse Brock scenario. Serena's flashback of Ash looked EXTREMELY wistful... could she have some sort of crush on him? I usually hate it when they pair Ash with any of his new female companions, it just feels like they keep trying to fill the role of Misty (which I know they really are) but maybe if they play it out right I could get used to this... especially since they were apparently childhood friends, that always makes for good romance. Overall, I am optimistic about this new anime and I'm hoping for a change for the better from the previous ones.

Also, the clips of the starters were absolutely adorable. :p
Drohn said:
The anime trailer got me really excited! So Serena met Ash before? Is she from Kanto originally? I think this means she will be Ash's travel companion (and most likely the Gym Leader and his little sister too). I would be happy with that; they all seem like interesting characters!

I also believe Froakie will join Ash on his journey. From the trailer alone they already seem to have quite a bond with each other. :D I wonder whether he gets all starters again; I do hope so!

Yeah, they confirmed in the last Pokémon Smash episode that Serena, Clemont and Bonnie will be Ash's travel companions. ^^'
Zielo said:
Gyah look at that seen at :43 in the video. Ash looks so much older! Please let this be true and not just part of the new design. Even if it is just design... this is definitely one of his better ones in my opinion (Sinnoh.... bleh.)

I have a feeling that Serena will start her journey as a trainer at the begining (and probably pick Fennekin) which would mean that she recently became 10 and was slightly younger than Ash. Aka Ash finally aged indeed?
"X and Y will include all Pokemon from all previous games, offering the largest selection of Pokemon in any of the series' titles."
-from the Polygon article

All pokemon? Do you think they mean all pokemon are available to catch in this game?
That would be a lot of pokemon...
Scene* agh dat spelling.

Baktwerel said:
I have a feeling that Serena will start her journey as a trainer at the begining (and probably pick Fennekin) which would mean that she recently became 10 and was slightly younger than Ash. Aka Ash finally aged indeed?

Thats possible... if thats true then I wonder how far apart they are, it can't be by that much. Also, theres something about Clemont that just gives off a younger kid vibe. He looks like he would be 8 or 9 but I know that can't be possible because of the whole "10 year old minimum for Pokemon Trainers" rule. It could be that he just looks young compared to Ash...? (I hope)
One thing though. Team Rocket hasn't changed one bit, which kinda goes against a timeskip... but at the same time it's not like it's unheard of when characters go unchanged in a timeskip for some anime.
Zielo said:
Scene* agh dat spelling.

Baktwerel said:
I have a feeling that Serena will start her journey as a trainer at the begining (and probably pick Fennekin) which would mean that she recently became 10 and was slightly younger than Ash. Aka Ash finally aged indeed?

Thats possible... if thats true then I wonder how far apart they are, it can't be by that much. Also, theres something about Clemont that just gives off a younger kid vibe. He looks like he would be 8 or 9 but I know that can't be possible because of the whole "10 year old minimum for Pokemon Trainers" rule. It could be that he just looks young compared to Ash...? (I hope)
One thing though. Team Rocket hasn't changed one bit, which kinda goes against a timeskip... but at the same time it's not like it's unheard of when characters go unchanged in a timeskip for some anime.

Team Rocket not changing much/at all would be kinda normal, no? I mean they are young adults/adults (right?) and a few years would be less visible on them as compared on kids growing up.

Clemont does look somewhat younger so I wonder about his age. Would be funny if he turned out to be a teen/young adult several years older than Ash and just looks young. And I do wonder if Serena is actually of Kanto origin or maybe she was there as a tourist in the past.
On the IGN article where Tyrantrum was revealed, the reviewer was talking about playing the first hour of the game. He said:

"I headed to town, met a group of friends/rivals, picked my starter Pokémon, took a letter from Professor Sequoia back to my mom, and I was running off with a satchelful of potions and Pokeballs"

It would seem that there is another professor, but he could have just misnamed Sycamore...but still there may be another in accordance with the rumors...

My word, those new fossil Pokemon are silly beyond silly. It's quickly turning Gen 6 into the generation you shouldn't take seriously. And it's doing a fine job of that; I seem to be laughing at least once with every new reveal they've made.
98Greener said:
Tyrantrum looks like it'll eat you if you look at it funny, and Aurorus looks like a butterfly with a very large body. Ice Dry is super effective against water types? Awesome.

The X/Y anime definitely looks worth watching. It's May and Max all over again, except with a gym leader. I look forward to it.

(( Well if you think about it.. Refrigerate references to a refrigerator, which I believe has its cooling system powered by ELECTRICITY (hint hint Electric typing), so maybe that Pokebeach site leaker was right about dual type moves

Then.. Freeze Dry.. > Freezer

But you see where this is going, haha..

My point is; I think it'll happen in one of two ways

Either it'll hit depending on the target's type (E.G. Electric only hitting types it's super-effective against, and Ice hitting everything else)

Or, it could be affected by certain elements, like weather, abilities, moves.. and so on!

Still, dual-typing in moves gives GameFreak a HUGE area to explore, if you think about it.. and besides that, I personally am still getting used to Aurorus...

On the other hand, Clemont and Bonnie are a nice touch.. but Ash knowing Selena?? Seriously anime scripters?! She wasn't even MENTIONED in the Indigo League series.. D: Like come on, hopefully they'll have a decent explanation for that in the dub and all... ))
Calling it now: Gen VI Mega Pokemon will be introduced in Pokemon Z/ XY sequels.

Loving Auroros. Hoping we get Sugimori art of both new pokemon soon.
Apparently it was to much to ask for at least one of the T-Rex Pokemon to be named T-Roc! Thankfully I can just nickname it! I was also hoping the T-Rex wouldn't get a chunky evo, but I still love it!
Genius715 said:
On the IGN article where Tyrantrum was revealed, the reviewer was talking about playing the first hour of the game. He said:

"I headed to town, met a group of friends/rivals, picked my starter Pokémon, took a letter from Professor Sequoia back to my mom, and I was running off with a satchelful of potions and Pokeballs"

It would seem that there is another professor, but he could have just misnamed Sycamore...but still there may be another in accordance with the rumors...
It's possible that was just a joke, the person who wrote the article is a pokemon fan who has been playing since the first gen, so they were probably just naming a random tree.
Love the fossils on this gen! Easily some of the best. The only thing that bothers me is Tyrantrum's "beard"? thingy. Remove that and get pure awesomeness.

The new anime looks WAY better than best wishes. C'mon anything beats Cilan (sorry bro). And the trailer seems to subtly hint at Mega Garchomp it would seem...
Tyrantum looks so badass and cool! But I love the Aurorus... Especially it's Ability, how "cool" is that? Turning Normal moves into an Ice STAB... Very unique and may allow for some interesting things. Not to mention being able to hit another Element for weakness, which kind-of/sort-of makes up for it being Ice (which people consider weak..)

All in all, I'll probably go with the Land Before Time throwback with a "cool" Ability.. :p

(DAT PUN! Totally intentional. :3)
Razmos said:
Genius715 said:
On the IGN article where Tyrantrum was revealed, the reviewer was talking about playing the first hour of the game. He said:

"I headed to town, met a group of friends/rivals, picked my starter Pokémon, took a letter from Professor Sequoia back to my mom, and I was running off with a satchelful of potions and Pokeballs"

It would seem that there is another professor, but he could have just misnamed Sycamore...but still there may be another in accordance with the rumors...
It's possible that was just a joke, the person who wrote the article is a pokemon fan who has been playing since the first gen, so they were probably just naming a random tree.

Well you never know, what if this Professor Sequoia is the "Professor Patrice" that WPM's rumors mentioned?