(2) New Set of X/Y Rumors, Xerneas/Yveltal Half Decks [9/23]

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poliwag0 said:
I think this is fake because it says espurr has white fur only and then blue fur with a hint of white, it says you can get another porcupine early even though chespin is a starter, and also it says the opening only has yveltal in it and then says it has yveltal and xerneaus.
I'm assuming the leaker was playing pokemon y. The 3d rotation part is in reference to the title screen, I'm guessing. IIRC no intro video has ever featured both cover legends. Chespin is maybe based on a hedgehog, but it's design doesn't scream hedgehog or anything. I think there's still plenty of design space for a completely different looking porcupine pokemon. Porcupines and hedgehogs don't really look that similar anyways.
poliwag0 said:
another porcupine

i'd bet purple/white one is a hedgehog or echidna

actually chespin looks alot for hedgehog to me than porcupine so whatever
poliwag0 said:
I think this is fake because it says espurr has white fur only and then blue fur with a hint of white, it says you can get another porcupine early even though chespin is a starter, and also it says the opening only has yveltal in it and then says it has yveltal and xerneaus.

Espurr: it says that the patch of fur under it's head is blue with hints of white...

Porcupine: Meh, not really enough "evidence" to discount this from being real

Yveltal: The opening cinematic could be just for Pokemon Y... There's likely a different one for X... No where in the trailer description is Xerneus even mentioned, which makes sense since this is like Pokemon Y being played by the leaker.
Rob234111 said:
Espurr: it says that the patch of fur under it's head is blue with hints of white...

Porcupine: Meh, not really enough "evidence" to discount this from being real

Yveltal: The opening cinematic could be just for Pokemon Y... There's likely a different one for X... No where in the trailer description is Xerneus even mentioned, which makes sense since this is like Pokemon Y being played by the leaker.

Oops I read the Espurr one wrong. For the porcupine it's very unlikely because it hasn't happened before. For the Yveltal/Xerneaus one it says "On the title screen you can use the analog joystick on your 3DS to change the angle at which you see Xerneas/Yveltal." but the leaker wouldn't know about the X opening if he only played Y.
poliwag0 said:
Rob234111 said:
Espurr: it says that the patch of fur under it's head is blue with hints of white...

Porcupine: Meh, not really enough "evidence" to discount this from being real

Yveltal: The opening cinematic could be just for Pokemon Y... There's likely a different one for X... No where in the trailer description is Xerneus even mentioned, which makes sense since this is like Pokemon Y being played by the leaker.

Oops I read the Espurr one wrong. For the porcupine it's very unlikely because it hasn't happened before. For the Yveltal/Xerneaus one it says "On the title screen you can use the analog joystick on your 3DS to change the angle at which you see Xerneas/Yveltal." but the leaker wouldn't know about the X opening if he only played Y.

Maybe WPM assumed that since you can do it with Yveltal in Y version, you can do it with Xerneus is X version... Makes perfect sense. The / means Yveltal OR Xerneus, depending on what version you have.
Man.. please ask about pokemon-amie.... Will it effect local and wifi battles, yes or no?
this is all I wanna know. i will not buy it if it will effect it.
poliwag0 said:
I think this is fake because it says espurr has white fur only and then blue fur with a hint of white, it says you can get another porcupine early even though chespin is a starter, and also it says the opening only has yveltal in it and then says it has yveltal and xerneaus.

1. How does that make it fake?

2. Yeah, because monferno and aipom don't exist in the same region...

3. He probably has Y version and that's the opening to y
poliwag0 said:
Rob234111 said:
Espurr: it says that the patch of fur under it's head is blue with hints of white...

Porcupine: Meh, not really enough "evidence" to discount this from being real

Yveltal: The opening cinematic could be just for Pokemon Y... There's likely a different one for X... No where in the trailer description is Xerneus even mentioned, which makes sense since this is like Pokemon Y being played by the leaker.

Oops I read the Espurr one wrong. For the porcupine it's very unlikely because it hasn't happened before. For the Yveltal/Xerneaus one it says "On the title screen you can use the analog joystick on your 3DS to change the angle at which you see Xerneas/Yveltal." but the leaker wouldn't know about the X opening if he only played Y.
The leaker was probably assuming what the X title screen would be like. I mean, if you can rotate yveltal, it stands to reason that you can do the same with xerneas in pokemon X. Also, just because something hasn't happened before does not indicate that it cannot happen, or is unlikely to happen. There is a nasty logical fallacy called the appeal to tradition fallacy that deals with that sort of logic. We've also never had an early bird pokemon be anything but normal/flying after evolution, but now we have talonflame. We've never had an eeveelution revealed on it's own before, but now we have sylveon. We have never had a non-reptilian grass starter before, but now we have chespin. GF loves to pretend they are making patterns, and then shake them up suddenly.
Daikuza said:
Man.. please ask about pokemon-amie.... Will it effect local and wifi battles, yes or no?
this is all I wanna know. i will not buy it if it will effect it.

I'm sorry but that's a little dramatic all you have to do is play the game it isn't that much work.
zappy800 said:
Breloom loses poison....


I'm choosing to believe the majority, if not all, of these rumors. Sounds plausible enough, and if that's really the spider's name then GLORIOUS.
I don't know, maybe some of these pokemon will be revealed on 25th, you know; but I just want to see the starters's final evolution... Then, I'll turn off my pc and do other thing until x and y release... I like the idea of find a new pokemon in the tall grass :D
I'm assuming since he didn't mention Helioptile's evolution's type, it stays electric/normal.

They sound legit, but we'll just have to wait and see.
CMP said:
zappy800 said:
Breloom loses poison....


I'm choosing to believe the majority, if not all, of these rumors. Sounds plausible enough, and if that's really the spider's name then GLORIOUS.

Oops thought it was poison well I failed. But what about trapinch.
I'm sorry but that's a little dramatic all you have to do is play the game it isn't that much work.
I'm a competitive player, the only thing that interests me is battling and I will not play it with more and more random luck -period.
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